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Little things that irk you 2

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    4 for 3 on asahi, sapporo, singha etc at tesco at the ,moment. Anyone remember when sapporo had the funky ring pull, where the whole lid of the can came off?


      Originally posted by FSW View Post
      Went to play BF3 (on PC). 6 Gig update. SIX GIGABYTES. Origin now believes Burnout and DAO aren't installed too. Also, clicking the install button for both those games does nothing.

      I challenge everyone one here to give me a better example of utter incompetence in the game industry than EA.
      six gigs ? ? thats not a update thats a whole game

      feel really sorry for gamers who have a cap plan with there broadband
      Last edited by eastyy; 29-05-2013, 09:17.


        Inorite! I can't believe EA have been allowed to get away with the shambles that is Origin. That system is so broken it's beyond a joke.


          Originally posted by FSW View Post
          Inorite! I can't believe EA have been allowed to get away with the shambles that is Origin. That system is so broken it's beyond a joke.
          Why use established systems like steam when you can build a broken one yourself that ends up costing twice as much?


            My hatred of it is so bad that I want to get the EA bigwigs gathered round my PC and say to them "Witness the **** that you have created". Show them and then google all the problems I'm having and let them see how widespread it is. The Giant Bomb crew will be there along with RPS and Kotaku maybe and they'll all report on it and then the BBC will pick up on it and then Obama will see it and cancel whatever trip he's on, fly straight to EA and demand to know what the hell is this crap!?


              Originally posted by FSW View Post
              My hatred of it is so bad that I want to get the EA bigwigs gathered round my PC and say to them "Witness the **** that you have created". Show them and then google all the problems I'm having and let them see how widespread it is. The Giant Bomb crew will be there along with RPS and Kotaku maybe and they'll all report on it and then the BBC will pick up on it and then Obama will see it and cancel whatever trip he's on, fly straight to EA and demand to know what the hell is this crap!?
              Or, get anonymous to bring the thing down on a daily basis until they switch to a decent selling platform, so people can actually play the games they buy.


                Lol. But how would anonymous bring Origin down? how would you even know it was down? it barely works when it's up! haha!


                  Origin isn't just terrible, it's utterly pointless. They've tried to reinvent the wheel (Steam) and can't understand why nobody wants to drive a car with cabbage for wheels.

                  Today I had a meeting that lasted many, many hours on a subject which I've been backing for a long time and put a lot of effort in making sure it happens. I left feeling like I've bet on the wrong horse, and it feels like ****.


                    Originally posted by FSW View Post
                    Lol. But how would anonymous bring Origin down? how would you even know it was down? it barely works when it's up! haha!
                    Haha very good point, who needs to bring it down form the outside when its already rotting within.


                      Originally posted by FSW View Post
                      My hatred of it is so bad that I want to get the EA bigwigs gathered round my PC and say to them "Witness the **** that you have created". Show them and then google all the problems I'm having and let them see how widespread it is. The Giant Bomb crew will be there along with RPS and Kotaku maybe and they'll all report on it and then the BBC will pick up on it and then Obama will see it and cancel whatever trip he's on, fly straight to EA and demand to know what the hell is this crap!?
                      Is basically what you just said.


                        Originally posted by ETC View Post
                        More of a Kirin guy myself if I have to drunk the larg-er the uk Asahi is like moose piss
                        Draught Kirin Heartland is an absolutely fantastic drink!!

                        Kirin Heartland

                        Scott, when you go to Japan, go here as they have it on tap and it is a really friendly standing bar:


                        My irk for today is that bloody ASDA steaks advert. In fact all of ASDA's adverts wind me up. They also currently believe that they invented internet grocery shopping if you believe their other new advert.


                          Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                          Origin isn't just terrible, it's utterly pointless. They've tried to reinvent the wheel (Steam) and can't understand why nobody wants to drive a car with cabbage for wheels.
                          Made me lol.

                          We need a poll.


                          Which is the biggest disaster?


                            Originally posted by FSW View Post
                            Yep. I'm 6' and 13 stone and had to buy an XL Superdry hoodie. Normally a medium is fine.
                            Superdry is not a good place to go if you are at all paranoid about your weight. Buying a XXL Shirt was pretty miserable. I'd be a medium or Large anywhere else!

                            On the Flipside, I went to Jacamo afterwards and the small size could of fit 3 of me in it!


                              Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                              On the Flipside, I went to Jacamo afterwards and the small size could of fit 3 of me in it!
                              Is Jacamo the English equivalent to the Big and Tall Man shop though?


                                I went to Jacamo when I was looking for a new tent for this summer.

