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Little things that irk you 2

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    My guaranteed money-back* method is to rotate the slice 90 degrees along its axis so the slices are perpendicular to the ground. Biting on it this way stops the wafers from squishing together and pressing the custard outwards. Give it a go!

    * not guaranteed


      LCDs with poor colour gamut. How am I supposed to colour-correct an image when reds ****f from deep magentas to yellow-tinted when few pixels away from the centre of the screen?


        Originally posted by ETC
        Makes mental note to stand on the left next time I'm in London (just to take the piss )

        Thankfully Londoners love nothing more than teaching a day tripper a swift lesson in rush hour etiquette


          Originally posted by wakka View Post

          Thankfully Londoners love nothing more than teaching a day tripper a swift lesson in rush hour etiquette
          the last one that tried nearly ended up on his arse

          nothing like a gruff Geordie growl to upset 99% of them (although I'm a pussycast really)


            Originally posted by hoolak View Post
            Custard Slices.

            Being bought one whilst wearing clothing you must keep clean for rest of day. The way they are to thin wafers of delicious pastry with what seems like a child's shoe box worth of awesome custard. The last thing I want to be doing before eating this, is to be thinking tactics of how to take it down.

            So trying not to come across like I play with my food, I bite into it the traditional way. Custard ooze overload and even worse loss of custard!

            Who thought the build of this cake was a good idea?
            Rotate it sideways, then bite. You don't get your teeth pushing both layers of pastry together & forcing it everywhere then Although you do risk getting a thing layer of pastry stuck between your teeth hehe.


              MOT failed on emissions.



                Little things that irk me...

                Forum moderators who think they are Gods.

                Thankfully, we don't have that sort of thing here.


                  Originally posted by importaku View Post
                  Rotate it sideways, then bite. You don't get your teeth pushing both layers of pastry together & forcing it everywhere then Although you do risk getting a thing layer of pastry stuck between your teeth hehe.
                  Haha, good idea. Sounds like it makes sense. Any custard leakage will hopefully be caught in the cake hole. Thinking about the vertical pastry attempt sounds like it could be a bit painful.


                    People that don't stop when your waiting at a zebra crossing, then stare at you as they drive straight by, further endangering people by not watching the road. Its law you morons, you HAVE to stop .


                      Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                      People that don't stop when your waiting at a zebra crossing, then stare at you as they drive straight by, further endangering people by not watching the road. Its law you morons, you HAVE to stop .
                      Stupidly until they have a foot on the actual crossing you dont... Its still the mark of a total dick not to though and even though legally a foot has to be on the crossing if you are seen you better believe you will be done for carless driving (minimum). Kinda reminds me of the london traffic light rule at crossings red then only time for 4 more cars... FFS


                        Surely that is wrong?...I always thought you had to stop when someone was waiting at the crossing, you even have to leave it clear if you are stuck in traffic and no-one is waiting there.


                          Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
                          Surely that is wrong?...I always thought you had to stop when someone was waiting at the crossing, you even have to leave it clear if you are stuck in traffic and no-one is waiting there.
                          Yes, you're supposed to leave all pedestrian crossings clear.

                          No, you don't have to stop if somebody is waiting.

                          Yes, you have to stop by law if they've already started crossing.

                          If caught by uniformed police, you can get a caution, a fixed penalty of ?30 (?45 if promptly unpaid), be prosecuted to a maximum of ?1000 in court or receive a CD20 (Driving without reasonable consideration for other users), which carries 3 to 9 penalty points for 4 years.

                          Penalties may be higher if caught driving a Fiesta with big stripes down it.

                          Although you don't have to stop if somebody is waiting, by slowing down to let them cross, you're avoiding the above penalties and possibly hitting them.


                            Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post

                            Penalties may be higher if caught driving a Fiesta with big stripes down it.
                            I'm not even sure how you knew this piece of information!


                              Last night I saw a Fiesta with stripes down it, powersliding over a zebra crossing with the reg plate FDR 209.

                              Had to be you...


                                My back has a history of iffyness, so when I slipped on something on Wednesday, and I found it getting more and more painful, it wasn't a surprise. At one stage on Wednesday night, I got up off the couch and froze - the pain was unbelievable and I felt winded. Yesterday morning I rang 111 for advice and the operator decided to send an ambulance when I explained that I could barely move.

                                So off I went in the ambulance, chowing on gas and air. I was soon seen by the triage nurse and put in a room with a bed for examination. About 90 minutes later, feeling as rough as furk, having had no shower or food that morning ( and suffering a severe case of bed hair ), the doctor walked in to examine me.

                                She was a proper hottie. Late 20s and pretty, with a real cute ass. I was flustered but tried to play it cool. However, the dog breath, Milton Jones hair and unchanged kecks meant that I was fighting a losing battle. Why oh why couldn't it have been some old twadge?

                                Obviously my natural wit and charm meant that she was well impressed, but I simply couldn't have looked any worse. It didnt help that i was stripped of my trousers. When she was prodding my legs and feet, and massaging my lower back with her hands, I feared the worse. Thank God It didn't happen.

