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Little things that irk you 2

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    Day off today which is also Nanny day so I have the day to myself, plans fail as follow:-

    Plan A) Ask 3 mates one after the other if they want to go and watch Star Trek, they are all working and one is in Leeds?
    Plan B) I can go into Sweatshop Milton Keynes and purchase some new running trainers with my birthday money. Give them a buzz to check stock, no stock.
    Plan C) Cloudly/miserable day, play the Last of Us, oh it's not here yet, sometime between 7am and 9pm. Thanks Amazon!

    I am going into town to buy some bits and pieces. When I arrive back in 1 hour there better be a game on my doorstep or I'll be very upset with how my day off is going.


      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
      Really? Hmm

      edit: lol, that looked really bad. It was supposed to be funny. All feedback is listened to. Definitely more than MS anyway.
      Don't worry I get the joke.

      I'll grab a few screenshots later of the font size, FYI I'm using Firefox so could be a brower thing.


        Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
        Top work, did you see what I mean about the top level main forum view?
        I've tweaked them a little too, is that more to your liking?


          Yeah loads thanks All of the gaming section now fits in one and less scrolling needed overall.


            CEO of the company I work for was down today and just as I expect it, everything falls apart while he's here. Nothing more embarrassing than that, especially as I'm in charge of the development he visited.


              This guy:

              Buy Now!iTunes: available in all digital music stores.Music video by D4NNY performing Goodbye. (C) 2013Follow D4NNY:T...


                Man alive.


                  What's the story there then? Just a **** singer getting some exposure due to the ****ness?


                    Originally posted by wakka View Post
                    Tourists who think an ideal time to give their children a practical lesson in English is at the counter of a central London McDonalds at 1.30pm.

                    Absolutely ****ing infuriating. It's not Disneyland. I need to get back to ****ing work.

                    Of course this is merely one bullet point on a long list of complaints I have about tourists. Because they're insanely annoying. STAND ON THE RIGHT PLEASE.
                    Makes mental note to stand on the left next time I'm in London (just to take the piss )


                      I've been "that guy" that's stood on the left of an escalator before. Of course I don't anymore - but it's always amusing to see another person get **** for doing such a simple wrong.


                        If they are in that much of a hurry than to wait 6 seconds in an escalator probably should have left earlier
                        I must be a country bumpkin, I always just cling to the right and look at the crazy rush with bemusement never seems to be of any benefit anyways (Im hoping you are talking about the tube, its not like there is not a train every 3 minutes anyways )


                          Originally posted by Kit View Post
                          Man alive.
                          Not for long hopefully!

                          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                          What's the story there then? Just a **** singer getting some exposure due to the ****ness?
                          Pretty much. I was going to put him in the 'Little things that bring a smile to your face' thread too. I'm conflicted.


                            It can't be that, surely? Looks like a piss-take to me. The words don't even line up with the beat and he looks like the type who hangs around with guys who are or think they're music producers and anyone he showed it to with even the mildest sense or rhythm would be wtfing all over that.

                            Mind you, this is the Internet...


                              His hair is particularly excellent.


                                Custard Slices.

                                Being bought one whilst wearing clothing you must keep clean for rest of day. The way they are to thin wafers of delicious pastry with what seems like a child's shoe box worth of awesome custard. The last thing I want to be doing before eating this, is to be thinking tactics of how to take it down.

                                So trying not to come across like I play with my food, I bite into it the traditional way. Custard ooze overload and even worse loss of custard!

                                Who thought the build of this cake was a good idea?

