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    My current trail shoes are the Inov-8 Terroc 345 GTX which are monsters for seriously mucky or rocky conditions, so on Monday or Tuesday, I should be getting hold of a pair of adistar Ravens which will be more suited to this dry weather.


      Hammered the gym just now - I mean 2 hours basically none stop.

      Thing is I feel fatter lol

      I want to hit two areas; waist and under my chin. I know you can't spot reduce so what are the best tactics to do this quick?


        Not sure if this is really Keep fit as its not CV related, but I guess it is keeping fit,

        Ive been following a 5x5 program at the gym for about a month now. Im really enjoying it, some early signs of change, but a long way to go on it. Annoyingly my upper trapezius is really aching, so I may have to wait till that stops before I carry on.

        Ive felt a real buzz while on this, and really enjoying it


          Do your gyms have aircon? If not must be he'll in this weather...


            Nar, I have kit at home, and no aircon lol, kinda killed me today.


              I have a huge 26" fan but in this weather it would need to be on level 4 which sounds like a jet engine


                It's air conditioned to the max where I am but I sweated a lot - 3 500ml bottles of water I went through.

                Seems the best bet for fat burning is weights then cardio - intense sprinting.

                Think I'm going to load up on protein drinks also tomorrow.


                  Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                  Do your gyms have aircon? If not must be he'll in this weather...
                  My gym has air con but only 2 outlets so it does get hot.

                  Over this past week, I've eased up on the cardio (2km rather than up to 5km) and hit the weights more.


                    Originally posted by Kit View Post
                    Think I'm going to load up on protein drinks also tomorrow.
                    Careful, excess protein can result in the body trying to balance itself out by making the kidneys work harder to flush toxic keytones. Which ironically results in dehydration but worse a loss in Bone calcium.

                    People downing these shakes left, right and centre might look good now, but the body is for life and brittle bones as you get older is no fun.


                      Due to technical issues at this morning's Parkrun 5k (forgot to reset laps on my Garmin), I had to run by feel and have no idea whether my time I recorded was accurate or not.

                      It's either on the cusp of 19:4X or way past it for 20:0X. Official results will be out later - really tense!


                        Originally posted by 'Press Start' View Post
                        Careful, excess protein can result in the body trying to balance itself out by making the kidneys work harder to flush toxic keytones. Which ironically results in dehydration but worse a loss in Bone calcium.

                        People downing these shakes left, right and centre might look good now, but the body is for life and brittle bones as you get older is no fun.
                        Hmm... I have 3 shakes a day.

                        1 when I get up.

                        1 at 12.

                        1 before bed.

                        Is that ok?


                          Originally posted by Kit View Post
                          Hmm... I have 3 shakes a day.

                          1 when I get up.

                          1 at 12.

                          1 before bed.

                          Is that ok?
                          A useless reply but unfortunately I am not sure buddy! I only know about excess protein due to my wife have very mild pre-eclampsia with our second child. I won't go into it but i made me read up about excess protein in the body. I think I remember if your proteins and carbs are out of balance it causes the same situation too.

                          I would say one of the personal fitness trainers at your gym might be able to answer that? I never go to gyms but surely someone there must have nutrition qualification as training and fueling the training go hand in hand. A trip to a professional nutritionist or investing in a few good books is money well spent.

                          I also guess it depends on if you are having 3 shakes, chicken for lunch, 1/4 salmon for dinner and what other proteins you are eating etc.

                          Of course you just say f**k off mate it feels right for me so shut up.
                          Last edited by 'Press Start'; 20-07-2013, 19:43. Reason: Spelling


                            Hmm... I have 3 shakes a day.

                            1 when I get up.

                            1 at 12.

                            1 before bed.

                            Is that ok?
                            Well I used to be an amateur body builder and have recently started fight training, as well as having a few mates who are professional/competing bodybuilders so know a fair bit about diet etc. Which might make me somehow 'qualified' to answer this.

                            Technically 3 a day should be fine. However, an old BB coach of mine claimed he knew a range of people who had an increased risk of stomach cancer because of it - is this true? I've no idea, but potentially doubtful.

                            Where possible I would personally suggest you try and get protein from natural sources where possible, that is to say lean red meat, chicken, tuna etc. That's said on my workout days on my last plan, I'd scheduled in almost 4 shakes per day - purely due to saving time and effort prepping food on Sunday.

                            I personally stick with O.N protein as I like the taste and have had no issues, I have tried a few different ones - including L.A Muscle who a buddy of mine is sponsored by and even though it was free there is no way I could drink that ****e!

                            I would argue that it comes down to the overall picture i.e. if you are hitting your daily macros - carbs, protein, fat when training it shouldn't matter too much. The only protein source to avoid is RAW eggs - forget Rocky, that will mess up your insides

                            Before bed I would argue is only useful (and I, of course, don't know your goals) if it has some casein in - either a casein shake or something like cottage cheese blended with standard whey.

                            As for the times of day you state I think there is still a huge debate around this, as I'd argue it doesn't really matter as much - although 5/6 meals is said to help protein synthesis and so your body has a constant source of good quality burnable fuel to help you burn fat faster - although protein doesn't 'burn fat' as some people think by itself I would suggest that it is fairly obvious it matters what you eat post and pre workout, for example if you don't have enough carbs pre-w/out you'll struggle to lift etc. But again it depends what exercise you are doing. As I mention the overall picture is important regarding exercise and especially diet, rather than the times of the day you take things. Others will disagree on this, but I tend to stick what I've seen results with and what I've advised others and they have seen results with

                            My diet, on a cut used to look something like the one posted below - but with fight training, it's a bit of a different ball-game to the cutting/bulking cycles

                            CALORIES PROTEIN CARBS FAT


                            10 g Bertolii (Scram Eggs) 54 0 0 5.9
                            *3 egg whites 51 11 0 0
                            20g Quaker cooked oat 75 2 12 1.6
                            150ml Skimmed Milk 53 5 8 0
                            150ml Skimmed Milk (Scram Eg) 53 5 8 0

                            MIDMORNING SNACK

                            1/2 can tuna 59 14 0 0.3
                            100g tinned Pineapple 53 0.5 12 0


                            1/2 can tuna 59 14 0 0.3
                            2 slices wholemeal (kingsmill) 180 9 30 3
                            10 g Bertolii (Scram Eggs) 54 0 0 5.9

                            MIDDAY SNACK
                            25g Almonds (20 nuts-ish) 148 6 3 12

                            1 scoop whey (ON) protein 113 24 2 1
                            20g Quaker cooked oat 75 2 12 1.5
                            Gala Apple (Lidls) 70 0.5 16 0

                            POSTWORKOUT MEAL

                            1 scoop whey (ON) protein 113 24 2 1
                            Banana 170 2 35 0.5
                            40g Quaker cooked oat 150 4 24 3.2
                            20g (two teaspn fulls) Natural PB 128 5.5 1.5 11

                            1 whole egg (per 2 burgers) 37.5 3 0 2.5
                            100g Lean Steak Mince 175 21.5 0 9.6
                            100g Brocolli (sbury org) 38 4 2 1
                            Asparagus 4 spears 13 1 2 0


                            100g low-fat cottage cheese 73 11 4 1.5
                            1/2 scoop whey (ON) protein 56 12 1 0
                            200ml Skimmed Milk 70 6 10 0

                            TOTALS 2,121 187 184 60

                            To be honest, protein is quite low here - and should be upped - since I weigh around 210lbs. For my fight training it hits about 230g a day - I just have 6 eggs in the AM and substitute some of the dairy.
                            Last edited by Escape-To-88; 31-07-2013, 10:46.
                            3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                              Apologies the values look a bit scrambled it didn't preserve formatting!
                              3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                                So. I did the Thunder Run 24 as part of the adidas media team.

                                We came 7th out of 253 teams (6-8mixed category) which was astonishing. We were 4 minutes ahead of the next team! Pretty exciting after 24hrs.
                                I did 4x10Km runs.
                                We ran in pairs, so I did 10km and then my partner did 10km and then I did another and then he did another. And then on to the next pair, so we could have a long break and food before the next set.
                                I did: 47, 47, 54, 53
                                2nd lap was actually in a thunder storm.
                                Last two laps I had a stitch so couldn't go any faster, but that's good because I tore my hamstring a little straight after my 2nd lap (didn't do a warm down and it was cold in the rain, so it just tightened up and screwed me )

                                The winner said he had done a lot of brutal events and this was one of the worst.
                                It was searingly hot in the day and daftly wet and slipperly overnight. As in, you were drenched within a minute of setting off.
                                Then the next morning when the sun came up, it turned the mud to clay and every step was a challenge of forward movement.

                                If they ask me next year, I'm doing it. Instead of turning up, running and going home, this is very different. Lots of teamwork, lots of chatting with random people and lots of challenge.

                                The final short hill was a killer, so after my last lap, I did a warm down by jogging to the hill and motivating people to run up it instead of walking. I got so many thank yous.

