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    Originally posted by Kit View Post
    Trying to figure out how to keep in shape after having surgery on my arm. Can't run, do pulls up, weights, etc... I've streamlined my diet but apart from that what can I do?
    Walking/hiking? Can you cover it and swim?


      Guess it'll just be walking then with ab exercises. I can't do much tbh I'm on this stuff that is close to morphine for pain.


        As H-Man suggests, walking is a good aerobic activity to help keep weight gain at bay, especially if you're also dialing back on the calories. Add some inclines and hills into the mix to help it along.

        This one's for m0by or Charles. I have the VLM in April and will soon be embarking on my 5 month marathon plan. As part it, I've entered the Bramley 20 Mile race due to take place in mid February. I intend to use it as one of my long runs in training, but I'm unsure of how best to tackle it. Should I attack it at marathon goal pace (7:55 miles) or should I run it at somewhere between long run training pace and goal pace (8:30 miles)? I didn't do nearly enough race pace work for this year's VLM but I'm also fearful that I'll need to lengthen my recovery if I'm too enthusiastic with the pace, thus eating into the rest of my schedule.


          Do 13 miles at full marathon race pace (160bpm) and the rest a bit slower.

          And the reat the blog posts here about running fast during training:

          Wish I'd read that before my marathon attempts. I did my long runs far too slowly.


            H-man - nice one on the Spartan. Part of me wants to do one. The is recoiling...


              If any of your are on facebook, please like my page:


                I'm on a mission to lose weight. I need to lose half a stone before Christmas. My injuries have meant I've crept back up above 11stone and I really need to be nearer 10.5 for distance running. I'm replacing my lunch with a shake (soy protein to help build new muscle lost during injury) and the training miles are going up each week gradually, even though they are slow miles until my injuries are completely healed (managed almost 10k today - it felt pretty tough by the end.... how crazy is that!!!? so unfit for me).

                I haven't had much alcohol for a few weeks - one day a week max.
                Last edited by charlesr; 19-11-2013, 13:51.


                  Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                  I'm on a mission to lose weight. I need to lose half a stone before Christmas. My injuries have meant I've crept back up above 11stone and I really need to be nearer 10.5 for distance running. I'm replacing my lunch with a shake (soy protein to help build new muscle lost during injury) and the training miles are going up each week gradually, even though they are slow miles until my injuries are completely healed (managed almost 10k today - it felt pretty tough by the end.... how crazy is that!!!? so unfit for me).

                  I haven't had much alcohol for a few weeks - one day a week max.
                  Black coffee dude. I think since my operation and drinking only this I have actually lost bodyfat. Someone even mentioned it to me the other day - you look more cut around the neck.


                    Is that because you spend the whole time shaking due to the caffeine?


                      haha man, if I keep shredding weight like this I'm going to write a dieting book. It'll only be short one titled 'drink coffee and eat southern friend chicken'


                        Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                        I'm on a mission to lose weight. I need to lose half a stone before Christmas.
                        Burpees, man. They will sort you out

                        I was struggling to get race ready after a two month binge - 20-30 burpees, 30 second sprint, rinse and repeat for 5 -10 minutes. No breaks. It's horrible, exhausting stuff, but takes no time at all and doing this between jogging sessions really helped strengthen the legs and shed weight.


                          Does cutting out dairy really make a difference? I want to lose about half a stone too but this is Christmas season and I am out a lot at dinners/lunches and drinks quite a bit.

                          Only current regular excercise is weekly 1 hour badminton session and 30 mins on weights at home daily.. Want to start up running again but the weather is so ****ty.

                          I could easily start taking my coffee black and not have too much butter on my toast and scrambled eggs.


                            from personal experience I'd say consuming the right quantity (and quality) carbs and hydration is more important than cutting down on dairy if you want to lose weight and start running.

                            Forget the ****ty weather, as long as you have the right clothing (layered, lightweight thermals,windstoppers etc) it shouldnt make a difference anyway. I've found running in the worse conditions makes it easier when its time to run in moderate climate.


                              Originally posted by Mr Ono View Post
                              Does cutting out dairy really make a difference? I want to lose about half a stone too but this is Christmas season and I am out a lot at dinners/lunches and drinks quite a bit.

                              Only current regular excercise is weekly 1 hour badminton session and 30 mins on weights at home daily.. Want to start up running again but the weather is so ****ty.

                              I could easily start taking my coffee black and not have too much butter on my toast and scrambled eggs.
                              Hit the black coffee and use skimmed milk for breakfast.

                              Man, I will post some pics of my jawline so you can see at some point; before I started hammering the black coffee and after.

                              It's mad tbh.

                              It just makes you more regular at the toilet I guess but speeding everythig up means you stay lean - the other option is eating like 5 small meals a day but at this point I simply don't have the time.


                                OK. Going to make a concerted effort to not have dairy.

                                (as part of a calorie controlled diet of course!)

