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    Thanks Taka. I'm a midfoot striker, and almost all my running is on flat tarmac. So that's what I'm used to, and I've developed a fairly consistent form. This event is composed almost entirely of muddy hills, as far as I can tell. They haven't published the actual route yet, which is a shame.


      I'm currently going doing some healthy eating and a bit more exercise than normal, I was horrified recently to discover I had breached 16stone and actually looking more than just a little chubby.

      Basically am watching what I am eating and counting the calories , doing 2 600 calorie fasting days and just being mindful all the rest of the time. Started on the 6th of Jan and have lost just over 12lbs so far.

      Grabbed a bike off gumtree and am going to try and get out and about more often.


        Impressive loss, Borris. Steady too, which is really important.

        How are you feeling on the fast days? Some of my friends doing the 5/2 diet find themselves going nuts on the normal days and basically hoovering everything up in sight.


          Month of running after most of dec off and my inflamed calf tendons are back, commonly bracketed in the shin splint group of injurys. Bollocks.

          4 miles in last night and had to walk the last mile so as not to rusk further injury. Very frustrating.

          Will just have to cut back on calories, increase in push and sit-ups and more climbing. I love my running, really frustrating not being able to run where and for how long I want


            Sorry to hear that, fishbowlhead. Injury is so annoying when it impacts your training. It just takes time but I think you could build up the mileage again.


              Originally posted by Terry Tibbs View Post
              Blimey, that is healthy.
              Ruined a pack of choccy biscuits tonight. Balls.

              I have got back into stomping around with my dog again. Start off with short distances at a walking pace and increase the distance with the plan to take the same amount of time for the walk each time we go out.


                Originally posted by Taka View Post
                Impressive loss, Borris. Steady too, which is really important.

                How are you feeling on the fast days? Some of my friends doing the 5/2 diet find themselves going nuts on the normal days and basically hoovering everything up in sight.

                The fast days are ok, I've kind of found a little routine for things I can eat for breakfast and then for an evening meal, the first day was agony though! I could have eaten the coffee table.

                We did start doing it a couple of years back, but a holiday broke the chain!
                I liked the idea of it because I could just focus on those 2 days and just be normAl the rest of the time.

                As it turned out I've been monitoring my calorie Intake with an iPhone app and have become acutely aware of just how much is in everything you eat so I've consciously been eating healthier and lower volumes as a result.
                Last edited by EvilBoris; 24-01-2014, 20:23.


                  Did my back in this week :-(

                  Last year my goal was to trim a bit of fat - ended up running half a marathon every other day and lost way too much weight!

                  I then stopped everything because i was lossing too much weight... and my focus was work so didnt even bother keeping fit, let myself go...

                  Since sep/oct time last year i decided enough laziness and it was time to put on that mass again...

                  Back to a comfortable 13 stone (height, only 5, 11) - still trim but can push damn heavy...

                  But last sunday hit me hard. I've been doing sets of deadlifts every morning for a couple months, so i thought - PFFT - ill do what i used to back in my prime. Added an extra 20KG (ONLY 20!!!!!) and BAM.... I felt something pop...

                  later that evening i was in pain... early the next morning i couldnt move.... a week later im ready to go back to work lol

                  Not as young as i used to be!

                  In truth i know my technique was poor, poor because i tried too much weight. Frustraingly a weight that was perfectly fine back in the day. Life certainly does change...

                  Also been enjoying running again, not long distances - ive banned that because i loose too much weight...

                  but short quick bursts, esp up hill. For me that seems to be working out greatly to keep strength alongside my fitness
                  ----Member since April 2002



                    Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                    The fast days are ok, I've kind of found a little routine for things I can eat for breakfast and then for an evening meal, the first day was agony though! I could have eaten the coffee table.

                    We did start doing it a couple of years back, but a holiday broke the chain!
                    I liked the idea of it because I could just focus on those 2 days and just be normAl the rest of the time.

                    As it turned out I've been monitoring my calorie Intake with an iPhone app and have become acutely aware of just how much is in everything you eat so I've consciously been eating healthier and lower volumes as a result.
                    Myfitnesspal by any chance? The barcode tracker is utter cack though


                      Originally posted by Terry Tibbs View Post
                      Cheese is a definite weakness of mine.

                      Btw guys. I have an offroad race coming up in Feb. I've never used minimalist or trail shoes before, so I need to order my first pair pronto.

                      Do you think these would be a good place to start, given a budget of 70 quid:

                      I'm nervous about the transition to minimal, with less than 4 weeks to go...
                      That still has a 6mm diff, so not really too far off your current shoes (which will be around 12mm).
                      However, with 4 weeks to go, it's still a risk, especially on hills where the angle of the ankle is exagerrated. Only go 90% in the race. If it's ok, then do another one at full whack later. Not sure how much cushioning there is on those particular inov-8s - I'm now cautious about any change after last year's injuries. I'm almost to barefoot now though... Run a 10k on the balls of my feet completely and have some FiveFingers on the way.


                        Yeah that's the one, I've not had any problems with it


                          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                          That still has a 6mm diff, so not really too far off your current shoes (which will be around 12mm).
                          However, with 4 weeks to go, it's still a risk, especially on hills where the angle of the ankle is exagerrated. Only go 90% in the race. If it's ok, then do another one at full whack later. Not sure how much cushioning there is on those particular inov-8s - I'm now cautious about any change after last year's injuries. I'm almost to barefoot now though... Run a 10k on the balls of my feet completely and have some FiveFingers on the way.

                          My mistake, it was these ones:

                          Which are proper trail shoes, and only have a 3mm diff. I've placed the order now so let's hope they're right for me. Although it's technically a race, I have no goal other than getting round it without stopping or injuring myself. With no offroad/hill training under my belt, I think I'd be silly to set a time target. Looking forward to trying my inov-8s on now. :-)


                            Originally posted by Terry Tibbs View Post
                            My mistake, it was these ones:

                            Which are proper trail shoes, and only have a 3mm diff. I've placed the order now so let's hope they're right for me. Although it's technically a race, I have no goal other than getting round it without stopping or injuring myself. With no offroad/hill training under my belt, I think I'd be silly to set a time target. Looking forward to trying my inov-8s on now. :-)
                            "For runners with strong feet and calves and an efficent style, this makes an ideal racing shoe".

                            You'll love the grip! Stay focused on form in them though - they won't allow any mistakes. Every step will matter.
                            How long is the race and what shoes do you run in on the road?


                              It's just a 10k, but apparently quite extreme terrain. I normally pound the pavement in Saucony Omni 12s.

                              At the moment I'm doing around 35-40k/week, with almost half of that being my sat or sun run.


                                Did you get those Omnis because you overpronate? There's no stability control in the inov-8s. Should be super light and fun though.

