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    Yeh I needed some stability for everyday running, and the Omni12s got pretty good reviews (again, within a budget). I'm quite pleased with them over all.


      Back to training again properly at the gym and doing my morning chin ups - surgery scars still hurt a bit tbh but it's been 3 months nearly.

      Feel like I've already almost regained my strength.


        Smart! It always feels amazing when you start up again. [broken record]Don't rush in too fast - beware of injury[/br]

        Did my furthest barefoot run today. A little over 2km.

        Wife: "Nutter!"
        I won't argue with that.


          What do you run on Charles when going barefoot?


            Just down my road. It's pretty smooth and not much traffic. I hit a bit of gravel though, so I've got a bruise on the ball of my left foot now. Ooops.

            Much prefer sand or grass, but that would involve running in trainers and then ditching them somewhere.
            Trying to get hold of a pair of these at the moment which will let me do "barefoot" trailrunning.


              O.M.G. It was wet out there this morning! Just about managed to complete my scheduled 18 miles, though I had to improvise my route after the canals became too wet. Ended up heading out towards my local Parkrun course where I ran it 3.5 times to make up the total mileage for today. Mind over matter and all that jazz!


                Yeh, just got back myself. The forecast showed a 1 hour gap in an otherwise continuous downpour. I didn't get too wet, but typically the sun came out just as I was coming up to my final kilometer (did 16k in total).


                  Struggling to start running at the moment, was doing some small runs before Christmas, but back ache is stopping me at the moment. At least I can still cycle. Cutting down on the ****e food as well is helping. Lost around 10lbs in the last 2 months - which I'm happy with.


                    Great going GT!


                      Thanks, noticing the belt needs to be tighter is great. Hopefully the man tits will be the next thing to go!


                        Sort of an aside I guess but do any of you guys sleep on your back?


                          Yeah, it's the only way to stop the tent pole impaling another matress!


                            I have always slept on my back, but in the last few weeks, I've tried to sleep on my side because my back is less stiff when I get out of bed. Why do you ask?


                              I always sleep on my side. My neck hates me if I sleep on my back. Whatever I do I can't seem to position my head in a way that doesn't strain my neck.


                                I usually drift off on my side. God forbid I lie on my back (and after having a few bevs) as I start snoring like a mo-fo

