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    I don't really know much about them. Never used them myself. I'll be trying them out though.


      Also with strides, anyone know if the fastest speed is meant to be 95% of max or 95% of race speed?

      Anyway, this morning's negative splits (min/km):
      5:34, 5:04, 5:06, 5:05, 5:08, 5:02, 5:03, 5:03, 4:55, 4:56, 5:04, 4:57, 4:50, 4:55, 4:57, 4:52, 4:46, 4:46, 4:53, 4:50, 4:49, 4:42, 4:42, 4:45, 4:43, 4:43, 4:38, 4:31, 4:36, 4:22

      I'm 145th out of 12,800 runners on Strava in the March challenge.
      Last edited by charlesr; 05-03-2014, 15:29.


        Whenever I've done strides, I've always done them as an exaggerated motion based on a sprint. Like you, I don't entirely know what it's really meant to feel like so it's guess work. Pace-wise, I've always gone as fast as I can at the time.


          Had a bash at my Jantastic time target of 19:30 this morning at Parkrun. First mile was great, sticking with my PB strategy of running a slightly fast opener and hanging on until the end. As always, I faded a touch in the second mile and unexpectedly faded some more in the third mile, leaving me with nothing in the tank for a fast finish. Ended up with 19:40, so not the end of the world.


            Sorry dude. So close.

            This isn't going to cheer you up either: I accidentally hit my Jantastic this evening.

            Went out for a jog. Did the first k in 4:30. Then turned off my lamp so running by moonlight.
            Hit 18:57 (3 seconds faster than my Jantastic and PB). Decided to carry on for the full 10k. Hit 39:15 (another PB).

            Makes me wonder how fast I could do a 5k if I actually tried.

            Obviously I'm overjoyed!!!


              Fantastic work! Both are great PBs and would easily have you finishing in the top 4% of most 5k and 10k races. I'll have another bash at my 5k target next week.


                Easy mtb ride this morning with a few bits of hammer time. Needed to nurse my legs a bit after yesterday.


                  I totally ignored all the warm-up advice for that run last night. I put my shoes on and did about 1 minute of bum kicks, knees-ups and dynamic hamstring stretches and then pressed start on the GPS lol. Probably very silly.... but seem ok.


                    Based on that 10k, Marco says I should be hitting a 3h5m marathon!

                    232/10674 on the March 10k race.


                      I find the pacing calculators to all be a little generous when it comes to estimated marathon times based on other distances. I know I have a bias towards speed and pace over out and out endurance, hence why my marathon targets should all be quite achievable with some buffer for error!

                      Went for 21 miles earlier. Wanted to test myself in the sunshine and heat as prep for the VLM. Last year was far too warm and it bloody snowed 4 weeks before race day!


                        Heh, yeah. The VLM always seems to be the first proper warm day! Try wearing an extra layer during training? Or a long sleeve instead of a short sleeve? Never tried it, but it might help.


                          Went for a lovely jog this morning before breakfast. 26 miles 385 yards. 3h20m33s

                          Apart from the obvious PERSONAL BEST SMASHED, the sunrise was incredible, looking like the inside of a pink grapefruit.

                          Average HR was 156bpm, so I wasn't flat out.
                          Last edited by charlesr; 12-03-2014, 15:29.


                            I was 18 stone 7 at Christmas , today I have hit 15stone.6

                            Long way to go , but I'm getting there and I expect the weight loss rate to slow down soon but I am going to stick it out pound by pound .
                            I read some of the posts on here which do offer inspiration to keep going .
                            Does anyone use the concept 2 rowing machines ? What are your best times for 2k

                            I am at 7.10 but I really think I can hit sub 7 minutes this year .
                            Do we have a wii fit u community ?
                            Last edited by yesteryeargames; 12-03-2014, 13:21.


                              Do you use the Concept2 at a gym? I'd love to have one at home - it's on my list. I already have an exercise bike for when I can't get out (e.g. kids are in bed and Lucy is out).

                              Great going on the 3st slice! Superb. Quite inspiring for me (I'm trying to lose the final few pounds but it's tough going).


                                Keep it up, yesteryeargames. That's a great achievement. It has taken me around 14 months to get to around my ideal weight, which involved shifting over 2st.

                                A marathon before breakfast, charles...sigh. Well done on the PB.

                                Simple 30 min run for me today, split into 20 min easy + 10 min @ target race pace. There was nothing simple about the last ten minutes!

