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    Before I forget, best of luck at Portsmouth Coastal tomorrow, Charles. Put all that training to good use!


      Many thanks dude. Quite relaxed at the moment. Hopefully I can stay calm at the start enough so my heart rate doesn't fire through the roof

      Filter on my race number 1310 to see my time.
      Race starts at 8:35 so any time from 11:35 onwards
      Last edited by charlesr; 20-12-2014, 11:16.


        34th in the Portsmouth Marathon and a new PB. Not the sub3, but it was brutal out there. So many people were devastated by the headwinds on the way home.


          Congrats Charles. The impact of those winds is very apparent in your last few 5 or so k. Still a great time imo, even if you didn't quite manage goal #1. A new PB is never to be sniffed at. Now you have an excuse to sign up for another one. :-)

          Btw, what was your target pace? You went off really quickly at the start. Did that have any negative overall effect?


            Yeah, it was a fine pace for a road course (I was doing sub3 pace), but as soon as I hit the off-road sections, my HR ramped up significantly. I knew as soon as I saw it hit 167bpm quite early on that it was a no-go (it should have been around 160). My options were to back off and go for the best time, or stay at the sub3 pace to see how far I could get before fading (which I obviously took ). The exposed sections on the way back were hilarious. I faded due to an exposed section of wind around 25k and then came back to pace for a bit till 30k and then the high HR and the wind just destroyed me. Trouble is, once the HR is up there, it never really comes back enough, even on the road sections.

            I didn't cramp though which was good - I was drinking to thirst (only used 3 water stations).

            And er.... I signed up for the Portsmouth Ultra-marathon same day next year 50k.
            Last edited by charlesr; 21-12-2014, 16:21.


              Haha nice. Good to see the old spirit's not been dampened!


                How's the recovery going 48 hours later, Charles?

                My OH is convinced that I'm training for a secret marathon some time in the spring, despite being asked to give 26.2s a break for a few years. Evidence? I have been upping my mileage, but that's in preparation for a big attack on the Brass Monkey Half in Jan.


                  Get a new one. It's the only way. Not at the same time though. That's no good.

                  Recovery is ok. Can walk down stairs no probs. Massage tonight


                    Originally posted by Taka View Post
                    My OH is convinced that I'm training for a secret marathon some time in the spring, despite being asked to give 26.2s a break for a few years. Evidence? I have been upping my mileage, but that's in preparation for a big attack on the Brass Monkey Half in Jan.
                    I'd call it a bit more than just "upping", following you on Garmin Connect* you went from something like a 20-25m wkly average to nearly 50 miles the other week!

                    *btw set yourself up with a Strava free account, then link your Garmin account to it and it will automatically port all your Garmin uploads across without you having to do anything - well other than renaming each activity on Strava if you're inclined.... you get a really interesting Segments feature (think Criterion's NFS Autolog but for runners!) that Garmin Connect doesn't compare to, plus follow Charles. Win win.



                      That was pure coincidence that particular week, Ged. I had to miss the Sunday long run immediately after Christmas, so I bumped it to Monday instead. Had I have not done that, I'd have hit 37ish for that week. Paid for it with a cold!

                      I'll take a look at this Strava-thingy...


                        Taka, search for my full name on Strava.

                        Having gone all out training for that marathon, I'm now a bit in limbo.
                        However, I'm taking a few weeks to just enjoy the running and fit in some more MTB.
                        I'm doing the Sussex Masters XC Championship on Saturday (V40) which will be the first proper XC race (6 miles) I've done since I was at school!

                        Then on 8th Feb I have the Chichester road 10k. Should be able to beat my previous time for this (5 years ago ) of 43:09
                        Lucy is also doing it, aiming for 47


                          Got a turbo trainer today get me slope fit for end of Feb. Finally the ludicrous size of my TV has some value as I have the bike at the back of the living room. Sony 2.0 headphones and an episode of sons of anarchy and I can get a reasonable workout. I use the on screen action to dictate when to sprint lol.


                            Charles, any thoughts on the Ultra Boost that launched today? Looking pretty sweet if they can get the price right.


                              Ooo they do look good. I will need a new pair around June so I might grab these if they are good.


                                adidas sent me some media:
                                Or if you aren't on FB then:

                                Pretty much like a boosted version of the Energy Boost, so if you like Boost then it'll be a winner - heavy though due to sheer amount of sole, but quite similar in weight to the energy boost I think (they replaced the EVA on the energy boost with just boost everywhere. The best part is the primeknit upper. Only part I don't like much is the curved toe spring.
                                Last edited by charlesr; 23-01-2015, 06:27.

