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    Don't talk about biscuits, i've been eating clean all week, its been tough but i'm making headway... the thought of demolishing a packet of bourbon creams is mighty temptimg

    As for training, did 4 miles this morning followed by a little bit of circuit training..

    I don't miss feeling sore, but its good knowing you're sore for the right reasons... Growth!!


      Up at 4:30 for tomorrow's race. start time for us is 8am with predicted finish at 8pm


        Woah, that is madness. In a good way. Good luck! [emoji2]


          First leg starts with a 4 mile downhill trail which frankly terrifies me.


            Meh, that's what gravity's for right? [emoji6]


              Lol. Running fast downhill is not part of my skillset yet. Will have to wing it. No faceplants


                Yeah just kidding, there is definitely an art to it, and it's not one I've figured out. Even on totally smooth surface declines my elbows come out like ineffectual air brakes, hehe. Hope it goes well dude.


                  Thanks. And I think arms out is recommended for some reason


                    Cool, I'm naturally doing something right! I think it's just an instinctive prepping of arms to break fall/add extra stability/keep me moving in a straight line. Who knows!


                      Broken. Did 2X 5mile legs and 1X 9mile leg. The hills. The hills! Anyway one of the 5s was brand new, but the other was 3mins quicker than last year and the 9 was 5mins quicker than last year. Had a massive battle with one of the Winchester ladies team the whole way through the final 9 miler. I managed to catch her half way by hurdling a stile - super dangerous but I nailed it, and than vaulting through a few V gates. I then ran (shuffled) past her up a daftly steep hill, when she started walking. So she clung on and we collected another walker half way up who tried to hang on to us but didn't have the staying power. Once it levelled out with 4 miles to go, I pulled out a convincing lead with a leg searing pace and thought it was in the bag, but she reeled me back in just as we reached a pub where some of her supporters were waiting to cheer her on. She pinned it and chatting to her later she had thought there was only 1km to go, but there were 2.5 She managed to maintain the gap to the end of the leg and we finished pretty much as we started, with her 200m in front of me We had overtaken a lot of other people along the way.


                        Epic, Charles. I love it when you can meet your match in a race - it's so motivating and pushes both parties to greater things.


                          Excellent work! I bet some of these offroad multi-leg events are great experiences, although they do sound a bit hazardous! Not sure my old ankles would like me playing daredevil over gates, stiles, and whatnot, hehe. Somehow, I've never really latched onto anyone in a race before. I can see how it's beneficial, especially if you have that uber competitive streak, which clearly you do! Good report. [emoji2]

                          I was a bit nervous about my LSR today, following a weird experience on Friday where I had to stop during one of my steady/hard 1 hour runs. I think it was the heat/humidity, not sure, but after only 5km at a moderate pace I just felt rough. Heart was pumping way too fast. Legs didn't ache or anything, I just had to work much harder than normal. In the end I was at my very easy running pace, while my HR was sitting in the 80-90% max. zone. Felt like I was going to collapse at 10km, and I stopped shortly after. Thankfully a day of rest and plenty of fluids was enough to get me back on track, and I did a nice easy 20km today with a little threshold kick towards the end. I'm guessing Friday's incident was caused by dehydration. Next time, I'll stop earlier if I feel that bad.


                            I took the advice of reducing my rest for 5x800m today (from 2:00 to 1:45), and still managed to keep well below target 3:59/km. I suspect I might find my limit if I reduce the rest to 1:30


                              Good stuff, Terry.

                              90 seconds is indeed tough, but that's the point. If you still find you're coming in generously ahead of target, you can then up the pace a smidge by maybe 2 or 3 seconds. I'd be loath to add an additional rep - I always say it's the last rep that injures you or pushes you over the edge!

                              You shouldn't be far at all from a sub-20 5k now, if you're not already there. Wait for a still day when you're next at Parkrun and then nail it!

                              I've got the Two Castles 10k coming up on Sunday. We start inside Warwick Castle and then charge all the way to Kenilworth Castle (net uphill). Would love to go under 40 minutes, so will go out as such and hang on for dear life...


                                Good luck for Sunday, Taka. Time to cash-in on all those tough session investments. [emoji106]

                                And thanks more generally for your advice. I'm thinking of hitting my nearby track very soon for a 5k TT. A couple more sessions first though. Want to see how I fare with 5x800 90s rest, and 800,1600,800. The latter scares me the most right now.

