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    Bloody hell, looking at that sample schedule. Where is the rest day? I think I have some work to do just to build up to the foundation 'long as possible' weeks. I thought an hour every day and two hours on Sunday was a lot...
    Last edited by Terry Tibbs; 14-02-2015, 21:33.


      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
      Depends if you've done anything like that before. 50 sit ups would destroy me these days
      I hadn't. Had a sore abdomen for a week afterward.

      My wife says my arms are getting bigger and my build is slowly broadening. I can't see it myself but I'm not sure if I like the idea of that. That's sort-of the exact opposite of what I want to do. Perhaps I should just stick to cardio and a healthier diet? I don't care about building strength or muscle.


        35k before breaky this morning. Sooo good, although I think I twisted my ankle a bit on a corner.... oooops. And have a sore back - I was trying out my camelbak - not sure if that's what caused it (picked up my boy yesterday in an odd way and was wondering if I'd pay the consequences).

        It was my first run (apart from a 3k jog...) in the Takumi Sen 3 Boost. "Running in" is for losers


          Originally posted by Terry Tibbs View Post
          Bloody hell, looking at that sample schedule. Where is the rest day? I think I have some work to do just to build up to the foundation 'long as possible' weeks. I thought an hour every day and two hours on Sunday was a lot...
          Sorry, I should have said... those are aimed at pro runners. No reason you can't work up to them though.
          Elite runners take a rest day every couple of weeks.


            Lovely hills session at Goodwood yesterday morning and a 29km Fartlek this morning.

            Both were with 2L of water in a Camelbak which I have been doing recently to prepare myself for the self supported 50 next Friday. There's a tap after about 1L, but I don't want to risk it - if it's not working, it's long way till the next tap over some serious hills.


              Tell me more about what a 'pure Fartlek' session entails. Does it mean basically random varying pace?


                I think it literally means "fun run". So it has no structure. Walk if you want to walk, sprint, run slow, run fast. Stop for a breather. You make it up as you go along. It needs to be an hour+ to get enough variety in.

                So in my run yesterday, I went with a base of around 143bpm and then I whenever I got bored I ramped up to various speeds for random lengths of time. Sometimes I would pick something I could see and run to it fast. Other times I would do a whole km at a faster pace. I did a bit of walking. When I got to a tricky off road section I pegged it while leaping about over puddles and mud and stuff.
                Last edited by charlesr; 26-02-2015, 06:47.


                  Hey that does sound fun. I'll have to give it a try after the half I'm doing next weekend. Not directly after, of course. :-)



                    Which one are you doing?


                      Cambridge. Getting excited now, although I very much doubt I'll be getting a PB. Staying positive though.


                        Had a great intervals session today (in the rain). That will be my last hard run until race day.


                          Had a few nice milestones recently. In January I ran 5km every day for 5 days, in February I ran my first ever 10km in 59 minutes and last week I got a personal best for a 5km in 25 minutes, averaging 5:08 per km.

                          This Sunday I'm introducing my brother to running, I could not be a different person to a year ago. So proud how far I've come in my fitness levels.


                            See now 25mins is starting to get quite fast! You should be able to get down to 53 minutes for the 10k easily if you do some training for that distance. Well done!


                              Thanks! As the Spring rolls round I'll be almost exclusively running outside again & my mates at work have shown me some great routes to run around my work at lunchtime.

                              My current 10km route is around my neck of the woods at home, I'll be taking that up at every weekend if I can too!


                                Did my last longish run before the half next Sunday. I attempted 5k easy, 6k race pace, 5k easy. The entire 6k section was into a strong headwind so I really struggled. My HR rocketed to 90% max which would never normally happen at that pace. Oh well, all good training! Proper easy taper week now. I'll be climbing the walls by race day!

