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The Photography Thread 2

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    Thanks - it's fun to go out and try these different combos, but people are starting to wise up to the cheapness so the prices have been creeping up on eBay :/ You can still grab the odd bargain eventually if you stick to your guns and don't overbid.


      Wet weather brings those snails out.


        Got a Pentax K and Olympus OM to micro four thirds adapter on Friday - this is with a Pentax 50mm f1.7 which is a nice lens (got mine on a Pentax MV body).


          A few recent sits from me. Two from Paris taken with my iPhone, and a third which is my first go at a long exposure for several weeks..

          La Tour Eiffel by GarySmith70, on Flickr

          Basilica by GarySmith70, on Flickr

          | | | | / by GarySmith70, on Flickr


            Good stuff Garf.

            Finally got the Pentax 110 to Micro Four Thirds adapter through today for the 25mm f2.8 tiny wee lens - you can't change the aperture so you're stuck wide open, but it doesn't seem too soft.

            Last edited by MartyG; 25-07-2014, 07:55.


              Playing with this set up today:

              Getting stuff like this:

              Edit - and one from the Panasonic GF2 with the Pentax 110 24mm f2.8

              Last edited by MartyG; 25-07-2014, 07:56.


                Hey Guys!

                It's been a while since I posted here but I got a new camera two weeks ago and have been snap happy ever since!

                It's a Sony A6000, thought I'd share a few of the shots I've got in the last 2 weeks (sorry if there are quite a few!)

                it's a me by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                Boat by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                tree.jpg by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                Happy by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                Listen by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                tree-5.jpg by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                Looking Glass by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                Flutter-by by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                White Coppice View by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                Reflect by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                Kingfisher by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                Swan Tree by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr


                  Where are you? Looks like some southern American town in some shots or maybe spain


                    Got something else to play with from eBay for cheapness, although these aren't exactly expensive to begin with and can be had new for under ?100.

                    It's a GE X500 and build wise it's pretty solid. You wouldn't want to use this camera indoors and anything above ISO 200 starts to get a bit smudgy. Even at lowest ISO if you 100% crop you can see the noise reduction is very aggressive so the detail is lost - it's a shame that it won't do RAW as the lens and sensor I suspect can produce better results. It's quite slow too, so no sports for you despite the 15x Zoom
                    Last edited by MartyG; 25-07-2014, 07:56.


                      Absolutely spot on Yakumo, I've been on holiday to Port De Pollensa in Mallorca. The other ones are in Lancashire


                        I went to see one of my favourite rap groups Jurassic 5 in concert last night.

                        I took my a6000 with the two kit lenses the 16-50 and the 55-210. As I was walking in a security guard stopped me, searched my bag and discovered my telephoto lens and said 'sorry mate you can't take professional cameras with detachable lenses into the concert' I wish it was professional I said jokingly trying to get on his good side and he said he'd have to put my bag with the camera in the cloakroom. No worries I said.

                        When we got to the cloak room I took my camera out and he looked at it with the smaller lens on and said 'does that detach?' I said no, the longer lens just fits on top to extend it (lying through my teeth) ahhhh right he said, 'ok well you can keep the small camera and just put the big lens in the cloakroom'... Win.

                        Cheers mate.

                        untitled-14.jpg by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr

                        untitled-15.jpg by tomgutteridge78, on Flickr


                          Excellent pictures man and great bit of BS too


                            I suppose a bridge camera with a 24-1200mm would have been fine then Nice pics, looks like the A6000 does a good job

                            I got some of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight that came across today, they're more grab shots really as I had less than a minute before they were gone.


                              Great photos Marty. What lens were you using there?


                                Cheers. These were from the Canon 50D with a Canon 70-200mm f4 IS L

