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Grammer failure plague sweeping the nation

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    I got 13 out of 14 and even then I had to guess a few. Was more of a terminology test.

    Total grammar abuse does frustrate me but, for myself, I use punctuation to punctuate rather than just follow a set of rules. And often that means things like starting a sentence with 'And', and picking and choosing where I want my commas.


      We should study this to talk proper

      Ricky explores the English language with Karl Pilkington. This subtitle-free version is for you to create a video subtitled in your own language. You can pos...
      ----Member since April 2002


        12/14 for me. WTF's a 'gerund'? I think I guessed that one, chose the middle option.

        We're really governed by dunces at work. I swear blind the guys at the top have submental IQs. they're thicker than f*ck. All their comms are littered with terrible grammar, bad spelling, downright awful phrasing, yet they ponce around in their suits like they're f*cking Johnny Suede. They all seem to idolise Duncan Bannatyne, whom I suspect is probably as thick as f*ck, too, I bet he can barely understand shop signs. Apols if "whom" was incorrectly used, I just do good spelling, that's all, I don't know what a f*cking "adverb" is, though could probably work it out!

        Oh, god, on one of the busier kid's wards, there's this printed-off 'poem' about "10 little alien's", it gets off to a good start with "1 little alien", then goes on to make the f*cking apostrophe mistake NINE MORE TIMES. Impressionable, slightly thick adults, and children are reading all this and - because they're so damn duncecap - they accept anything official-seeming as FACT. Oh, man, the RAGE, but I'm being so fckin PETTY, really, aren't I.

        Sheez, mildly good-trolled someone posting YouTube links on the Retro Gamer forum to improve his apostrophe use on his vids, cos I like his vids but it made him seem a bit thick, how sad am I?
        Last edited by JazzFunk; 07-02-2013, 00:28.


          Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
          Acronyms are a current irk.
          Yeah, this. Usually unnecessary ****e. One at work right now, B.U.F.A.L.O., it's pissing me right off - if you're gonna make a pathetic, tenuous acronym, at least make it SPELL like the actual word!




              Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
              11/14 here


                Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                WTF's a 'gerund'? I think I guessed that one, chose the middle option.
                A gerund is an -ing word. But like most English grammar I didn't learn this until I started learning German as an adult: they would tell me things like "ziss iz like ze English gerund", and I'd sit there staring blankly. We simply didn't learn that stuff in English GCSE.

                We should count ourselves lucky that the dative case has mostly disappeared in English. Imagine how much more wrong the internet would be if everything had a who/whom variant.


                  Shocking score for me! Still I never pretended to be good at English.


                    Originally posted by Nijo View Post
                    A gerund is an -ing word. But like most English grammar I didn't learn this until I started learning German as an adult: they would tell me things like "ziss iz like ze English gerund", and I'd sit there staring blankly. We simply didn't learn that stuff in English GCSE.

                    We should count ourselves lucky that the dative case has mostly disappeared in English. Imagine how much more wrong the internet would be if everything had a who/whom variant.
                    I didn't really learn English grammar properly until I learned Latin. If you don't know your English grammar learning Latin then you've got no chance.
                    The dative case, along with pretty much all other noun cases, has disappeared completely from English now. The object pronoun is used with a preposition instead. Where 'whom' is used these days, it's really in an accusative sense.


                      I did Latin AND German at school, lucky me

                      So yeah, I vaguely recalled my proper terminology when doing that quiz...
                      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                        The winner!

                        photoshopped images, comedy pictures, funny pictures, spoof pictures, cartoons


                          Living in South London most of the shop signs are misspelt, let alone anything else. Convinience Stores!


                            Originally posted by DavidH View Post
                            Love the comments.


                              Best worst sign ever.

                              Is "signage" not a word?


                                Seemed an appropriate place to link to this article I just stumbled across:

                                8 New Punctuation Marks We Desperately Need

