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Your least funny yet successful comedian

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    I'll agree with a few here...

    Ricky Gervais - when has he ever been funny?? just an annoying little man, the Office was ****e, his stand-up is terrible, Idiot Abroad is dross & that Simpson's Episode he wrote?? [Comic Book Guy Voice]WORST EPISODE EVEERRRR[/Comic Book Guy Voice]
    Extra's was just about bearable & his little book Flanimals was quite good other than I wish he'd F' off

    Jack Whitehall - Everything about him winds me the f' up nothing funny about him & that stupid school sit com he does just awful.

    Billy Connolly - Again nothing funny EVER, swearing isn't funny.
    I do quite enjoy his tour programmes but the stand up stuff they fit in was just annoying

    Then my major hates are...

    Peter Kay - Just about the worst ever, really really hate him with a passion
    Patrick Kielty - no idea how he's even famous let alone funny
    Lenny Henry - You WERE funny in the 80's when I didn't know any better but now you just really really aren't
    Lee Mack - Another one who thinks swearing is clever, Not Going out was ok while Time Vine was there but it's just no good now.
    Kevin Bridges - Don't know something about him I just can't put my finger on it...funny at times but not often enough
    Micky Flannigan - Saw him at the Arches in London before he became famous back in 2005 & the whole Cockney thing was funny the first time he did it but to keep peddling the same old stuff just sin't funny any more.
    Sarah Millican - The missus loves her (has tickets to see her next year) but I'm yet to see much that's funny past her cake pigeon sketch
    Noel Fielding - How he got famous is beyond me, the Boosh was ok in spates & his appearances in the IT Crowd weren't too shabby but as s stand up forget it.

    I could go on but it's hard to remember so many at the moment

    I'm the opposite of most though & I actually find Ed Byrne & Russell Howard pretty good, been to see them both on numerous occasions live & actually have tickets for next year to see Russell again.

    Mr Kane was good before his break up but he's a shadow of his former self these days

    I'm currently a massive fan of Jason Byrne he's stupidly funny & if you haven't seen his sketch about breaking his knee & being run over then go hunt them down they bring me to tears every time

    Jimoein is another who's been tickling my funny bone lately

    Terry Alderton is another good one as is Stewart Francis...his one liners are mad
    Imran Yusuf is worth seeing as well

    There are loads of great comics out there it's just a shame the same few all turn up all the time

    Last edited by Soundwave; 02-08-2013, 13:05.


      I don't know if he would be thought of as a comedian, but loads of people here seem to think he's funny, Charlie Brooker. Possibly the smuggest, smarmiest, self satisfied piece of **** that's ever worked his way on to TV. A face I could never tire of punching.


        Russell brand for me, unfunny and a complete twat.
        Shapi korshandi (not sure of spelling) isn't funny either.


          cant stand comedians that do voices, Hugh Dennis on mock the week when he dose that bit where he dose a voice over on his own is one of the cringeiest bits on TV, that bald guy on there Andy Parsons is very unfunny also. im on the fence about Ricky Jervis his stand up stuff is fantastic but his films tv stuff can be very hit and miss, i follow him on twittter and some of the tweets he puts up are brilliantly funny and quite dark too the following got re-quoted quite a bit

          "today religion shot a girl in the head for wanting to go to school while science dropped a man from the edge of space" *

          *referencing the Taliban shooting of a girl that wanted to go go to school and the redbull space jump for those not familar)


            Yesterday, I posted probably the funniest tweet that has ever graced the site. I know this to be true because "someone" replied to tell me that she had just pissed her knickers as it was so funny.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              Probably easier to say which ones we like than hate


                Michael Mcintyre, Shappi Khorshandi, Russell Howard. WTF

                Also love Peter Kay, he cracks me up.

                Used to adore Lee Evans early stuff but he's rubbish now.

                Russel Brand is more likable to me now although I never found him funny. He's certainly matured or become more jaded since sachs'gate.

                dara o'briain annoys me cos my sister worships him

                I tend to like come comics until their anti religion/pro atheist beliefs come to the fore and then I just tune out.


                  Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                  "today religion shot a girl in the head for wanting to go to school while science dropped a man from the edge of space"
                  I used to really like Gervais, but this **** is why I've gone off him - reduce everything to a soundbite & pretend that a staggeringly intellectual point has been made.

                  EDIT - I feel the same about people that quote Bill Hicks & sit back thinking they've decimated every argument in the world ever. I love Bill. but his material is abused by all and sundry.
                  Last edited by Geoff D; 02-08-2013, 13:58.


                    Only ones I really like a lot are Ross Noble and Bill Bailey I guess. Lenny Henry was surprisingly good on his live show last year but other than that the rest were pretty ****ty that I went to (Stephen K Amos, Sarah Millican)


                      Originally posted by Geoff D View Post
                      I used to really like Gervais, but this **** is why I've gone off him - reduce everything to a soundbite & pretend that a staggeringly intellectual point has been made.

                      EDIT - I feel the same about people that quote Bill Hicks & sit back thinking they've decimated every argument in the world ever. I love Bill. but his material is abused by all and sundry.
                      i think your reading to much into it i wouldn't say hes set out to decimate every argument ever created, hes using links between religion and science to show how fu**ed up things are.


                        Originally posted by bash View Post
                        I tend to like come comics until their anti religion/pro atheist beliefs come to the fore and then I just tune out.
                        That makes me like them more lol. Well, only if they're funny about it.


                          Originally posted by ETC View Post
                          Only ones I really like a lot are Ross Noble and Bill Bailey I guess. Lenny Henry was surprisingly good on his live show last year but other than that the rest were pretty ****ty that I went to (Stephen K Amos, Sarah Millican)
                          Watched Ross Noble last year in Cambridge, didn't laugh once throughout the whole show. Maybe it was because he was northern? He was very badly dressed as well.

                          I like Jack Dee...


                            Originally posted by FSW View Post
                            Stewart Lee is my favourite comedian.
                            He's ruined every other standup I've ever seen since I started watching him. He's by no means perfect but quite easily the best I've ever seen- everyone else just seems like a routine hack by comparison. Well, except Louis CK.


                              I bought "carpet remnant world" by him, thought it was piss poor.


                                I can't see the fascination with Stewart Lee, he's just not that funny.

                                He has his moments but not enough of it is good.

                                Bill Hicks is another one that's lost on me, one of my Ex Girlfriends thought he was the funniest bastard ever...I just found him annoying.


