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Little Things That Irk You 3 1/3: The Final Insult

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    I'd offer to pretend to be you and go in your place, but I think I'd probably have more luck trying to fool your family as a Charles impersonator than I would trying to convince that guy when it actually comes to the running part.


      Heheh. Well, I've been phoning around and chaos is ensuing while people try to rearrange, with various levels of grumpiness. Some didn't sound too bothered though No shouting so far.


        Just checked my mail spam folder looking for a late mail and, for the first time in a while, actually saw what was in there. And what is in there is pretty distasteful (and some most likely illegal) porn mails. Tons of them. And now I'm shuddering to think what the hell kind of lists I have made it on to and why.


          Everybody's is the same.

          Mine goes through waves, I've just stared getting loads of chinese ones.


            Yeah, I guess you're right. I don't shock all that easily though and was pretty taken aback by what was in there. Going back through looking at what was in there from the last month, it only gets worse. I miss the days of V!agra and Nigerian princes. Seemed so innocent back then.

            I suppose what I have learned from this is not to look in my spam folder.


              music videos that take over 20 seconds for the song to start (other half was watching a music video the song didnt start for nearly 3 min)


                Typing on Apple devices. This predictive text thing is completely broken. It changes my 'of' to 'if', my 'the' to 'he'... I can't type any sentence without stopping at each word to ensure it doesn't screw up what I'm typing. If I do I have to go back and edit a post five times to take out all the screwy nonsensical gibberish it has introduced.


                  Mine has gained a recent habit of changing my commas to exclamation marks for no reason. Driving me bananas.


                    How virtually every thread in the main forum seems to be a xbone vs ps4 borefest these days...any chance of the moderators springing into life?

                    Also...cutting chillis...days later, after scrubbing my hands\showering I still end up burning my eyes/nose!


                      No but you don't understand Loftgroover. The Bone does not have enough pees. It only has 900 pees. Sometimes 720 pees. The PS4 has many more pees due to its 500%* more efficent AFX chip which combines with the egg rams for mega gfx.



                        Did you not get the memo about next gen gaming being purely about the idea of gaming in theory but not in practice? It takes gaming to a whole new level*.

                        *Sadly that level is entirely firmware updates and non-functioning features.

                        Remember when Nintendo console didn't need updates? We brought this world upon ourselves...


                          Originally posted by Loftgroover View Post
                          How virtually every thread in the main forum seems to be a xbone vs ps4 borefest these days...any chance of the moderators springing into life?

                          Also...cutting chillis...days later, after scrubbing my hands\showering I still end up burning my eyes/nose!
                          Can you press report post on the top posts that are irking you?


                            The woman who brought her kids to the library with her. Shockingly some of us want to study rather than listen to ****ing insect song constantly while you **** off to the washroom and leave them playing on the computer.


                              Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                              Can you press report post on the top posts that are irking you?
                              Haha. If anyone gets reported they'll assume it was Loftgroover

                              *reports posts*


                                You cheeky scamp
                                There is a resolution gate thread for it all now.

                                My irk today is after watching Silver guns Titanfall video, being irked I won't get to play it as its an exclusive...

