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Little Things That Irk You 3 1/3: The Final Insult

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    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
    There was a panel in the back wall of the room in the basement that was removable and they'd been stashing stuff in there too.


      Websites that send you straight to the App Store to by some ****ty app the second you scroll past an add. I didn't click on the add, or even move my finger in the general direction, I also don't want your crappy game or app.


        Can't believe KFC have stopped selling the spicy chicken bites tubs already, just got in to them too.


          Originally posted by DavidH View Post
          Can't believe KFC have stopped selling the spicy chicken bites tubs already, just got in to them too.
          speaking of which places like KFc and mcdonalds where they do these new things and turn out to be limited time things food ..KFC did these great chicken wraps with goats cheese and a awesome sauce really loved them then they stopped doing them


            Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
            Websites that send you straight to the App Store to by some ****ty app the second you scroll past an add. I didn't click on the add, or even move my finger in the general direction, I also don't want your crappy game or app.
            Websites that ask you to take a survey about your experience on the website before you've had an experience on the website. GTF! I just leave and go to another website and I like to think the rest of the world does the same.


              Yep, all of the above. Plus websites that have a page first asking me to download their app (hey guess what Internet - most websites don't need apps). And any video that opens with an unskippable ad.


                About 4 yrs ago a gate had been put at both ends of the back lane behind my Mums house. It was put there to stop cars flying up it when kids are playing & stop thieves/non residence gaining access to the back of the houses.
                Somebody keeps leaving the gate unlocked, & the lane is now being used as a shortcut/dog walking area for the chavs in the street below.

                I constantly lock the gate when I'm visiting my Mam, & have noticed that since I'm there a lot at the mo (as my Dad died a few months ago) that there's been dog shizzle & **** conveniently 'left' on the outer side of the gate, obviously cos they're not happy that they cant open the gate marked 'Private Lane Residence Only'. Its made it awkward for residence to pass.

                Today i found a bag if dog shizzle on my mums doorstep, which means the gate was left open yet again! I picked it up & took it to the culprits doorstep where it now sits.

                If it happens again it'll be going thru the letterbox 'special delivery' next time, & if it escalates to a turd with no bag i will be personally curling one out on their doorstep myself!!


                  lolol. More BDF poo stories.


                    Realising Play-Asia still owe me 77.39


                      Originally posted by kryss View Post
                      Realising Play-Asia still owe me 77.39
                      How come? make sure you keep on at them they are buggers for not refunding they always try the old "oh we'll give you store credit" line on.

                      BTW mr Kryss, please can you give me your paypal email i still owe you cash but i never got a reply to my last pm.


                        BT have updated the Rollout of Infinity at my exchange from March to June. Thing is I have SEEN them laying the optical cable down. The hardware is there!


                          Originally posted by Brad View Post
                          Thing is I have SEEN them laying cable.
                          C'mon guys, enough with the poo stories!


                            If your website causes my macbook to remind me that it does actually have fans inside it then I'm never going to your website again.


                              Yeah, Facebook in a browser is terrible for that. The amount of real time scripts it has is ludicrous. The Windows Facebook app uses zero cpu, whereas running facebook in chrome window takes 12% The windows app is new though and is misssing a few essential features.


                                Searching for a new apartment in Kyoto with my wife, it's driving me a bit nuts if I'm honest. I already knew about most of the oddities, but it's much more annoying dealing with them in the flesh.

                                For example, there's all sorts of hidden fees. So for example, the monthly rent might be 54,000 yen, but then you might pay 5,000 yen per month in maintenance fee, effectively making it 59,000 yen. Sometimes you have to pay other hidden fees such as rubbish collection fees, and 'shikikin' which is basically insurance in case they have to clean the apartment out after you move out. I can handle those.

                                The one that gets me is the 'reikin' fee. There's no really good way of translating that into English. It's normally translated as 'key money', but that doesn't really reflect the Japanese. You basically pay the equivalent of a couple of months rent as a mandatory 'gift' to the owner. This specific apartment was listed without that fee, but we found out it does actually have one, my wife explaining that it's because the apartment is newly built. She said it so straight-faced and matter-of-fact, as if that was somehow a good reason to expect to pay a couple of grand for nothing.

                                Thankfully her parents are paying it so I can't complain, but the custom annoys me quite a lot.

