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Little things that bring a smile to your face 3

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    Originally posted by Soundwave View Post
    Pyramid selling

    Congrats Charles thats some nice pocket change



      lol Pyramid selling is illegal.

      I work alongside an amazing global company that turned over $2.6bn last year and in the UK has the Gold standard Investors In People award (a UK Government government owned award). I work to help people who want to achieve their true potential, earn extra income, have more time and freedom, with financial independence and flexible working hours. I get paid to teach people to do exactly what I do and look after a few customers. It's certainly not for everyone, but then most people just want to have an insecure 9-5 job and earn the same amount each year regardless of how hard they work.

      As well as the monthly income and yearly bonus, I also got a 5* trip to Hawaii (with $1000 spending money), a 5* trip to Sardinia, and ?400 a month for a car or whatever.

      If there's anything here that sounds interesting, grab me for more info.
      Last edited by charlesr; 01-01-2014, 17:29.


        It's not a pyramid scheme.

        Charles produces the vitamins and you would be responsible for distribution.



          You have mentioned it several times Charles now. I really don't think this forum is really the right place to do so.


            Originally posted by Colin View Post
            Best looking PS2 there is -

            Now residing at Fuse's house.
            I was going "damn, was it that huge?", then noticed the pad beside and it doesn't seem that big in real life...I don't know about the pad ports on the back, though.


              Don't worry, there are games that don't even detect controller ports on it.

              Thunder Force VI is one I believe.


                Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                lol Pyramid selling is illegal
                No it isn't. My grandfather builds and sells pyramids. Quality craftsmanship. All locally-sourced materials, too.


                  Originally posted by charlesr
                  lol Pyramid selling is illegal.

                  I work alongside an amazing global company that turned over $2.6bn last year and in the UK has the Gold standard Investors In People award (a UK Government government owned award). I work to help people who want to achieve their true potential, earn extra income, have more time and freedom, with financial independence and flexible working hours. I get paid to teach people to do exactly what I do and look after a few customers. It's certainly not for everyone, but then most people just want to have an insecure 9-5 job and earn the same amount each year regardless of how hard they work.

                  As well as the monthly income and yearly bonus, I also got a 5* trip to Hawaii (with $1000 spending money), a 5* trip to Sardinia, and ?400 a month for a car or whatever.

                  If there's anything here that sounds interesting, grab me for more info.

                  It's only when the information about what the company actually does is this vague that you know it's an MLM


                    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                    I work to help people who want to achieve their true potential, earn extra income, have more time and freedom, with financial independence and flexible working hours. I get paid to teach people to do exactly what I do and look after a few customers.
                    Out of interest, does this mean your income is based on the sales revenue of those you recruit/train, or just based on your own sales?

                    Whenever you read people making a good living and encouraging others to do the same (Without mentioning the product, the company or the skills needed) it's hard not to be a bit suspicious. There are quite a lot of MLM's out there, the classic being "Vitamin supplements" and I of course the fear is that people would be led into having false hopes.

                    It's probably nothing to do with an MLM, but just sounded a bit dodgy.


                      Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
                      Out of interest, does this mean your income is based on the sales revenue of those you recruit/train, or just based on your own sales?

                      Whenever you read people making a good living and encouraging others to do the same (Without mentioning the product, the company or the skills needed) it's hard not to be a bit suspicious. There are quite a lot of MLM's out there, the classic being "Vitamin supplements" and I of course the fear is that people would be led into having false hopes.

                      It's probably nothing to do with an MLM, but just sounded a bit dodgy.
                      It does have everything to do with MLM.

                      Google Forever Living that's the mob...I actually spoke to Charles in length & have been to the seminar & it works totally on you getting others involved & taking from their sales as well.

                      Didn't look like being even close to viable to me so declined



                        Originally posted by Soundwave View Post
                        It does have everything to do with MLM
                        Isn't this how schemes like Avon, Betterware and Ann Summers (parties at home) work too, not sure how they all get around the pyramid thling thing but they obviously do.


                          Originally posted by DavidH View Post
                          Isn't this how schemes like Avon, Betterware and Ann Summers (parties at home) work too, not sure how they all get around the pyramid thling thing but they obviously do.
                          Absolutely. MLM's don't have to be criminal.


                            Technically a pyramid scheme is only a pyramid scheme when there is no product, as far as I know anyway.

                            With programs like Forever Living, Herbalife, Quixtar etc there is a product that you as a member are tasked with selling, although the real money is usually in signing up new members underneath you. Usually there is a minimum quantity of product that you need to buy from the company each month in order to remain a member in good standing.


                              And yet just because something isn't criminal doesn't make it cool. There are degrees and grey areas in everything. For example, Avon was a direct sales company focused on selling products and yet more and more has come under criticism for becoming more of a MLM company, focusing more on pulling people into the system. And therein lies the difference I guess.


                                Originally posted by wakka View Post
                                Technically a pyramid scheme is only a pyramid scheme when there is no product, as far as I know anyway.

                                With programs like Forever Living, Herbalife, Quixtar etc there is a product that you as a member are tasked with selling, although the real money is usually in signing up new members underneath you. Usually there is a minimum quantity of product that you need to buy from the company each month in order to remain a member in good standing.
                                Didn't know that.
                                Not that for one second I wanted to imply anything Charles or the companies I mentioned aren't 100% legit. Know Betterware went bust last year though and started up again the same day.

