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Little things that bring a smile to your face 3

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    Hahah utah unplugged!


      Could eat this right now


        Is there any cheese on the pizza? If not, no sale.


          The absolute state of that.


            Agreed, needs cheese or no deal.

            I still remember when we were trying to get Isaac Hayes to #1 with "Chocolate Salty Balls" :P


              Batman logic has made me laugh today.


                Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                Are we not supposed to be buying AC/DC - Highway to Hell?
                Yes, and every version on itunes counts, so download them all!


                  Originally posted by Kit View Post
                  The absolute state of that.
                  Your choice of words did make me laugh there.

                  Never seen this video before, there is Achievement whoring and there is this, A for effort for sure.

                  Last edited by VR46; 17-12-2013, 20:12.


                    My youngest actually decided to just get up on his own and walk last night in front of me and my missus. Been a few issues with his feet so seeing him do that was fecking great last night. Chuffed.


                      Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
                      My youngest actually decided to just get up on his own and walk last night in front of me and my missus. Been a few issues with his feet so seeing him do that was fecking great last night. Chuffed.
                      Great news, mate! Glad to hear he's making progress.
                      Phase 1: Walking - COMPLETE
                      Phase 2: Get Daddy a beer from the fridge.


                        Sweet! A whole new world to explore!


                          Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
                          My youngest actually decided to just get up on his own and walk last night in front of me and my missus. Been a few issues with his feet so seeing him do that was fecking great last night. Chuffed.
                          Excellent, what is up with his feet k0pp0 if you don't mind me asking, my son has weak ankles (he's 11 now) and has had to wear special boots for support until last year when he can now get away with Clarks shoes and trainers also. Wouldn't risk anything else.


                            Got some lovely homemade artwork from my girls for my birthday. And a nice little haul. Somewhat counterbalances the terror that comes from the ravages of time.


                              Originally posted by DavidH View Post
                              Excellent, what is up with his feet k0pp0 if you don't mind me asking, my son has weak ankles (he's 11 now) and has had to wear special boots for support until last year when he can now get away with Clarks shoes and trainers also. Wouldn't risk anything else.
                              Same thing - weak ankles that roll inwards, one's worse than the other. Fair play, I thought he'd be in 'special shoes' that looked like some kind of punk/lesbian knee high affair, but he's getting some that look pretty much the same as any other shoe/walking boot but with extra support and a shaped insole. Also means that the NHS will be paying for shoes for some time, which will save us 30 odd quid every 3 months.

                              We've been stressing about it - he's 2 years and a few months and although will walk aided is pretty unsteady otherwise.

                              Glad to hear your lad is able to wear trainers and the like - did he have to do any physio?


                                My youngest was well over two and a half when she walked. Stressed the bejesus out of me and she seems like she will always be a stage behind (runs a little clumsily, for example) as she has something called dyspraxia, which probably led to the late walking in the first place. The positive is that dealing with it (and so many people have to deal with so much worse) led me to really appreciate that all kids are different, they do things at different times or even not at all and it's cool because most kids are awesome. I'd rather have a happy little girl who falls over a lot than a physically-capable little ASBO-candidate!

