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Little things that bring a smile to your face 3

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    My niece had a twisted/knotted intestine while in the womb and was in GOSH for her first year or so. It affected her development and she's had trouble walking, too, and she would get really frustrated in the early days because her older siblings are wannabe gymnasts and always jumping/climbing over things, doing handstands and other stuff that needed coordination that she didn't possess. She was a late bloomer in a fair few ways but her character is impeccable. She's easily my favourite of all his kids and since she got her hearing aids we'd been having actual conversations about all sorts of random stuff.

    Here in Japan working at the junior high school, the special needs kids are my favourites. These days I don't consider some kids normal and others special. All kids are normal to me, now. Just different kinds of normal.


      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
      My youngest was well over two and a half when she walked. Stressed the bejesus out of me and she seems like she will always be a stage behind (runs a little clumsily, for example) as she has something called dyspraxia, which probably led to the late walking in the first place. The positive is that dealing with it (and so many people have to deal with so much worse) led me to really appreciate that all kids are different, they do things at different times or even not at all and it's cool because most kids are awesome. I'd rather have a happy little girl who falls over a lot than a physically-capable little ASBO-candidate!
      My first was around 2 when he started walking - but he's fine. I've looked into Dyspraxia, and my youngest doesn't exhibit any of the other signs (as much as you can tell from google). His speech development has been reasonably slow, but I know he can say things, but chooses not to (for instance he said tractor perfectly. Once). He has got slight (!) hyper mobility in his joints, which falls in line with the foot thing. He's also having the terrible 2's at the moment as well, which is both a nightmare and hilarious.

      Ditto on the ASBO-Candidate comment. Slight sweeping generalisation here but most of our friends who have physically able/active kids are struggling to keep them under control. TOO THE IRK SECTION!


        Trap music.

        It's the daftest **** I've heard in years.

        Love it.


          Chloe getting a gift from Santa at her toddler group christmas party yesterday

          She was so good & loved every second of it.



            Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
            Same thing - weak ankles that roll inwards, one's worse than the other. Fair play, I thought he'd be in 'special shoes' that looked like some kind of punk/lesbian knee high affair, but he's getting some that look pretty much the same as any other shoe/walking boot but with extra support and a shaped insole. Also means that the NHS will be paying for shoes for some time, which will save us 30 odd quid every 3 months.

            We've been stressing about it - he's 2 years and a few months and although will walk aided is pretty unsteady otherwise.

            Glad to hear your lad is able to wear trainers and the like - did he have to do any physio?
            Pedro boots I assume? they are quite modern looking now and once covered with school trousers/jeans you wouldn't even notice. We don't have to pay for them either, which is good as they're around ?90 a pair. He alternates between them and Clarkes trainers.
            There is quite a selection of Pedro stuff once they get older like white boot like trainers which look fine, velcro and lace ups etc. My son and wife are both a size four and she said tried on the boots once and said are the most comfortable things ever.

            He did have physio when he was young, but don't honestly think it helped much - son is autistic and couldn't tell us even if he wanted to.

            The people in Clarkes are normally pretty useful and informed and can suggest something with extra support and the like.


              Originally posted by Soundwave View Post
              Chloe getting a gift from Santa at her toddler group christmas party yesterday

              She was so good & loved every second of it.

              Very cute!

              Going a little PS2 crazy is making me smile. Not in terms of purchasing games but debating the pros and cons of various mod chips and hardware revisions and how they work together. Going to bid on another two SCPH-39003 machines and shove in a Ghost 2 v2 and a DMS4 SE Pro and keep the one I like better. At the same time though I would kind of like a V0 SCPH-10000 with GH-001 board and utility disc but that would be a wad of cash..



                I have an SCPH-10000 with a Ghost 2 modchip which I've been tinkering with to get the SCPH-20400 hd (thanks Daryl!) working. Fun.
                Last edited by gunrock; 20-12-2013, 07:51.


                  This weekend is our lazy Xmas weekend as my gf will be working on Xmas eve and Xmas day.

                  I found out at my birthday that she loves the Gremlins films.

                  So today I told a teacher that we're going to watch Gremlins this weekend if I can download it. He had it on DVD in his drawer and lent it to me.

                  This freaky coincidence made me so happy I don't even mind that the film is letterboxed.

                  Even better, I asked if he likes the Goonies and he said he loves it. I told him they may be remaking it and he said they shouldn't bother because the original is so good.

                  I'll be arranging an 80's movie night with the guy soon.


                    Being handed this today -

                    Though it won't help with the phenomenal run of sobriety I've been on, it would be rude not to.........


                      Duking it out with BIG EDD's drivatar on my first Forza 5 race


                        Big Blue


                          Nice Colin, don't drink it all at once mate


                            Doesn't happen often but still.


                              Persona 4: Golden. It's like watching a film. So awesome. It's even better playing it on a TV.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                Yeah. Played it on a TV 4 years ago.

