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BPX002: This May Be Our Independence Day

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    Originally posted by Solar View Post
    I wasn't being a nob. It was a dig at the media's scare tactics, not you.
    Ah ok The marvels of the written word.


      Originally posted by The Moleman View Post
      Who is we?

      When you go into a supermarket and you're paying ?3 for a punnet of 8 Strawberries sourced from Greece because the EU overlords wont allow fruit wholesalers to shop outside of the EU you cannot possibly be referring to the general public being better off....
      Good points . The CAP is a scandalous waste of money . To think when the EU Zone has like 25% rates of unemployment, some 50% youth unemployment, the EU see's fit to spend some 40% of its entire budget on Farming subs.


        Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
        Good points . The CAP is a scandalous waste of money . To think when the EU Zone has like 25% rates of unemployment, some 50% youth unemployment, the EU see's fit to spend some 40% of its entire budget on Farming subs.
        To be fair, it's food. Without it we all die. The EU should spend a fair bit of its budget on that.


          Originally posted by Asura View Post
          To be fair, it's food. Without it we all die. The EU should spend a fair bit of its budget on that.
          You'll have a point if people outside of the CAP were starving . I don't see the people of , USA, Australia, New Zealand and the like having any issues with Food supply, do you ? and when it comes to cheap food the USA is where its at . The CAP needs huge reform and is not fit for purpose ,should be dropped and the market open up.. Who knows maybe it help bring parts of Africa out of poverty ; if they were able to sell their goods to the EU and we all have cheaper food as result and everybody wins .

          Still the French know best


            Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
            should be dropped and the market open up...
            Whilst the CAP does need reform, statements like this would always put me off agreeing with you. Maybe I'm just too lefty, but I only trust the market to do one thing - make more money for the wealthy at the expense of others.


              Originally posted by Asura View Post
              Maybe I'm just too lefty, but I only trust the market to do one thing - make more money for the wealthy at the expense of others.
              Its needs to be dropped altogether and somthingelse brought in its place.... When you've got youth unemployment of levels of over 50% in the likes of Spain, a 25% unemployment rate for the whole of the EU zone . I think the EU budget could and should be more focused on helping getting people jobs rather than 40% of going to the CAP and *lining the pockets of French farmers

              Plus I'm sick of seeing parts of Africa just having endless Aid handouts which isn't great for Africa in the long term. Much rather see African farms have full access to ours and the likes of USA food markets to help them sell their goods and get out of poverty . Maybe its being simplistic and yes it is ... but most developed countries all started by farming their way out of poverty

              Whilst the CAP does need reform, statements like this would always put me off agreeing with you.
              And saying 'To be fair, it's food. Without it we all die'. Like I say people of countries outside of the EU have no issues with food supply and pay less for their food .

              *May not be initially true
              Last edited by Team Andromeda; 25-02-2016, 14:17.


                I agree that CAP needs serious reform. But: which of these sounds better?

                1. Be outside the EU, but still have to pay the 'membership fee' to trade with the EU, and have no potential say in reforming CAP.

                2. Stay in the EU, and be able to get some say in how the money is spent, including pushing for a reform of CAP.


                  Obviously from the Pro EU side, but contains information:


                    Voting out myself, mainly down to wanting my vote in general elections to mean something and certainly TTIP would have harder time getting put in place when we have just our own government to watch and not the even more shady gits in Brussels.

                    GO campaigns first public meeting, most interesting bits are the 2 women at 55mins and 1hr39mins. Very interesting to see so many different political ideologies coming together.


                      I think the argument that remaining in the EU in order to have an input on decisions made is one of the corners that holds sway, the only issue with that part at the moment is it's hard to establish whether we actually do have any real input. We're certainly not a popular part of the EU even if we are a major contributor. I'm assuming the EU has to ensure some aspect of neutrality amongst the input of the member nations but seeing as most never agree with us or like us it suggests our input would be limited to nil which in turn means on this front leaving is here nor there. Again, it's another one of those things the Pro-Campaign needs to show and should be very easy but there's zero valuable info from them.

                      It would help Cameron's case if he even appeared to be on the same page as what was coming out of the EU on current matters:

                      But as expected the refugee issue looks to be rearing its head as a focus:

                      EU ministers struggle to reach collective agreement on crisis as Austria and Macedonia press for reintroduction of national border controls


                        Originally posted by Protocol Penguin View Post
                        2. Stay in the EU, and be able to get some say in how the money is spent, including pushing for a reform of CAP.
                        The UK has opposed 72 measures in the EU Council which have gone on to become law, just consider that for one moment, we're having laws forced onto us by the EU which are not in our interest.

                        The UK pays into a system and has no influence.
                        Last edited by The Moleman; 25-02-2016, 22:46.


                          A good friend of mine, Darrel, asked the first question on BBCQT tonight!


                            Bring Back Classy Quentin Tarantino?

                            Big Brother Celebrity Quail Tossing?

                            British Broadcasting Corporation Quite Tainted?


                              Originally posted by The Moleman View Post
                              The UK has opposed 72 measures in the EU Council which have gone on to become law, just consider that for one moment, we're having laws forced onto us by the EU which are not in our interest.

                              The UK pays into a system and has no influence.
                              The EU is a group of 28 nations. Of course the government by of one individual nation won't get its own way, for better or worse, all of time - that's just not how group democracy works. No one single nation has supreme control of the EU, that's exactly why it and its predecessor organsations were formed in the first place.

                              It's better to remain part of that collaborative process if we will need to pay to membership fees anyway; better some influence than none.


                                Reading about the TTP last night. Errrrrm, W.T.F!!!!!. Why isn't stuff like this splashed all over European news shaming the people that brought it into law? Oh, silly me, because those same people own the news corps as well :/.

