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    recently read
    Cell - Stephen King
    Mr Monday, Grim Tuesday, Drowned Wednesday, Sir Thursday - All by Garth Nix
    just started reading
    Sabriel - Garth Nix

    once ive finished the other 2 books in the old kingdom series (lirael and abhorson) im going to try and start the wheel of time series by robert jordan


      Im reading The Malayan Trilogy by Anthony Burgess. Just finished the first book, Time for a Tiger. Pretty good...


        Just finished reading The Passenger by Chris Petit.

        Basically its Conspiracy Theory + Lockerbie Bombing + Dodgy Spies with a little dash of The Sixth Sense. Really enyojed it even if i did sort of guess the twist at the end way before it happened. Recommended.

        I've just picked up The Human Pool by the same author which i will start reading soon.


          I read House of Leaves recently. What an amazing book. It tells the story of a photographer and his reality-bending house. The house seems normal enough, but when the guy measures up the rooms to fit some shelves, he finds it's 1/4 inch bigger inside than out. Then loads of weird stuff happens.

          But this story is told indirectly in the form of a critical analysis of a movie the photographer made about his house. Only, the movie didn't exist, it was made up by the old man who wrote the (ficitonal) analysis, which we only get to read because we're getting it third-hand from a guy who found the manuscript after the old man died. The third guy may be suffering the onset of paranoid schizophrenia, and may himself be a fiction created by a woman in a mental asylum.

          Bonkers? You betcha. The inside of the book is all messed up to reflect what happens in the story, so you get pages where the text flows in odd directions or makes patterns, or forces you to spin the book around to read it, stuff like that. It's a bit gimmicky in that respect but it works surprisingly well.

          I'd say if you're a Silent Hill fan, you'll love this book, and don't be put off by its massive physical size - it's not nearly as long inside as it looks from the outside (see what they did there?)
          Last edited by MattyD; 15-06-2006, 07:31.


            To Kill a Mockingbird. Again.


              can anyone recommend me a decent fantasy book about assassins?

              pretty niche i know..

              i'm playing a lot of hitman at the moment and i'm pretty hyped about assassin's creed and of course i'm a massive fan of theif and splinter cell

              is there anything out there about fantasy assassin type stuff?


                Angels and Demons right now. I really think its bloody marvellous!!! So enjoying it.


                  Originally posted by chopemon
                  can anyone recommend me a decent fantasy book about assassins?

                  pretty niche i know..

                  i'm playing a lot of hitman at the moment and i'm pretty hyped about assassin's creed and of course i'm a massive fan of theif and splinter cell

                  is there anything out there about fantasy assassin type stuff?
                  The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb.

                  It starts off slowly in Assasin's Aprentice but gets alot more interesting towards the end. The 2nd and 3rd books, Royal Assasin and Assasin's Quest are oustanding.


                    er- this thread (bet someone did that one already)


                      Originally posted by huxley
                      er- this thread (bet someone did that one already)
                      Cheeky bugger!


                        Originally posted by Shoju
                        The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb.

                        It starts off slowly in Assasin's Aprentice but gets alot more interesting towards the end. The 2nd and 3rd books, Royal Assasin and Assasin's Quest are oustanding.
                        ta very much!!!


                          Originally posted by Rossco
                          Angels and Demons right now. I really think its bloody marvellous!!! So enjoying it.
                          I've just finished that. Much much better than the Davinci Code, good choice.
                          Currently reading a bit of an oldie, Deception Point by Dan Brown. All about government coverups, and things buried in the Arctic. "A thumping good read."


                            Thats my next choice after I finish Angels and Demons too, it looks a good read.

                            Should be finished soon, get alot of it read tomorrow in work hopefully.

                            I'm up to the

                            third cardinal murder, pretty sick stuff!!


                              Originally posted by Shoju
                              The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb.

                              It starts off slowly in Assasin's Aprentice but gets alot more interesting towards the end. The 2nd and 3rd books, Royal Assasin and Assasin's Quest are oustanding.
                              The entire 9 book series (Farseer, Liveship, The Fool) is fantastic. I adored every one of them. Such a fantastic end to it as well.


                                Originally posted by Rossco

                                I'm up to the

                                third cardinal murder, pretty sick stuff!!
                                It gets better very tense stuff.

