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    Zombie Survival Guide.

    it has pretty sound advice for when the zombie plague eventually takes over our planet - i work in an converted church, so there's no way i'm staying here when the storm hits and being in Glasgow it's only a relatively short train journey until you're in the middle of nowhere.

    *slowly packs rucksack without anyone noticing*



        Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose


          Mainly because of Assassins Creed im reading Alamut by Vladimir Bartol


            Originally posted by briareos_kerensky
            Ron Hubbard's Dianetics... Comedy gold.
            You are SO saved by that qualifying statement. The UK headquarters is in Poole high street and I must have a sign on my head saying 'vulnerable and in need of cult brainwashing' because they stop me on the way home EVERY SINGLE DAY to take a test on one of those bloody machines of theirs.


              Originally posted by MattyD
              You are SO saved by that qualifying statement. The UK headquarters is in Poole high street and I must have a sign on my head saying 'vulnerable and in need of cult brainwashing' because they stop me on the way home EVERY SINGLE DAY to take a test on one of those bloody machines of theirs.
              you need to watch this and then go for a test:
              My entry into the 404 page contest is now apparently the official "not found" redirect for I didn't even find out until a month after the fact...


                Originally posted by MattyD
                You are SO saved by that qualifying statement. The UK headquarters is in Poole high street and I must have a sign on my head saying 'vulnerable and in need of cult brainwashing' because they stop me on the way home EVERY SINGLE DAY to take a test on one of those bloody machines of theirs.
                tell me about it. On the plus side, charity shops in Poole are a veritable goldmine of second hand Hubbard literature. Got Dianetics and a Scientology t-shirt in Marie Curie a few weeks ago!


                  Originally posted by MattyD
                  You are SO saved by that qualifying statement.
                  If you have some time to spare, do that test and if they invite you over their HQ, go. One of my friends did: I think I've never laughed so much after hearing his stories. Probably only Hubbard's concept on walls, greek cavalry and Troy are more amusing because they don't actually hurt anyone.


                    They usually say it's a 'stress test', to which I wittilly retort "let's see you do it first to make sure it works". That makes 'em squirm!

                    You still can't get away from them in this town though. Back when I lived on my old council estate they used to post leaflets all the time preaching some tin-foil hat theory about germs being a myth purpetuated by drugs companies or some such ****.


                      Am reading another superb footy book - Garry Nelson's Left Foot In The Grave. When that is finished I have two books my missus has to choose between - Gordon Ramsay autobiog to look at, or child-faced, pneumatic-titted, charlie-hoovering, burger-thighed harridan Kerry Katona.


                        I started reading the first Halo novel, don't usually do books, but I'm enjoying it.


                          Just finished Captain Corelli's Mandolin - ending really left you longing for more. Very sad.

                          Moved on to Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. Really liked his first novel, Ghostwritten, and i'm enjoying this so far, only 100 pages or so in though.


                            Recently finished ?Jpod? (Douglas Coupland)... and really liked, it was v funny. Plot was stretched a bit too far, however the office culture - well what can i say, that was way too close to home! :-D

                            Also finished ?All Fun and Games Until Somebody Loses an Eye? (Brookmyre) very recently, which was also very enjoyable.

                            Been in a bit of a reading lull since those two books, picked up a few things and not really got past the first chapter on them? all suggestions welcome.


                              Still forcing myself through Stephen King's Dark Tower V ...


                                Eats, Shoots and Leaves. Again. Fantastic book if you're of the grammar-nazi persuasion.

