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    Still forcing my way through Sophie's World. It's like taking a metal ****.


      Originally posted by GoWFanboi
      Still forcing myself through Stephen King's Dark Tower V ...
      I was a bit miffed with the last Dark Tower book. Still a brilliant series of books..


        Originally posted by Psi
        Eats, Shoots and Leaves. Again. Fantastic book if you're of the grammar-nazi persuasion.
        Agreed - cracking book. Made me appreciate the humble hyphen. There is a world of difference between extra-marital sex and extra marital sex!!


          Originally posted by k0pp0
          I was a bit miffed with the last Dark Tower book. Still a brilliant series of books..
          Thats the last thing i wanna be hearing im on book 5 now and still loving them.


            I'm on the 11th book of the New Jedi Order series...although it's received a lot of criticism I'm enjoying the more realistic pace and the fact that main characters can die.



              Originally posted by Ajay1986
              Thats the last thing i wanna be hearing im on book 5 now and still loving them.
              Don't worry about it. Persevere! I'm going to read them all again over the next couple of months (probably the 3rd-4th time I've done so).

              Excellent series of books, although has anyone read the old books and the 'revised' editions?
              Last edited by k0pp0; 02-11-2006, 06:11.


                Never read a book in my life until last week (i'm 23), I just couldn't get into them before. But Terry Pratchetts Discworld books are so good I done 2 in 6 days. awesome.


                  Got/read all of Terry Pratchetts books... Quite a good read, although he is a bit of a cock in real life. Allegedly.

                  *edit* Well, all of the discworld novels. Not any of the kids books/comic art books/discworld guides etc.

                  *edit 2* because that would be sad.


                    Am currently reading "The Mirror Maker", a collection of short stories by Primo Levi, and am loving it - he has a stupendous imagination! Was pelting it down with rain today so I took tube instead of cycling, and was hoping to read on the way in as consolation for the expense .. but it was too crowded to open my book ft:


                      Originally posted by JohnMcL7
                      I'm on the 11th book of the New Jedi Order series...although it's received a lot of criticism I'm enjoying the more realistic pace and the fact that main characters can die.

                      You know, I started out liking the NJO, right up to a certain Characters Death (No, not Chewies), after that it seemed to loose something, focus perhaps, the plot suffered immensely and then Darth Chicken came to the fore. Once it all finishes your left thinking the whole thing was one big waste, the DN trilogy wasn't very good either IMO and thus far all LOTF has done is confirm that mistakes where made (The Potentium.....pah) and the obvious foreshadowing all but the most obsessed Jacens fanboys couldn't accept was true.

                      As for reviving a poor Marvel comics character.........

                      I'd rather have another Death Star.


                        Bill Bryson's latest, Robert Harris' Enigma and Wilbur Smith. Also have Bryson's science book on the shelf. That's getting read in bits Just read A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian and also The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. Both good but the latter more so. Somethimes it's nice to read something that you wouldn't normally touch. It gives you a different view of things sometimes


                          Freakonomics - Excellent read


                            Halo - Ghosts of Onyx, as soon as it drops through the door. Great series and looking forward to picking up where the story left in Halo 2.


                              Finished The Hobbit yesterday after starting it in July!

                              Just didnt get round to reading at all recently, loved the book though, the first half was definitely the better.

                              Onto Digital Fortress now, about 10 chapters in, really liking it, Dan Browns books are so good to read.


                                Currently reading:

                                Marcovaldo (by Italo Calvino)
                                The Last Days of Socrates (by Plato)
                                Annotated Classic Fairy Tales (ed. Maria Tatar)

                                The last one is brilliant ... finding out a whole lot about fairy tales that I didn't know before. Including that in the original version of Red Riding Hood, she does a strip-tease for the wolf, and then tricks him by pretending she needs to go outside for a pee, and makes her escape!!!

