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    the hardback versions of 'V for Vendetta' and 'Superman: Klassiska Serier'. both in Svenska.

    it's tough going and takes me about 30 minutes to get through a page, what with using a dictionary and the English version (of V for Vendetta) for comparison.


      Avant Pop: Fiction for a Daydream Nation edited by Larry McCaffrey.

      My Creative Writing tutor recommended it to me before starting his course; I couldn't get beyond the first story. Now, 10 years later, I still have no idea WTF is going on but I can actually read it.
      Last edited by Prophet Hero; 16-03-2007, 08:27.


        I'm now reading 'The Secret History' by Donna Tartt. I remembered that my English Lit lecturer back in college had recommended it so thought I'd give it a go. Before this, I'd just finished 'Everything's Eventual', a set of short stories by Stephen King (mainly because I wanted to read 1408 before the film came out!) but some of the stories were pretty enjoyable.


          Originally posted by shuzo View Post
          I'm now reading 'The Secret History' by Donna Tartt. I remembered that my English Lit lecturer back in college had recommended it so thought I'd give it a go. Before this, I'd just finished 'Everything's Eventual', a set of short stories by Stephen King (mainly because I wanted to read 1408 before the film came out!) but some of the stories were pretty enjoyable.
          i am reading that foir the second time at the moment. Perfect to read before I go to sleep. Man In The Black Suit is the best one, gave me teh creeps. The one about

          the fella who writes letters that kill people and that

          is good too.


            Originally posted by Big Seany View Post
            Man In The Black Suit is the best one, gave me teh creeps. The one about

            the fella who writes letters that kill people and that

            is good too.
            Those are good stories yeah but I must say although most people seem not to like L.T's theory of Pets, I really did. There's nothing scary about it as such but I found it a very enjoyable read. Can't remember which other ones I liked now, but I remember thinking 1408 was a bit meh. You're right about man in the black suit though, had me creeped out too which was great


              Its been a while since ive been really hooked on a book

              But currently Im reading Across a Dark Realm by Raymond Feist

              Absolutely superb book, I started thinking yesterday that this must be the 20th ish book that feist has wrote about the world of Pug and Mikidema from the start of the Magician series and hes still managing to keep it fresh and interesting

              I recommend this for any fantasy fans, plus its good a wee bit of social politics usually dotted around it which makes you think.


                Anyone read this book 'Ruins' that's mentioned over at AICN as getting a film adaptation. Sounds interesting but curious to get a recommendation. How is it?


                  Memoirs of a Geisha. Finished Enigma last week. I do like a good book


                    Originally posted by Pookmunki View Post
                    Wind-up Bird Chronicle, as i have probably said countless times in this thread, is fantastic, one of the few books i wanted to re-read as soon as i'd finished

                    Rather shamefully, i'm not reading anything atm, although i am writing my own book, so rather than taint it with others ideas or images, im running on literary vapours (back of bean tins, cereal packets, emails at work etc) instead...

                    Next year look out for a book called '419', you'll love it
                    I'll look out for it - really.

                    I am enjoying Wind-up Bird Chronicle a lot, its beginning to get really interesting. One thing that does bother me, however, is that i've noticed a few parts that seem to have been badly translated, like its been rushed. I'm too lazy to search for examples.


                      haha! /shameless plug GET!

                      I notice bad translation in all Murakami's work, the same guy (his name escapes me) does most of his books.

                      It certainly doesn't help when the stories are as surreal as Murakami's, i gave up trying to 'get' them after 'Hardboiled wonderland...'. I just enjoy the imagery, i don't recall any author that can make cooking pasta seem interesting


                        I just read a great non-fiction book I picked up on a whim, called The Men Who Stare At Goats.

                        The book follows the story of how shellshocked G.I.s returning from TeH 'Nam got taken up in all kinds of kooky hippy / spritual / mystic type stuff back in the 60s and 70s, and the effect that had on US military policy. Basically all those crazy hippied-out soldiers eventually became the ruling hierarchy, and used their rank to indulge all manner of odd 'pet' projects. All the 'non-leathal' weapons you hear of now, like tasers and the crowd control foam, are all things they cooked up whilst wasted back in the day. And they had black-ops people study all the most obscure martial arts and shamanistic practices in the hopes of finding a technique for killing people just by willing them to die.

                        The hippy squaddies also influenced all kinds of US policies, espeically after 9/11. That whole thing about playing loud music to the prisoners in Guantanomo Bay, and the whole photos thing at Abu Gahraib, was all a result of their tree-hugging, non-violent approach. There's a lot to laugh about in this book but if you give it some serious thought it's also very scary.


                          Originally posted by shuzo View Post
                          I'm now reading 'The Secret History' by Donna Tartt. I remembered that my English Lit lecturer back in college had recommended it so thought I'd give it a go.
                          Good choice. It's an excellent read. I really like Tartt's writing style, too.


                            I've read loads of books over the last few months. I can't stop reading at the moment. My recommendations of what i've read recently.

                            The Interpretation of Murder by Jed Rubenfeld.
                            America's Report Card by John McNally.
                            Against The Day by Thomas Pynchon.
                            American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
                            The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon.

                            I especially loved Against The Day which was my first foray into the world of Pynchon. Yes, it was a hard read (for me anyway) and i did get lost a few times (and had to go back and read whole sections again) but in the end i found it to be a very rewarding read and i intend to re-read the book soon.


                              I'm reading World War Z, and have got 'I am Legend' and 'Plague of the Dead' lined up.. Bit of a zombie fetish at the moment.

                              And I'm always going back to my Ninjutsu books..


                                aye, World War Z is a great book - very entertaining.

                                i have The Zombie Survival Guide as well - i read it when i'm travelling as it's written more as a reference guide than a novel so it's easy to dip in and out of.

                                if i'm in a particular mood i'll read it and make fake 'notes' at the same time - you should see the looks on people's faces when they clock what i'm reading...

