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    Yep, I really enjoyed the I Am Legend novel as well. I've currently got two books on the go at the moment, which I don't normally do unless they're due back at the library & I can't renew them. Roadside Crosses by Jeffery Deaver has an online community storyline running through it & is pretty good so far. The second novel is The Baker's Boy by J V Jones which I'm kind of struggling with, but is enjoyable nonetheless.


      Just reading the autobiography of Felicia 'Snoop' Pearson. Very good, more so if like me you are obsessed with Baltimore and the Wire.


        Reading Issue 4 of Mustard, a £2 satirical magazine I picked up in Borders. Lengthy interview with Alan Moore, which is very good indeed. Apparently it's a non-profit volunteer based mag funded by the 2 quid and adverts. Unfortunately this makes its appearances irregular, and it's apparently gone into a recession-induced hibernation until advertising revenue picks up. Shame.


          I am a huge Murakami fan.


            Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial View Post
            I am a huge Murakami fan.

            I can safely say that I'm a Murakami fan after reading only one of his books, The Wind-up Bird Chronicle. I've already got copies of Norwegian Wood and After Dark ready once I finish my current book. Would you recommend his two works of non-fiction, After the Quake and Underground?


              Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial View Post

              I am a huge Murakami fan.

              the last book i read was norwegian wood actually

              infact should prob read it again, yeah i will


                Finished Snoop. Jus re-reading Selby Last Exit. So awesome.


                  I finished reading 1984 a few days ago. Very dark and depressive, but good read.

                  Now started with another graphic novel, Batman: Year One by Frank Miller. It's the beginning of Batman and inspired Christopher Nolan for the Batman Begins movie. Already half way through after only two hours reading though.


                    Finished The Road last night and although I can see why others wouldn't like it, I think I'd put it in the top ten books I've ever read. The writing style is very odd, very sparse, but that made it all the more compelling for me. McCarthy speeds through the descriptions but lingers on the tiny details, mainly the relationship between The Man and The Boy, and its their relationship that makes the book so special.

                    Next up is Peter F Hamilton's The Reality Dysfuction.


                      Finished reading Generation Kill last night, next up is Worl War Z


                        Halfway through Retribution Falls: Tales of the Ketty Jay by Chris Wooding & I'm struggling with it & I don't know why.


                          Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged

                          So excited to read this book, my first experience of Rand. The cameo in the first series of Mad Men did not help much either.


                            World War Z by Max brooks


                              Keep meaning to read that one. Anyway, part way through The Haunting Of Alaizabel Cray by Chris Wooding & absolutely loving it.


                                "You're wondering now - The Specials From Conception to Reunion" by Paul Williams, Cherry Red Books.

                                Fairly interesting read, but suffers from it being fan written. There's been stuff I didn't know, but it meanders a lot, and there's a fair amount of conjecture written as fact.

