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    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post

    Under the Dome - Stephen King. Over 880 pages long, but a real page turner. It doesn't feel like all that much happens as it builds slowly, but it's really compelling. 8/10
    I really want to read this, but 800 pages is way too much for me. 600 seems to be my limit.


      I'm enjoying gaming novels at the moment and am currently reading Gears of War: Aspho Fields and have got GoW: Jacinto's Remnant ready for afterwards, both by Karen Traviss.


        Originally posted by The Glider View Post
        I really want to read this, but 800 pages is way too much for me. 600 seems to be my limit.
        You've not read It or The Stand then? You're missing out.


          Under the Dome - Stephen King. Really enjoyed Cell, so thought I'd give this a try. It's pretty hefty though.

          Patient Zero - Jonathan Maberry. 28 Days Later meets Chris Ryan. The author has won awards for his books and also written some Marvel Zombies stuff.

          Infected - Scott Sigler. Sounds like a cross between Invasion of the Body Snatchers and The Fog (the book).
          These 3 are in my too read folder/collection (on my Kindle)

          Currently reading the Black Prism by Brent Weeks - first part of a new series and I am really enjoying it. Has an interesting premise and magic system. Around the 65% mark in it.

          Next up will be The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson - only started getting into this author when it was announced he was finishing the wheel of time series after robert jordans death, but I have read and enjoyed all his books since then. This one looks like a beauty, coming in at over a 1000 pages though so one that might take me a couple of days

          After that I should really delve into the too read collection, the amount of ebooks I have in there now is enough to keep a small library going


            I'm busy re-reading all the Wheel Of Time books again in anticipation of Book 13, the penultimate entry, being released in early November. The end is almost in sight after one point it seeming it would never be completed.

            A great series, and I hear some company has bought the video game rights to the series, and it is currently in development.


              btw anyone into urban fantasy like the Dresden files by Jim Butcher or anything by simon r green should check out the child of fire by harry connolly - a really gritty (and bloody good) start to a new series. Second volume to the series was released a few days ago , Game of Cages - another one that's been bought and put straight into the too read folder


                A great series, and I hear some company has bought the video game rights to the series, and it is currently in development.
                there already is a wheel of time game - was released on pc years ago. Heard it was passable, but never played it myself.

                Good luck in reading all 12 wheel of time books before november - I have read through them all quite a few times in the past but I think a major reread won't be taking place till the final book is out, and my backlog is thinned out a bit.


                  Don't be scared, Glider! I'm not a big reader and this is the biggest book I've read, but it flew by. It helped I was on Holiday, but I was gripped throughout. I wanted a resolution to the story, but at no point was I wishing the book would hurry up and finish.

                  Interestingly, there's a big plug for The Stand at the end, so now I've conquered my fear of a hefty book, I'm going to start on The Stand. Am I in for a treat, Number45?

                  John, I'd forgotten you'd got a Kindle, I was going to offer a swapsies on Patient Zero for Day by Day Apocalypse.

                  I keep thinking about getting a Kindle, but I always think you can get cheap books from shops or 2nd hand or charity shops, if a book gets nicked off your sun lounger or you leave it on the bus it doesn't matter, you can swap or lend books to friends and they're perfect for planes because they're not affected by the "turn off all electronic devices during takeoff" notice.

                  Also, can you use a Kindle on a plane because it has both wifi and 3G on it? They normally ask you to turn off devices with these functions for the whole flight.

                  Back to books, I've picked up a thriller which I've totally forgotten the name of! It's called something like "The Needles" and it's about a killer in a block of flats, The tagline is something like "some call it hell, other call it home". Looks better than I'm making it sound...


                    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                    Also, can you use a Kindle on a plane because it has both wifi and 3G on it? They normally ask you to turn off devices with these functions for the whole flight.
                    Short answer is that you should be able to use it - you'll just need to switch the wireless off. See page 175 here:

                    I'm currently on the Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman (having recently finished The Subtle Knife and Northern Lights). I'm aware that technically it's a children's book, but the series is remarkably compelling - well written, and interesting. Not sure what will be next on the list - I've got a big fat copy of Umberto Eco's "Foucault's Pendulum" which has been lying near me for a while. It's probably time to start work on that, though I might cop out and try some Stieg Larsson.

                    I went through a long phase of not reading much, but I'm travelling on trains (rather than car) for work a lot more now, which gives a great opportunity to get through books (there's little else which you can profitably achieve on the Tube, for example...). It's an enjoyable hobby though, so I'm hoping to continue even if I stop being on the train so much. And I'm also trying to avoid the temptation of the new Kindle...


                      Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                      You've not read It or The Stand then? You're missing out.
                      I read 'It' many moons ago when it first came out in paperback & back when I wasn't reading that many books so was able to concentrate fully on it. Great read. At the moment I've got a stack of six big libraries on my shelves waiting to be read, so huge, huge ones have to take a back seat.

                      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                      Don't be scared, Glider! I'm not a big reader and this is the biggest book I've read, but it flew by. It helped I was on Holiday, but I was gripped throughout. I wanted a resolution to the story, but at no point was I wishing the book would hurry up and finish.
                      Is it quite gory as I've kind of stopped reading horror novels & mainly stick to crime & fantasy titles.


                        I'm halfway through the fourth Dune book. They're mental. So much information with very little explanation. You're meant to 'get' it or else do your homework. They're like the book versions of a vertical shooter!

                        I find myself having to reread sentences at times, especially when reading it on the train. I love them, though, and am ploughing through regardless. I most likely will read through them again in the future so I'm not worrying too much about the finer points and am just absorbing the setting, story and characters.


                          Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                          Interestingly, there's a big plug for The Stand at the end, so now I've conquered my fear of a hefty book, I'm going to start on The Stand. Am I in for a treat, Number45?
                          The Stand is probably Kings best book along with The Talisman. 800 pages isn't much when you get into it and you will probably kill it in a week as its a page turner. I'd be hard pushed to pick between the two as to which i prefer as they are both totally different stories.

                          Tbh, i've not been a fan of King for a long time but both of those above i would recommend as essential reading

                          There are also lots of apocalyptic books around but one i have read which is on a par and perhaps even better than The Stand, is Swan Song by Robert R McCammon.


                            Originally posted by NemesiS View Post
                            The Stand is probably Kings best book along with The Talisman. 800 pages isn't much when you get into it and you will probably kill it in a week as its a page turner. I'd be hard pushed to pick between the two as to which i prefer as they are both totally different stories.
                            i've never read the talisman but the stand really is an excellent book. my favourite steven king book is probably insomnia although maybe that is just because it's the first book of his that i ever read. i just started reading the shining last night - i've never seen the film btw - looking forward to getting into it.


                              Yes, Insomnia is a great read and one of his lesser known books. You should read The Dark Tower series, there's a heavy crossover with Insomnia (Although you won't necessarily appreciate it until a few books in). In fact there's crossover with The Stand too.

                              I didn't realise Marvel have done graphic novel adaptations of The Dark Tower series. Might pick the first up and see what it's like.


                                Don't get too excited about the cross over stuff in The Dark Tower. The way he treats all that stuff in the last book will just make you angry.


                                Not to mention what happens to Randall Flagg, one of the best villains in modern literature.

                                Incidentally, whatever happened to It 2? I remember reading that King was interested in doing a sequel given that he's due to re-appear in the next few years and that Dreamcatcher hints he's still alive.

                                I know there's an It remake being made. Will be hard to top Tim Curry as Pennywise though.

                                That said, I've stopped reading King now, after the final Dark Tower Book and Cell I've lost the urge to follow him any more after religiously reading all of his stuff before then.

