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    Originally posted by Number45 View Post
    Yes, Insomnia is a great read and one of his lesser known books.
    That book left me feeling rather unsettled after I finished it. Something about it really gave me the creeps.


      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
      That said, I've stopped reading King now, after the final Dark Tower Book and Cell I've lost the urge to follow him any more after religiously reading all of his stuff before then.
      Me in a nutshell. I got fed up of reading Kings stuff years ago. I honestly just find his books totally boring, monotous and extremely hard work now. Insomnia wasn't too bad, but i never could understand the gushing praise for IT?? Can't knock his early books though like Carrie, The Shining & The Stand etc.

      I'm the same with Koontz and Herbert. After you've read a few of theirs, you realise they all end the same. Again though like King, Herberts early stuff was cracking.


        It is probably my third favorite of his books after The Stand and The Shining. I loved all the backstory stuff.

        I'm trying to move out to different horror authors but there are surprisingly few high profile ones, especially ones who write full novels. Gone through all of HP Lovecraft's stuff (public domain in the UK now \o/ ), gone through all of clive barkers books of blood.

        Need to read one of Clive Barkers full sized novels but I'm not sure which to read. Heard that Weaveworld was supposed to be his most popular but I understand that's fairly mild compared to the books of blood. His best stories are the most messed up ones.


          Currently 2 thirds way through Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, very enjoyable but hard going at the same time, i find myself reading a chapter and having to go away for a week to ponder its meaning.


            Read The Damned United in about 2 days the other week.

            About 200 pages through The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie.

            Odd writing style, but I'm enjoying the characters.


              Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
              Need to read one of Clive Barkers full sized novels but I'm not sure which to read. Heard that Weaveworld was supposed to be his most popular but I understand that's fairly mild compared to the books of blood. His best stories are the most messed up ones.
              I'd recommend Imajica, it's both pretty messed-up and insanely awesome, it really is a stunningly good book - mindblowing, really.


                About 200 pages through The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie.
                Really good read, and the next two books get better and better. Not too keen on his last book "Best Served Cold" but his next book "Heroes" looks a return to form, going off the short story I read based on that books characters.

                I don't know why but I get jealous as hell when I see someone starting to read a book that I loved for the first time, makes me want to take the blue pill and start them all again


                  I've just finished reading "Tai-Pan" by James Clavell. Pretty epic..

                  I'm about to start on "Shogun", also by Clavell.


                    I was reading a book called Remotely Controlled: How Television Is Damaging Our Lives. The title says it all. It's a very well-researched book on the dangers of television. The problem, being so well-researched, is that I know the author could not have dug up those stats and studies without coming across all the positive studies too. They aren't mentioned. So his interpretations are suspect and, in some cases, flat-out wrong.

                    And so the book is guilty of one of the major faults in the media it is attacking - fearmongering.

                    Now, about three-quarters of the way through, I'm thinking of leaving it. A shame as some of the studies are important, there's a good argument to be made about the dangers of television but this book is just a little bit on the ridiculous side.


                      ...or you could just read Charlie Brooker's Dawn of the Dumb!


                        It looks good. Have you read it?


                          Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                          Need to read one of Clive Barkers full sized novels but I'm not sure which to read. Heard that Weaveworld was supposed to be his most popular but I understand that's fairly mild compared to the books of blood. His best stories are the most messed up ones.
                          Weaveworld is superb and yes, its not a horror, its fantasy. It reminds me of The Talsiman in some respects. Barker has written some good stuff but again it's mainly his early stuff imo, like Cabal (Nightbreed) and Hellraiser. Imajica wasn't bad and The Thief of Always was okay but The Great and Secret Show and Galilee (i think its called) were bobbins, so i stopped reading him as well. Barker went very Kingish and made his books hard going to read to keep you interested. Having said that, His Books of Blood volumes 1-6 are quite possibly the best collections of short stories i've read and are a must read.

                          Also going back to King, two of his books that i would list as essential are: The Bachman Books and Four Past midnight. Both contain four novels or novellas, but the quality of the story telling in each is fabulous. The Long Walk, Sundog, Running Man and The Langoliers in particular are just fantastic stories.

                          I agree though that there are no out and out decent horror writers any more. Graham Masterton did some decent horrors but its more pulpish when compared to the likes of King.

                          I read a lot of horrors though and for me the best Horror author of the last 20 years is Robert M McCammon. I can't recommend his books highly enough, especially: They Thirst, Swan Song, Stinger, The Wolfs Hour. Not all out and out horror but stonkingly good reads.

                          Also Brian Lumley. His seminal Necroscope series is just f*cking awesome and the best series of horror books i have ever read.

                          Atm, i'm just finishing the latest Raymond E Feist riftwar book. Another great author. The Magician series is fantastic.


                            Just finished reading Day By Day Armageddon as somebody on here mentioned it. Read it in 2 days and would highly recommend - if you like zombie books. Not much happens really but I couldn't put it down.
                            Now got Plague of the Dead to read. I'm on a bit of a zombie/apocalypse binge - any recommendations? I have read The Road and thought that was good. Something Fallout 3-ish would be nice.


                              Originally posted by Stoppy2000 View Post
                              Just finished reading Day By Day Armageddon as somebody on here mentioned it. Read it in 2 days and would highly recommend - if you like zombie books. Not much happens really but I couldn't put it down.
                              Now got Plague of the Dead to read. I'm on a bit of a zombie/apocalypse binge - any recommendations? I have read The Road and thought that was good. Something Fallout 3-ish would be nice.
                              Have also got Day by Day Armageddon on my list to read after feedback on here along with a few others

                              Swan Song is a superb post apocalyptic story in a similar vien to The Stand.

                              I am Legend is pretty good and not very long either (you'll kill it in a couple of hours). Quite different from the film as well.

                              Famine by Graham Masterton was pretty good if i remember also.

                              Heres a decent link to some good titles:


                                Dogg - Dawn of the Dumb is great. I've just dipped in as it's a collection of his online blogs and some hit the spot better than others, but I was driving and my wife was reading his review of King Kong and I had to get her to stop as I was crying with laughter and couldn't concentrate/see!

                                NemesiS - Thanks for that post, some nice recommendations and a handy link.

                                Stoppy - You could try The Death of Grass, which I remember reading in school.

                                I've just read Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry, which was brilliant, but it's more of an action novel about a secret military team taking on bio-engineered zombies, as opposed to a post-apocalyptic story. Loved it! Worth trying that if you're after more action than zombies...

