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    Philip Pullman's 'The Subtle Knife'

    Bit late to the party on the Dark Materials trilogy but it's a great read (as was Northern Lights). I'll be moving straight on to The Amber Spyglass tomorrow I think.


      Just finished The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson, which is quality pulp noir - it's a grimy glimpse into how a small town deputy sherriff is losing his mind, with a couple of flashes of nasty violence thrown in. Like all good noir it's bleak, but has a vein of dark humour running through it. Next up is The Grifters by the same author.


        @ FSW:

        I've been seriously considering re-reading those after I finish Dune. I want to get back the imagery they conjured up in my brain. Ok, so my brain has most likely replaced some characters with their film versions in the meantime, but what the heck.


          Halo: Evolutions - Volume I


            I need to get a book to read. I want to get into something meaty, and I'm thinking to tackle the norse saga of sigmund/siegfried/the ring cycle... whatever you want to call it.

            It seems this has been adapted into english in modern times by a couple of authors... one Stephan Grundy (who did it in one book called Rhinegold) and another Diana L. Paxson who did it in three volumes. Anyone read either that could recommend one to go for? Both authors sound like nutjobs to be honest, being members of various pagan cults or societies and stuff, but apparently the books were successful.

            Failing that, and going way more low-brow, I've seen it mentioned that Warhammer 40K fiction is a quality read. Any titles to look out for?


              Originally posted by Darwock View Post
              Failing that, and going way more low-brow, I've seen it mentioned that Warhammer 40K fiction is a quality read. Any titles to look out for?
              The short story collections are superb.


                has anyone read Frank Herberts 'Dune'? I've always faniced reading it since i really enjoyed the film, just bought a PB copy on the cheap.


                  Just finished War and Peace. Actual wow, apart from the second epilogue which was mind-numbing. Amazing stuff. But - What the hell do you follow that with?


                    The Karamazov Brothers?


                      Originally posted by gamelife View Post
                      has anyone read Frank Herberts 'Dune'? I've always faniced reading it since i really enjoyed the film, just bought a PB copy on the cheap.
                      Yep I read it about 6 months ago and really enjoyed it, one of the best sci fi books I've ever read. I know its got a ton of sequels as well but I haven't bothered with any of them yet.


                        Originally posted by gamelife View Post
                        has anyone read Frank Herberts 'Dune'? I've always faniced reading it since i really enjoyed the film, just bought a PB copy on the cheap.
                        Yep Dune is a classic. Should be on everyone's list of must read sci fi.


                          just got done reading the dark tower wizard and glass, gonna take a break from that series to read dune, sounds like a decent read : )


                            Originally posted by gamelife View Post
                            has anyone read Frank Herberts 'Dune'? I've always faniced reading it since i really enjoyed the film, just bought a PB copy on the cheap.
                            I've been prattling on about Dune on this thread since I started it

                            I'm near the end of the sixth and final book and have been reading them all every day since I started with no breaks between books. I honestly never thought I'd read through a six-volume story like this(granted, the second book is about 150-odd pages and the third is probably 300, the rest are 400-500) but it sucked me in from the beginning and hasn't let go yet. The overall story deals with so many different things I can't even begin to go into any sort of detail, but it's basically an idea of science, economics, religion, technology and even linguistics 20000 years in the future(I don't even think of it as sci-fi, more like a commentary on... everything).

                            Written in the 60's.

                            Still blows my mind.


                              im about to finish simon pegg's autobiography.
                              pretty much how you'd expect. alot of it is based in his youth as a budding thesp then stand up.
                              then goes into how he met nick frost, and how blown away he is when working with directors he loves (landis, speilberg, romero, etc).
                              theres a daft but fun fiction bit that breaks up the book, imagining him as a james bond character with a robot butler.
                              if you like his stuff, then its a good read


                                Pirates in adventures with whaling, very funny but not as good as scientists, any of the pirates books are well worth a read they are quite short but really well written and very funny.
                                Last edited by Lebowski; 20-01-2011, 09:23.

