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United Kingdom V: Son of a beach

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    None of you understand that going to university is only for the rich!
    From a poor background, worked hard at school and tried to claw your way out of the muck?? **** you!!


      Originally posted by MartyG View Post
      How many of them have you been on?
      I remember seeing Aber Uni change beyond recognition to cater for stupid courses.


        Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
        None of you understand that going to university is only for the rich!
        From a poor background, worked hard at school and tried to claw your way out of the muck?? **** you!!
        Eh? Being poor is the best way of getting a university education - so long as you never earn over the repayment threshold for student loans (currently about £26/27K a year), you can give the student loan company your middle finger forever


          Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
          I remember seeing Aber Uni change beyond recognition to cater for stupid courses.
          Yours wasn’t that bad, man. Don’t do yourself down.


            Originally posted by MartyG View Post
            Eh? Being poor is the best way of getting a university education - so long as you never earn over the repayment threshold for student loans (currently about £26/27K a year), you can give the student loan company your middle finger forever
            This is true. The last I heard the only demographic who will repay the loan in full are those who earn a career average of 60k. For the vast majority, it's free money.


              Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
              Purely anecdotal as the situation will obviosuly be different for eahc University but there are 106 Uni's in England which divided by the projected figure avergaes at a £7m downturn per Uni. The Uni's near me, per year typically average £20m-£40m per year profit so those ones at the least will cry about this but in reality shrug it off.
              Yeah, averaged out it's negligible. But several of the worst run unis are already running on fumes/practically bankrupt having recklessly over-invested in 'capital projects' (which rarely means labs or equipment or studios or lecture halls or libraries or anything educationally useful, but instead means residential 'villages' for the lucrative Chinese market). These are going to sit empty and push these unis over the edge, including the one I used to work for. Not a bad thing in a few cases.


                Tories start to soften their 01 June School stance


                  The Director of the EU Agency responsible for advising European nations on Disease Control has stated that the Second Wave is now a case of When and How Big - not If

                  In terms of population immunity she ballparks the current figure at between 2% and 14% and the virus is currently much more present than in January and February when the outbreak began to kick into full swing. She says that the Second Wave can be stopped from being a disaster by ensuring all social distancing measures and precautions are maintained - exactly what's falling apart right now - with around 90% of the EU population still yet to be exposed to the virus.

                  The Winter is Coming


                    Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                    None of you understand that going to university is only for the rich!
                    From a poor background, worked hard at school and tried to claw your way out of the muck?? **** you!!
                    I know what you mean – my gf regularly reminds me that someone from her background would never have gotten her multiple university degrees if she had been born British rather than German.


                      Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                      The Director of the EU Agency responsible for advising European nations on Disease Control has stated that the Second Wave is now a case of When and How Big - not If

                      In terms of population immunity she ballparks the current figure at between 2% and 14% and the virus is currently much more present than in January and February when the outbreak began to kick into full swing. She says that the Second Wave can be stopped from being a disaster by ensuring all social distancing measures and precautions are maintained - exactly what's falling apart right now - with around 90% of the EU population still yet to be exposed to the virus.

                      The Winter is Coming
                      Risked the shops at the weekend (wearing a mask, which made me feel like a cool ninja or something). I think we’re screwed. People mostly acting like they did pre-lockdown, no respect for distancing, no masks, no using the hand gel at Aldi, nothing. Absolute minimum the government should’ve made masks compulsory in shops and public transport, but nope. Guess their opportunity for enacting a liassez-faire version of population control was too much for those Tory scum to miss...


                        Went for a walk today... Everything is open!
                        Most shops, the chippy and a cafe. People milling about and chatting. Never seen so many people out and so many ignoring social distancing. Nuts.


                          Just makes me more determined to stay at home tbh. Let the idiots catch it, if it kills a few of them off it's better for the gene pool anyway (yes, I've gotten to that point with my exasperation)


                            Oxfam is to cut 1,500 staff and shut down in 18 countries

                            Gove finally formally confirms Northern Ireland border checks between goods crossing the Irish Sea

                            And as more and more countries abandon lockdown and social distancing the World Health Organisation sends out a reminder that there's been no real progress on stopping Coronavirus - in the last 24hrs 160,000 new cases in the world have been confirmed, the new record for the virus


                              Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                              Just makes me more determined to stay at home tbh. Let the idiots catch it, if it kills a few of them off it's better for the gene pool anyway (yes, I've gotten to that point with my exasperation)
                              Pah. He’s cracked.


                                Considering Alberta has had less than 7000 cases and 128 deaths, they're taking it a lot more seriously than the UK is.
                                Most of the cases are here in Calgary (meat packing plants ffs) and they are tentatively opening cafes/restaurants and bars next Monday at 50% capacity. Then after a week they will decide if they will continue.

