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United Kingdom V: Son of a beach

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    I think the virus damages the brains of asymptomatic carriers. I heard a fight going for nearly 2 hours, a street or 2 away the other day. Full screaming and things being thrown, car doors slamming, couldn't be bothered to walk out and look. I wonder if J.Jonah Jameson would've paid for the footage.
    Last edited by monel; 23-05-2020, 01:00.


      Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
      Calls for Dominic Cummings to quit as he broke the lockdown by 250 miles whilst infected. Of course, it's different rules for the Tories though.
      It was reported that when Johnson thanked his team in No. 10 his rambunctious bluster faltered for a moment and he actually cried when thanking Cummings, calling him his "genius". He is literally head over heels in love with the man. Either that or Cummings has put him under a hex. There's no way he'll be allowed to resign, let alone that Johnson would sack him. There'll be a swingeing apology about acting rashly in the heat of the moment, probably coinciding in the press with the release of some gooey new pics of baby Johnson.


        Too ill to look after his kids, but fit enough to drive 250 miles up to the Real North.

        Wormtongue has got Spaffer firmly under his thumb. For a blob who loves the phrase ‘take back control’, Spaffs sure has a hard-on for ceding control to an unelected little creep.


          No.10 is taking the line that Cummings did nothing wrong and is currently trying to arm bend MPs into the party line ahead of todays press conference.


            What a joke, I haven't seen my family for months and this ****'s travelling up and down the country when he's infected?

            As if this entire situation wasn't already a complete farce.


              It is. More fool us. Seeing people in "pods" ie 2 houses meeting is working elsewhere. It would work here too if there wasnt so much concern about not being able to trust people. Still, you can drive 200 miles, go to a busy car park then a busy beach, then go to home bargains for bbq equipment and a swimming pool, then tesco express for milk, cider and mars bars with shop staff who gave up on distancing after an hour.


                Did I read that right? He travelled 250 miles for childcare reasons??


                  Yes. You cant see your mum but he can if he is ill and his kids are probably carriers. They are fine to see grandparents apparently!


                    The sheer incompetence of this party is embarrassing. At least the US on the most part only has to deal with trump... Our entire front bench and government advisors are ****ing clowns.


                      Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                      The sheer incompetence of this party is embarrassing. At least the US on the most part only has to deal with trump... Our entire front bench and government advisors are ****ing clowns.
                      There are plenty of senators who are just as bad as Trump, arguable worse given they're enabling him to carry on as he is.
                      The government guidance is very clear on the rules if you have Covid-19 symptoms

                      do not leave your home for any reason
                      I can't see an asterixed clause on there that exempts government advisors. I didn't think Cummings was a fan of Freedom of Movement anyway.
                      Last edited by MartyG; 23-05-2020, 13:58.


                        Getting real Clarence Boddicker vibes from this chap. "See, I don't like poor people and poor people don't like me..." "Buddy, I think you're slime."


                          That press conference was a genuine delight - I don't think I've laughed so hard since I went and saw The Naked Gun at the cinema.

                          The logical hoop jumping was breathtaking, the hypocracy palpable, the changing of the guidelines on the fly mesmerising.

                          There wasn't enough popcorn in the house.

                          quick picture upload
                          Last edited by MartyG; 23-05-2020, 16:39.


                            I ate all my popcorn on the first day of lockdown. I don’t even pay attention now.


                              Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                              I ate all my popcorn on the first day of lockdown. I don’t even pay attention now.
                              We could be onto something here - perhaps there's a lot of popcorn in Durham and we all know popcorn is an essential supply.


                                Did anyone ask the medical advisor what the official advice is for someone who has Covid19? Is it to stay home or is it to drive to a family members house?

