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United Kingdom V: Son of a beach

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    Yes - in fact the question was asked several times, answered with "you self-isolate at home and your household self-isolates with you" then followed by something like "but safeguarding issue" and "for the individual to decide" and "which is what Cummings did – he stayed put and didn’t come out again until he was feeling better" etc.

    It was basically a big feck you from the government to 66 million people following the lockdown rules


      Channel 4 just had a Tory MP on saying 'life is a risk, people die all the time and we still leave the house and go to work'. Oh right OK then, so **** it all then.
      And remember the country voted them in in a landslide victory not seen since Thatcher.


        As weak a justification as expected


          I can only think that Cummings must have something juicy on the lot of them, like a photo of a circle jerk around the cabinet table or something. Anyway, if people aren't scooting all around the country to view family this weekend I'd be surprised. If the individual is free to judge in their own cases, which is the new qualifying proviso, and if he can decide to do it when he's full of covid19, there's really no reason not to.


            Maybe he's just special ...

            Last edited by MartyG; 23-05-2020, 18:46.


              8 weeks with a baby and a toddler in a house has been stressful at times. Nice to know now that I could have made an individual choice! Grandparents once a week it is.


                Keeping my photoshop eye in ...


                  So he didn't just do it once, he did it twice!

                  EXCLUSIVE Calls are growing for Boris Johnson's top aide to be sacked after breaching lockdown rules intended to keep the country safe - but so far the Government has tried to defend him


                    Originally posted by Cepp View Post
                    What a joke, I haven't seen my family for months and this ****'s travelling up and down the country when he's infected?

                    As if this entire situation wasn't already a complete farce.
                    My poor mum has been moved from pillar to post with early cancer treatments being cancelled and misdiagnosis all over the shop since March. I've only seen her once this year just before the lockdown but we when advised to socially distance so I couldn't even hug her.

                    She is now having to travel by train for several to go to London now for the cancelled op, she is too scared to go to service stations and stay at a hotel if going by car and she usually has my stepdad to drive her around but as he is in the vulnerable group and over 70 he can't take her. She's paid for first class hoping it will be better spaced out as well as packing masks and gloves for the journey. I am crazy scared for her (I live the opposite end of the country from her) and my sister wanted to take her but is still keeping to social distancing so technically cannot have her in the car (mum's refusing to let my sister drive her).
                    Overall I respect my mums wishes and the importance of this op but my sister is livid she is going.

                    All this is going on and the first thing I want to do is drive up and take her myself or at least visit her in hospital which I cant as I can hardly avoid public transport and as a nurse I am really limiting my time outside of the house not to risk my health going to my job and harming my colleagues and patients.

                    Yet these PMs and MP's do what the **** they want to, visiting Mums on mothers day and general buggering about not giving a rats arse. It makes my blood boil and so drained that more families than mine are making huge sacrifices just to keep them and their fellow neighbours safe. It makes me sick (not with covid but you know what I mean).

                    Then there is me going to work every day taking risks going out and with this sort of attitude it makes me despair and wonder what the hell are we doing all this for.


                      Fully agree, my gran's been self-isolating for a good two months now and had her cancer treatment put back due to all this. Meanwhile this tit's spreading it about like it's nobody's business, MPs are falling over themselves to try and excuse it and he doesn't give a **** what anyone thinks cause he knows Johnson's lost without him.

                      Our government is just one big corrupt joke. None of them should be near power.


                        It's been a busy night


                          Well we have on authority this morning from the government that you're allowed to travel where the feck you like before you lockdown.

                          Grant Shapps (Transport Secretary) said on the interviews this morning that

                          Originally posted by GrantShapps
                          We never told people where they have to specifically locate themselves
                          Kind of flies in the face of "You Must Stay At Home" but we all must have just missed the small print.


                            The mekon has certainly put Durham on the map


                              Government starting to play the Trump card to new revelations. It's all fake news, mate. Biased, campaigning media. Move along now.


                                Re-write the narrative to retrospectively fit the crime. The slime just oozes from these arseholes.

