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CoronaWatch 2019 - 2023

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    Voted 2, but one of the early deaths was in hospital a few miles away...
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      Originally posted by MartyG View Post
      Matt Hancock was on the Sophie Ridge show this morning telling people that the rate of spread in the UK was far lower due to the actions the UK has taken
      It is lower, even with a spike . Also bear in mind the UK also has a bigger population too

      But don't worry the West can have all the measures in the world won't make a blind bit of difference when you have This

      Last edited by Team Andromeda; 15-03-2020, 14:14.


        I've gone three, lad in daughters year's dad has it as a confirmed case, the lad in question is best mates with another who is in the same form and a good friend of the daughter.


          My brother-in-law has it. My mother-in-law is completely blahzay about it and is insisting that he comes on holiday with her.


            My dad decided to cancel his holiday in the Bahamas. AFTER ARRIVING AT HEATHROW YESTERDAY.

            What kind of ****wit would go on holiday right now?


              Just a thought, but imagine in 6 months time they have a vaccine they can give. Do they make it mandatory and if they do what about all the ****ing idiot anti-vac people?


                Some of those people will get it and spread it amongst themselves but, once administered to most of the population you would have real herd immunity eventually (once the spread actually stops) rather than the magical mythical herd immunity talked about a few days ago. So the damage those people could do would be minismised. But not eradicated.


                  Part of me, thinks this has already been in the country for a good while now. My other halfs Dad was seriously ill in hospital with a mega high temp, and after xmas, my Dad did some work at a student house. Two chinese students had come back after the holidays, and the whole house came down with a chesty bug.


                    Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                    I hear you but I reckon one of the least effective ways to get people to stop panicking is to just tell them not to panic, especially when there is something to be worried about. It’s akin to telling someone to cheer up or asking them if they’re in a bad mood. What people need is a sense of control, a sense that there are plans, and also actions that they themselves can take. Activity can either be the result of a panic or, with guidance, it can stop a panic and actually contribute. As you say, the former doesn’t do anyone any good.
                    Well, I'll disagree a tad. There is *definitely* a difference between being told to "cheer up" and being encouraged not to panic over something potentially life-threatening. Especially as I believe there's a decent level of intelligent folk on here.

                    I've been in scary situations as part of my job. They can happen in a split second. People kick off, start getting violent, shouting, screaming, people start getting scared. Restless. Other folk start getting uppity, more people get scared, next thing you know you've got a proper 'situation' on your hands. I've had to help deal with it, it's not nice. It's never nice. Try it.

                    Hysteria leads to stupidity. And I don't believe we're stupid here. We're all a bit scared and unsure about this and if we see panic, we see weakness, we see chaos.

                    Gotta be level-headed and calm here. Trust me. If you wanna panic, you can, but it's not helping anyone. The potential is we could all possibly die. We need to be as level-headed as we can when not everyone can be. Don't become some flapping, useless jelly of a being if you can help it.

                    Anyway, in a spirit of compromise, and NOT quite in the words of Doug Adams...TRY not to panic, please.


                      Please panic in an orderly fashion with some decorum.

                      Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
                      Part of me, thinks this has already been in the country for a good while now. My other halfs Dad was seriously ill in hospital with a mega high temp, and after xmas, my Dad did some work at a student house. Two chinese students had come back after the holidays, and the whole house came down with a chesty bug.
                      I was thinking the same thing after our teacher's convention here. Me and a colleague were sick for a few days with a bad cold.


                        Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
                        Part of me, thinks this has already been in the country for a good while now. My other halfs Dad was seriously ill in hospital with a mega high temp, and after xmas, my Dad did some work at a student house. Two chinese students had come back after the holidays, and the whole house came down with a chesty bug.
                        The bloke got really sick after he had a sick visitor came into his workplace in mid-January. Everyone who was in the meeting with this guy got sick and we brushed it off as bad man flu, mainly a cough, sore throat, crazy sinus issues and a fever. I started getting symptoms nearly a week later after he started to recover. But mine had a worse cough that hurt my torso hurt to breathe and found myself weak to breathe strong breaths, along with a terrible fever yet I personally was shivering hard which I have never experienced even with the worst flu. I couldn't watch tv/ go online/ read or play games as I just could not concentrate on anything so just lay on the sofa listening to youtube videos. I was off for 2 days and the last weekend of January which, by then, news crept in about the corona virus possibly escaping China.

                        People joked about it at the time at work that I had it but the fever (the worst element after the annoying cough) was so bad it does make me think. The bloke found out last month that visitor HAD been to China before his workplace so its not too farfetched. I had 2 people at work sick the same time as me with similar illnesses but at the same time/ just before I did. We are strongly suspecting we had a dose.

                        Chose 2 as first UK cases were near where we live and some work colleagues had local businesses close near them because of a case/ feared outbreak (a pub and a doctors surgery)


                          I bet that was it!


                            Worse thing about it was the day before I took time off work I was planning to ask to go home early as I was so bad but someone called in sick before me at another practice and I had to cover for 2 1/2 hours. I wore a mask but I really should not have been there and they only tried to get me out of there in the last hour to which I said there was no point. I kept the workplace spotless and myself disinfected all evening and from what I gather no-one else got sick apart from the 2 girls I mentioned that were ill the same time as me (one was the one that I had to cover.)

                            Masks are great to not spread coughs, not gurenteed to stop YOU from catching it from someone though. Mask shortage and other things are really hitting work hard to (especially people stealing the hand sanitisers.)

                            My poor mum is very scared for me but I am genuinely not worried about myself, just people rioting and going nuts about the whole thing. Just wish sick people would stop coming into our surgery (I spent most of Friday calling all patients for next week to NOT come in if they had symptoms/ been abroad last 14 days) and had some older woman sniffing, coughing, wiping their nose and touching everything at the desk to make an appointment. I helped her but told her to not come in again when she is sick and just CALL. I then had to clean EVERYWHERE she had been that visit. Had so many visitors REFUSE to use the hand cleanser and say they will use it when they leave (and don't). It's super annoying.


                              People are dirty ignorant pigs in this country like.


                                No one I know has had it yet. Dogg’s post is spot on. The panic buying etc is a symptom of a lack of clear government action. Everyone over 65 and anyone who can work from home should be self isolating immediately. We should be in lockdown to get this dealt with and minimise deaths and strain on the NHS. I don’t know why this isn’t happening, older/infirm people will die needlessly because of it.

