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CoronaWatch 2019 - 2023

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    Check if that hand sanitizer is 60%+ in alchohol too. If it isn't then it isn't doing jack s--- to stop the virus and may leave you more prone to infection if relied on over soap washing.

    I've scaled my vote from DEFCOM2 to DEFCOM3 - confirmed cases in the office


      Yeah, I was wondering about the effectiveness of hand sanitiser on a virus. I don’t know the science. But it seems the experts agree that washing your hands with soap regularly is a very good idea. I have been carrying around a thing of hand cream since this outbreak because my hands are wrecked from all the extra hand washing and hand sanitiser.


        I only use hand sanitiser on entry and extra from the building. During the day I use loads of soap. And at home I use proper bars of soap.


          The idea with soap is instead of killing the bacteria on your hands like you would with hand santiser your washing the bacteria and germs off your skin and down the drain.


            We are only using alcohol gel if we accidentally touch doors/ rails/ public transport with our hands. Trying to walk as much as possible.
            Got plenty of soap at home but hardly any gel at home. Plenty at work but hardly anything to dispense it from!


              Have to upgrade to Defcon3 here, I know two people who have been diagnosed with it, including the wife of the missus' boss. He hasn't been shown to have symptoms yet, but is isolated with the rest of the family just in case.

              Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
              The idea with soap is instead of killing the bacteria on your hands like you would with hand santiser your washing the bacteria and germs off your skin and down the drain.
              Soap also weakens the outer layer of the virus, meaning it's more susceptible to damage and other agents.
              Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                Day 2 of working at school with no kids.
                Government has said that no establishment should have more than 50 people. 75 teachers in my school at the 930am meeting. Well planned.


                  Stupid making teachers go in when the kids aren't there. They can all work from home and support learning via email/online.


                    Hopefully we'll hear that the online branch of the district will be giving us assessments to work with so we can start making kids write tests again!


                      Well I'm still in a school with the majority of a 1200 pupil roll. Can't go to a cinema but can have 30 teenagers in my classroom.


                        Went out to pick up a prescription and managed to get a hair cut at the salon opposite the pharmacy. The place is usually full of waiting customers but today they only had 3 including myself. Everyone was wearing industrial face masks.

                        Then I popped into Tescos to see if I could get any fresh meat, boy what a mistake that was!


                          Onwards and upwards


                            My work has closed the UK office (Where I'm based) and the US office so we're all working from home.

                            Woke up a bit early today to top up the car and do a shop in Waitrose and it was alright, although the loo rolls were 90% depleated. I stocked up for the week, purchased a load of extra items and also picked up cough related medicine so if me or my Wife get the symptoms, we can haul up without needing to go out for 2 weeks. Plan is, to do a top up shop every 3 days or so to keep our 2 week reserve going and if / when we get the symptoms, we can stay in doors with no issue. No panic buying from my part, just feels like a good plan to have food + supplies for 2 weeks if we fall ill so we don't go out and infect everyone else.

                            I'm lucky as my work is all tech based so it's a doddle to be at home. My Wife's is more difficult as she's a Nurse so of course, is going in regardless, so I'm tasked with working from home, topping up food and doing housework like a proper house husband!

                            To be honest, I go though periods of feeling a bit low about it all but then get out of my funk and focus on the positives; Me and my Wife are healthy, tried to be responsible with our planning, both have good jobs and are in a good place. Getting behind those feelings keep us both calm.

                            Hope everyone here is in a good place physically, mentally and we all get through this safely.


                              It won't be long before the government enforces a curfew if infections don't start levelling off because it's clear loads of people still don't get the seriousness of situation, based on the vox pop on the news today and I wouldn't be completely surprised by rationing either.


                                My company's future looks bleak but for now we are likely to reduce our NHS service to emergency dental treatments in a matter of 1-2 weeks but have to try and work as much as possible to get any money in including Private work for now as it all goes towards our pay, just no one with any symptoms. Been told its pretty immanent we will be made to close nationwide but we maybe directed to offer only emergency through the NHS services. But for now we work as hard as possible.

                                As we are under the NHS we (mainly clinicians but perhaps nurses too) may be made to do some extra re-training to help out in the hospitals if we are forced to close so we can keep the NHS going to help to cope with emergencies (ill patients with dental problems are currently directed to call 111)

                                So yeah things will be same as usual when I go back to work on Friday but lord knows what will change between now and then.

