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CoronaWatch 2019 - 2023

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    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
    Don't watch the news. It never helps.
    Initially when I started WFH, had 24 hour news on in the background through the day, but now I'm just catching the headlines briefly in the morning and checking the gov's numbers in the afternoon for the spreadsheet I'm keeping.

    Incidently, today's numbers show that 13,077 people were tested yesterday, so does anyone really believe this is going to be ramping up to 100,000 in the next 10 days? I'm pretty skeptical myself.

    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
    Bunch of nutters in the US at the moment - not campaigning for free healthcare or money help during lockdown but instead they are campaigning to be allowed to go back to work in non-essential roles and keep corporate fat cats in pocket.
    Actually the people wanting to re-open things are in the minority; Far more people (including those Rebublican voters) are afraid that the federal government will open up the US too soon: - this issue is the far too squeeky right wings media screaming to be oiled - the ones that Trump watches and parrots what they tell him.
    Last edited by MartyG; 20-04-2020, 15:23.


      I haven’t looked at any news for at least 3 weeks and whenever anyone tries to update me on any of it I don’t even read it. I used to but I cannot be arsed now.

      Loads of people out on bikes round here whenever I go out. All seems to be middle aged men dressed head to toe in Lycra on thousand pounds plus road bikes with clipless pedals. That’s how they look as I go past them on my 15 yeah old hybrid with panniers, wearing jean shorts and a t shirt anyway.


        News wise it's definitely slowed down. The daily briefings are either ego trips for Trump to campaign or in the UK's case to just parrot the same empty promises without actually doing anything practically.

        Everyone should think - 2021
        Much easier then to simply let 2020 wash over you


          Yep. It's going to become a lost year in so many ways. A year of limbo. Not the fun limbo either.


            Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
            Yep. It's going to become a lost year in so many ways. A year of limbo. Not the fun limbo either.
            Such a shame
            I'm still hoping it will clear up so I can get my holiday in in November but I'm not even sure that will go ahead



              I've so far tried to be optimistic, but it's starting to look like our honeymoon in September/October may get cancelled.

              The wedding itself is touch-and-go. That's in the UK so there's less preventing that from happening.

              We're still gonna get married regardless, if we can (we're going to talk to the registrar and see if we can just do that at the office), but obviously that's not the intimate family celebration that we had planned to have.


                Lots of people here out in the park in gym gear right from the off of the lockdown, I also put it down to gyms closing and so the regulars have chosen to exercise in the park - same as I've been doing since we moved here about twenty years ago.

                I'm watching the daily briefings, not so bothered about the transport chart I'm more interested in people in hospital and new infections - though the latter is driven by more tests.


                  A number of people at work have been furloughed today. Workload has dropped by 70%.


                    I'm on week two of furlough. Currently going out of my mind. It's my daughters birthday on Saturday, her trip to Harry Potter World has been cancelled so that's really upset her. I don't get any time to myself now as the step kids are all at home, they leave the house looking like a war zone, it's way too hot for me to do the garden as I really don't handle heat very well and I'm out of beer. My 80% of wages JUST covers my bills, so I can't afford to buy us anything online to keep us occupied.

                    My daughter however, is handling it very well. Keeping herself occupied with craft stuff and watching Netflix, as well as playing on her new PS4, which was a replacement present instead of Harry Potter World. We let her have it early as she's not seeing her friends or being taken out for lunch or a cinema trip any more. The only problem we have with her is getting her to do her school work, but she's been doing more than everyone else according to what my other half has told me from the class mums WhatsApp group, so we're giving her a bit of leeway.

                    I just want things to go back to normal as being inside is killing me. I want to go fishing but it's frowned upon at the minute. People can go out running or riding bikes where they will be near other people, yet I can't go and sit by a lake in a spot where I could see no one for an entire day. It's madness!


                      The world is a lot better place with you in lockdown fammydodd.


                        Reports circulating today (and the last couple of days) that Doctors are seeing more blood clots in COVID-19 patients than they'd expect in ICU beds and it maybe this that's causing the deaths rather than pneumonia:

                        Then again, there were reports earlier this month that COVID-19 was interfering with blood clotting (the exact opposite issue):

                        So this seems to point again to the fact that there simply isn't enough data available about the disease to conclude anything concrete (such as lasting immunity) and these things could simply be coincidental rather than causal.

                        Last edited by MartyG; 22-04-2020, 16:58.


                          A blood thinner is one of the drugs being trialled in COVID-19 patients, so that would tally with more blood clots, though it's being specifically tested in reducing progression of respiratory failure.


                            Originally posted by endo View Post
                            A blood thinner is one of the drugs being trialled in COVID-19 patients, so that would tally with more blood clots, though it's being specifically tested in reducing progression of respiratory failure.
                            Yes, because autopsies were showing the clots are widespread in the lungs with these blockages causing respritory failure:

                            The problem being that the levels of thinners needed are themselves dangerous.

                            News from the briefing today "UK will need social distancing until at least end of year", says Government’s chief medical officer Whitty

                            Happy to keep my lungs clot free by working from home till next year.


                              That’s interesting. I was only reading the other day about a theatre actor who was going to lose a leg due to a blood clot that was reported as a consequence of covid. It was the first I had heard of blood clots being a thing that could happen. That’s nasty.


                                Study – which stresses serious health risks of smoking – suggest substance in tobacco may lower risk of getting coronavirus

