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United Kingdom VI: Summer Lovin'

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    Originally posted by MartyG View Post
    The problem with trying to counter conspiracy theories is that every counterpoint argument is seen as part of the conspiracy - the very nature of a conspiracy theory means they're rooted in the belief that secretive, powerful groups are conspiring to deceive the rest of the world. So it doesn't matter how many facts you present, that along with people needing to let go of strongly held beliefs and admit that they were wrong is very hard to do, even when the facts are undeniable.

    The November Awakening?

    Edit - having searched for that, it's not turning up much in the way of results - conspiracy thoery: Google is hiding the truth.
    Yep, we were unable to find out what she was waffling about either but it highlighted how easily led people are. Needless to say she's not allowed to come and see the new baby


      Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
      Historical perspective in particular.
      Here's some historical perspective for ****s&giggles - the US is now at close to 50% of the deaths due to C-19 (198,520) that it saw in World War 2 (419,400).


        “Passing an act of parliament and going on to break an international treaty obligation should be the very last thing you contemplate, an absolute last resort. So I have grave misgivings about what is being proposed. But let’s be clear about what is happening. The govt has proposed a law that it might or might not act on depending on whether certain circumstances do or do not come to pass. And of course the bigger picture is that we are in a vital negotiation to get a deal with the EU. I think all of this needs to seen in that context. And that’s why I have said relatively little about this issue." - David Cameron.

        So that's the full set of living ex-Prime Ministers, Labour or Conservative, that have "concerns" over Johnson's breaking of international law with his Internal Market Bill.


          It really should be as simple as if a PM breaks the law either privately or via his role he loses the job at the minimum.


            The Welsh Health Minister has warned that we may be just weeks away from the second national lockdown saying that we're already back where we started in February and it was just three or four weeks later that the shutdown had to begin. He also said he was willing to take Welsh only action if needed.


              Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
              The Welsh Health Minister has warned that we may be just weeks away from the second national lockdown saying that we're already back where we started in February and it was just three or four weeks later that the shutdown had to begin. He also said he was willing to take Welsh only action if needed.
              What does everyone expect when the pubs were fully opened again with all these idiots mincing around with each other in close quarters. Busses. Trains. London. Morons with no masks in supermarkets. All adds up.

              Throws hands in air and walks off 🤷

              I know one thing, if there is a second national lockdown no one will be getting furghlough paid for by the gov, they will expect private industry to pay for it all out their own pocket, they can suck one.
              Last edited by fishbowlhead; 14-09-2020, 10:40.


                Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                “Passing an act of parliament and going on to break an international treaty obligation should be the very last thing you contemplate, an absolute last resort."
                Is that more or less reprehensible, for Cameron, than making a party political gamble on Brexit in the first place? Anyhoo, I expect Johnson to give not a fig for the mitherings of these ex-PMs. He's too far gone in blood now, to misquote Lady Macbeth.


                  Johnson doesn't give a fig because despite stating he wants a deal, the goal is to achieve no deal and blame it on the EU, which is going 100% to plan.


                    I don't believe the Tories don't want a deal, but the EU blame game is a super-easy card to play to cover up their incompetence at ever getting one. And it even makes them seen heroic, in the eyes of some.


                      Why would you introduce legislation that purposely breaks the transition agreement if you wanted the EU to agree to a FTA with you in the talks that are already going very badly? This wasn't accidental, they know exactly what they're doing.


                        The line between the Tories and Trump is getting ever finer at an accelerating rate.


                          Rule of Six doesn't apply if you're shooting Grouse, then it's safe to meet with guns in groups of thirty because the Tories went out of their way to ensure it


                            Given some of the rubbish on some of our state broadcaster's stations due to a mandated need for 'balance', I got a chuckle out of this one:

                            It pretty much sums everything up right there.


                              johnny reb


                                Fallenangel doing the old spout dog**** and play the victim card.

