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United Kingdom VI: Summer Lovin'

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    For the disappointed, don't worry, we'll hit the 20,000 mark tomorrow probably (based on current rates, it should be 20,337 for Thurs) - you'll just have to make do with 19,724 today (7.45% of tested), still they're luckier than the 137 who've died and the 680 who've joined the growning numbers on the wards.
    Last edited by MartyG; 14-10-2020, 15:24.


      Originally posted by Hirst View Post
      The Durham County Councillor is called John Shuttleworth! Maybe he can knock up a protest song about it on his Yamaha.
      Any reference to this classic?



          Trying to find a link to the live changes of what your local area tier is took some googling, so I'm posting it here for easy reference (might be worth adding to the first post).

          You can use this:

          You enter your post code and it lists what the restrictions are.


            The website is the first failing of the measures, has been since June. The second measures require the public to look up their local restrictions the messaging has failed. Then again, this is a Government that still hasn't implemented any messaging on educating people on the right mask types to wear and also how to wear them.


              Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
              Then again, this is a Government that still hasn't implemented any messaging on educating people on the right mask types to wear and also how to wear them.
              "Common sense", surely? Wibble.


                Except it has in great detail

                And yes, it's not exactly difficult to work out how to wear a bloody mask. Seriously.


                  I wish they'd just do a specific campaign aimed at morons, advising them that you're meant to put them over your nose or you look like that old "Kilroy Was Here" graffiti.


                    They know how to wear a mask, they just don't want to so are being half arsed about it.


                      That's why the marketing etc and enforcement needs clamping down hard. It's one of the very most basic elements, especially since sanitisation, gloves and distancing has died off. There's far too big an increase in under-nose wearers and face shields etc which makes any further step redundant before they begin.


                        So it is all the people not wearing masks or wearing them badly that have cause the second spike. Interesting.

                        It isn't the inevitable consequence at all of lockdown easing that more and more people would be exposed to a virus with no cure.

                        It isn't people being allowed to believe that they could socialise, eat out, go to the pub, shop and travel to work and a mask would protect them, sorry, must be precise: others from its inexorable progress.

                        It isn't just nature proving yet again how impotent the high and mighty are in thwarting its attack. No its those damned covidiots again. That fifth column allowing the enemy in the back door.

                        They should all be rounded up and sent to internment camps on the Isle Of Man or in the wilds of Canada and Australia where they can do no harm to us righteous volk.
                        Last edited by fallenangle; 15-10-2020, 15:55. Reason: typo


                          I never said any of that. I just think it's daft that somebody would go to the trouble of owning and wearing a mask, but wear it improperly either out of ignorance (in which case they need telling) or trying to stick it to The Man in the most childish way possible. Like a little kid who is being ordered to sit on the naughty step, but every so often they jump up just so they're technically not sat on it.


                            Millions to move up a tier on Sat.

                            I'm all up for another national lockdown, just to try and get on top of this again, give us some time to rethink. It won't be the silver bullet others think, people are idiots, so...

                            But I do think we need to tackle this seriously again, quickly too, and during any lockdown we (the gov / the world) really need to figure out a better way to live with this going forward. I think it's here for the long haul, and the current global response (UK's especially)...we can do better, surely. What, how, no idea


                              EDIT: Ugh, act in haste, repent in leisure. I don't want to argue.


                                We need widespread regular testing - not just for people reporting illness - and a proper trace system that actually works. China is (allegedly) testing an entire city of 5 million people in under a week. They are still a developing country. We're meant to be one of the richest places in the world and we had an absolutely massive head start available to us in planning and understanding what the virus does. Instead, we've got a system of expensively outsourcing everything to cronies who are trying to do everything on the cheap and doing pathetic things like asking the kids to have another week off. It's like living in some kind of corrupt banana republic, without the nice weather.

