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America & World IV: Trump's Taxing Day

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    Ex-pontiff blames ‘editorial oversight’ for previous statement he was absent from 1980 meeting over suspected paedophile priest

    Don't worry about it Pope Benedict, I'm sure the big guy will understand... downstairs


      Is that guy on the left John Kreese from Cobra Kai?


        Pope: "If I don't address these accusations will I face damnation?"
        Kreese: "Just remember... No mercy"


          Originally posted by Brad View Post
          Can’t tell if Sketcz is joking these days.
          I have never been more serious, Comrade Brad.

          Originally posted by monel View Post
          The arms firms supply all sorts, are you saying that this hasn't been the case forever? Not justifying anything just curious.
          No, I know this has always happened. Just look at how America supplied the mujahideen with laser guided missiles in Afghanistan in the 1980s, and trained them, destabilising the region, and creating extremists, leading to the Taliban, 9/11 attacks, even ISIS itself, if we're being honest. The whole trainwreck that is the Middle East is single handedly thanks to America, dating back to 1979, when they covertly started shipping arms pre-emptively to the Afghans to draw the Soviets into a prolonged ground war.

          But the above is well documented.

          I would honestly have hoped by now that the rest of the world, when they see America sticking its wang in the pie and giving weapons away to fight proxy wars, the rest of the world would hold them to account.

          Why aren't we sanctioning the ****ing Yanks? That entire nation causes nothing but trouble.


          The United States has been in the Afghan jihad for a very long time – so long that we sometimes forget we became part of the war 40 years ago — 10 months before the Soviets blundered into Kabul.

          America in 1979 did what it is again doing today.

          It supplied weapons to the mujahideen BEFORE the Soviets went in to put a stop to the terrorists.

          Today America is supplying weapons to Ukrainians in a deliberate attempt to goad Russia into defending itself.

          My god people, this is not a conspiracy theory. The leaked classified documents are out there, and big official well researched news outlets are documenting it.

          It's literally right there for you to read!

          Last edited by Sketcz; 25-01-2022, 11:36.


            I'm not getting into historical dumb **** that various countries have done. Russia doesn't want Ukraine getting closer in with NATO is the bottom line. Putin postures by moving thousands of troops within a couple of hundred miles of Ukraine. NATO says Oi! Noooo!!! Putin ignores and says moving of troops shouldn't concern anyone. Britain sends Ukraine a bunch of anti-tank missiles but apparently that IS a concern. Can't have it both ways sunshine!

            That said, it's gonna look pretty bad if Ukraine tries to take Crimea back using NATO supplied aid!
            Last edited by Brad; 25-01-2022, 11:56.


              As we're talking illicit supply of weapons, is Russia also innocent of supplying the anti-air missiles that downed Malaysian Airlines MH17 over the Ukraine?


                I know this has always happened. Just look at how America supplied the mujahideen with laser guided missiles in Afghanistan in the 1980s, and trained them, destabilising the region, and creating extremists, leading to the Taliban, 9/11 attacks, even ISIS itself, if we're being honest. The whole trainwreck that is the Middle East is single handedly thanks to America, dating back to 1979, when they covertly started shipping arms pre-emptively to the Afghans to draw the Soviets into a prolonged ground war.

                But the above is well documented.

                I would honestly have hoped by now that the rest of the world, when they see America sticking its wang in the pie and giving weapons away to fight proxy wars, the rest of the world would hold them to account.

                Why aren't we sanctioning the ****ing Yanks? That entire nation causes nothing but trouble.


                The United States has been in the Afghan jihad for a very long time – so long that we sometimes forget we became part of the war 40 years ago — 10 months before the Soviets blundered into Kabul.

                America in 1979 did what it is again doing today.

                It supplied weapons to the mujahideen BEFORE the Soviets went in to put a stop to the terrorists.

                Today America is supplying weapons to Ukrainians in a deliberate attempt to goad Russia into defending itself.

                My god people, this is not a conspiracy theory. The leaked classified documents are out there, and big official well researched news outlets are documenting it.

                It's literally right there for you to read!

                RUSSIA IS INNOCENT!
                With proxy wars, decades long cold war, states trying to tap other states resources, its not easy to label one side as terror so blatantly. Chicken and egg situation. Just more complex than simple labels is what I'm trying to say.
                Last edited by monel; 25-01-2022, 12:36.


                  It's soul crushing that the world has such a low bar for its political leaderships these days. So many unnecessary conflicts and drama's for what ultimately boils down to a mixture of national ego's and tinpot dictatorships. I honestly don't get why the people of each nation find it so hard to just vote for someone remotely decent.

                  Putin is a man stuck in the past. The reality is it's 2022 not 1992 and the situation is simple - Does Ukraine want to join with Russia? No? Then **** off Putin.

                  The Soviet Union cannot be revived and no amount of international influence, small nation invasion, private citizen poisoning etc will change that. Like China's regressive slide into dicatorship or America's embrace of the hard right, it's all very child mentality 'shows of strength' that reek of weakness and insecurity. I'd imagine the push for changes in energy provision means Russia could probably do without the costs of all this too. It's a shame as ultimately it's another scenario where the every day person be it directly or indirectly, Russian or from Ukraine, will be the ones to suffer in time.


                    Originally posted by Brad View Post
                    Originally posted by Golgo View Post
                    More stuff
                    Originally posted by monel View Post
                    Extra stuff
                    Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                    These are all excellent and well balanced points on a complex topic, and I respect the opinions of everyone here.


                      Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
                      These are all excellent and well balanced points on a complex topic, and I respect the opinions of everyone here.
                      OK that made me lol. Well done squire.



                          Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                          It's soul crushing that the world has such a low bar for its political leaderships these days.
                          To be fair, that bar has never been very high. Churchill got lucky with Hitler being about.


                            Officials working with global suppliers to avoid European gas crisis if flow from Russia is cut as Biden says he would consider personal sanctions against Putin

                            The US is prepping to divert global natural resources to Europe to cut the regions dependency on Russian fuel should Putin advance with his plans


                              Dependency on energy from so far away is crazy. As an island we need to sort that out.


                                We produce nearly half of it ourselves and Norway supplies a lot of the rest, we don't get that much from Russia. Germany is more reliant of Russian gas getting about 40% from there. Even so, with a reduce supply that will only increase prices further for everyone.

                                We needed the nuclear power stations that haven't been built along with renewables then we wouldn't be needing the gas to run the power stations.

