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America & World IV: Trump's Taxing Day

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    Musk sells $4bn in Tesla shares to fund toward his Twitter purchase


      It's like trading in Panzer Dragoon Saga to buy Rise of the Robots.


        Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
        It's like trading in Panzer Dragoon Saga to buy Rise of the Robots.
        Or... When you sell a load of crap to an npc merchant, only to buy stuff from the same merchant.


          Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
          Or... When you sell a load of crap to an npc merchant, only to buy stuff from the same merchant.
          Except you are the merchant and the only person buying your crap is you


            In slightly more relevant news, documents leaked to Politico show that the Supreme Court is drafting documents that could overturn the Roe vs Wade ruling - the landmark case that legalised abortion nearly 50 years ago.

            Grim. Very, very grim.


              It's a reflection of the failures going on the US. This has been lined up since long before Trump selected Supreme Court judges and the Democrats have done plenty hand wringing but absolutely nothing else to deal with it. We're head first speeding to a Republican Presidency and House and I'm very doubtful we'll see the Democrats retake either for a long time either. America is sliding to the right hard now and without the lightning rod objection to Trump I don't see the Democrats galvanising voters to hold onto power. They've utterly, utterly wasted their opportunity and are now as useful as Labour are here. Doubly damning given they still hold power right now.


                Just touching in the anti abortion nonsense thats been allowed to go on in the US at the moment, not to mention their general idiocy of late, i feel were just a few months away from a witch trial.

                Trump became president.
                Coup on congress during an election.
                Creationism as fact in southern schools.
                Ban on abortions.
                Witch trials.

                Did i miss anything?


                  Banning women from the work place
                  Children down the mines
                  Machine gun turrets along the Mexican Border
                  Reintroduction of slavery
                  Public executions in the town square
                  Guns drawn at 20 paces
                  Undiscovered by the British


                    Oooooooh slavery, rich old white men definitely want that one back in, god wills it!


                      It really is depressing to see how far America is willing to regress.


                        It is amazing how far the country has been pushed, bit by bit. A little more right, a little more, just a touch more and so on. Some leaps (like Trump) have felt large but really it's all part of a slow, extended creep. And every time the centre shifts with it which is why I have long stopped believing in any idea of centrist politics - it's too easy to move that target. So we have all this happening while the likes of Musk, now social media mogul, decries the radical left (who honestly would still likely be seen as right wing across much of Europe).

                        Trump is gone (for now) but that shift is still moving.


                          Totally. It's remarkable how the Democrats are portrayed as some kind of radical socialists, when by any measure they are a conservative right wing party.


                            It's crazy to think that in America, women seem to have less rights than guns.


                              Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                              Banning women from the work place
                              Children down the mines
                              Machine gun turrets along the Mexican Border
                              Reintroduction of slavery
                              Public executions in the town square
                              Guns drawn at 20 paces
                              Undiscovered by the British
                              What will be next to be overturned:
                              Griswold versus Connecticut 1965 (provides a right to buy contraceptives without restriction)
                              Loving versus Virginia 1968 (overturned the ban on interracial marriage)
                              Obergefell versus Hodges 2015 (legalised same-gender marriage at a federal level)
                              Lawrence versus Texas 2003 (removes criminalisation of homosexual act)
                              Skinner versus Oklahoma 1942 (banned forced sterilisation).


                                Same sex marriage, easily. Religion is used as a crutch for bigotry all too easily

