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Christmas 2023

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    Not the easiest one for me... the first Christmas after my long-term relationship ended, and I was feeling it at times. But it picked up.

    I got downloads of Zelda: ToTK (which I didn't play on launch since the aforementioned thing was unfolding) and Pikmin 4. Me and the (ex-)missus loved and played a lot of the previous games together so I was a little hesitant to play them. But Nintendo magic is Nintendo magic and you can always count on it when you need perked up.


      Nearly 48 hours of feeling terrible due to Covid. Much worse than the 2020 variant I had back then, even after all those annual vaccines. Low concentration, aches and pains all over, no energy, no appetite. Don’t want to repeat this experience.


        Originally posted by kryss View Post
        Come on, I'm waiting to see what everyone got! How else can I live vicariously!!??
        Sorry bit late to the party but I'm always happy to share the Chrimbo goodies
        first up the group shot

        Then the goodies...Blu-Rays & Graphic Novels

        And nestled in that big old Brown box at the back was my big pressie a new Hot Toys figure of Dr Strange from Spiderman No Way Home

        Super chuffed with him & he looks frankly amazing however aside from that the present of the day would have to be from my brother who smashed it by getting me the Nemesis the Warlock volume 1 collection hardback book & it's utterly beautiful & can't wait to start reading it...been years & years since I last read anything Nemesis related & he has always been my favourite 2000AD character

        More than happy with everything I got & had a really good day



          Well I haven't got any pictures as presents and gifts were quickly tidied away soon after arriving home.

          Not only was our journey up to our families delayed thanks to 'storm', our trip back was messed up due to a separate storm thanks to us relying on trains this year.

          Anywho, Christmas and Birthday went very well and got some rather scrumptious gifts.

          Some of the highlights include

          -A super Mario mushroom lamp and alarm clock from my sister. Unfortunately I cannot get the alarm to work to save my life and the lamp part is struggling to be lit than the bare minimum so a bit sad about that. Got a Super Mario drinking glass with underwater level design on it with this so have been loving that instead
          - Pikmin 4 and the Lion King/ Aladdin/ Jungle book switch game
          -The promise to be taken to a VERY nice Argentinian steak restaurant by my colleague for a belated birthday
          - Lots of Lorcana cards
          - Bluetooth headphones to use on the train and in life in general
          - A squishy sushi cat toy thing I've wanted from HMV for ages
          - A couple of online courses to introduce me to using Blender
          -The most adorable cardigan with frogs and toadstools on

          And finally something that blew me away on my birthday, Asura was very excited to get me and my stepdad was the only one outside the 2 of us who knew wtf it was.
          - A Star Trek TNG tricorder toy, complete in box and it WORKS!!!!!!!!!!

          Was scanning my mums dog all morning and he wasn't terribly impressed





              For the first time in my working life I've taken between the eves off, we went to Barcelona on Boxing Day coming home on New Years Eve. Fifteen degrees every day, no rain and for the most part gorgeous blue skies. Only thing pissing us and lots of others off were the antics of the Chinese at every tourist spot with their posing and faffing antics which got under the skin of the Europeans, I had enough and started to either a: ask them to let others take a quick picture or b: just step in front of them and take my own quick shot.
              Of course clouds over the UK and once descended under them it was rain back at Manchester.

