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Chelsea Thread

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    We look absolutely sh*te out there. Deserved goal (even if it was off-side).


      *sigh* extra time...

      dammit grant...


        We deserved that penalty purely on that awful awful offside decision. Didn't actually see the foul in slo mo. Couldn't bare to watch


          Quality goal by drogba think its game over know..


            Nervy last 3 minutes but...

            AT LONG LAST!!!!

            Finally got past liverpool! Moscow here we come!

            We were a different team in extra time.


              Great game between two great teams and a great result. We've finally made it to a Champion's League final. A night to remember!


                For me i think both Man U and Chelsea deserve a lot of credit reaching the final becase both Barca and Liverpool have both been out of there respective title races for a good while now and have there for been able to rest players a lot n the build up to there semi finals whilst United and Chelsea have been trying to put out full strength teams virtualy every game whilst going at each other tooth and nails.

                Plus i feel Rafa did himself no favours in slagging down Drogba is it just totally inspired him tonight and he was almost unplayable and Benitez would have been better leaving Drogba well alone.


                  A great battle - and a great night for Chelsea.

                  We can beat Man.Utd


                    been hearing about this :,195...508317,00.html

                    I think it's completely out of order Curbishley saying what he did before the Man U game. It raises the grim possibility that Curbishley may at least partially not try to take points from Man U.

                    Even if it was a slip of the tongue and they play all out and lose, it'll feed conspiricy theorists. What was he thinking? It may seem harsh but these kinds of statements are the things "bringing the game into disrepute" charges are supposed to prevent.


                      I honestly had to LOL when I read that story this morning.

                      I can understand why Chelsea will feel aggrieved by this though.


                        Come on this isn't Italy! If games could be thrown, Chelski would be paying everyone off

                        I can see where Curbishly is coming from, and feel he's welcome to his opinion. If he fields a third string team then Chelsea have every right to complain, but that's not going to happen.


                          I think West Ham fans won't be happy to hear what their manager has said. They want to beat Utd ... so should he.

                          He thinks Utd are a great team - who deserve to win the league. It is nuts to speak your mind just before a match with them.

                          If Utd do thrash the Hammers - Curbishly will look very guilty.


                            I'd imagine the FA will have spoken to him. If anything dodgy happens in the game like a late penalty giving man u the result then there'll be lots of suspicions raised.

                            But honestly I don't think he's stupid enough to do this.


                              You don't honestly think anyone would throw the game do you? Seriously guys, he just gave his opinion.

                              Chelski are the last people to be throwing around conspiracy theories


                                Maybe he was just trying to gear his own players up by letting them know they are playing the best team in the world?

                                Also all the confidence he has in them could actualy put more pressure on united.

                                I'm not really sure why Chelsea fans are getting so upset, hes only said what most managers are thinking.
                                Last edited by rmoxon; 03-05-2008, 10:24.

