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Chelsea Thread

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    Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
    We have neutral threads for heated cross team banter. Most football forums don't allow trolling and gloating on rival team threads. You don't have to restrict to just posting on your team's thread but posts that go "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" and the like aren't on in my view.
    You've come into the Man Utd threads plenty of times to moan, whine and belittle our team and even when we put in a good performance you'll instead choose to focus on any slightly controversial incident that probably made little impact on the final outcome.

    I actually like you as a poster. You're clearly intelligent and love your team but this most recent claims of victimisation are making you come across as incredibly hypocritical.


      I offer criticism and give my thoughts but I try to avoid gloating except in this or neutral threads and I make sure I'm especially reserved after results that are tough on fans.

      Look at posts 1098-1116 in particular. They're not discussing the game, they're just mocking.

      As I've said, last night was incredibly painful as a passionate Chelsea fan, it actually hurts me more than losing the final did last year.


        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post

        Look at posts 1098-1116 in particular. They're not discussing the game, they're just mocking.
        Sadly that's all part of Football . I think most , what ever team they supported could see Chelsea were wronged . But like what been said , you like to post in other threads , that's nothing to do with the Team you support , so why can't people do that in the Chelsea thread ?
        We're all footy fans and the end of the day , and most of us aren't piss taking at all , we know the pain and have all been there , no doubt.


          I like the way the Uefa website has edited out the comments made my Hiddink about penalties in his reaction to the game and just put a watered down version up.


            Last night summed up our year really, we've been undone by poor refereeing in almost every big game of the season. It was shocking in the Juve game aswell when Drogba's free was so clearly over the line and the guilt on Buffon's face could've painted a thousand pictures. There was the incredibly blatent offside goal Van Persie scored against us at home, the sending off of Lampard at Anfield and so on...

            The players feel aggreived and rightly so, why shouldn't they be allowed to display emotion, must all teams be completely void of passion? I'm not condoning what some of the players did but imagine how you would have felt in their position. Sadly the nasty side of football was on display last night but had the ref not been so completely and utterly inept at his job it wouldn't have happened. Waving two (at least!) stonewall pens is quite frankly inexcusible at this level.

            UEFA need to take a long hard look at themselves and realise why exactly this happened. But unfortunately they'll probably be rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of handing Drogba and Ballack heafty bans and a fine.

            The sad thing is it wasn't just a sad day for Chelsea fans last night, it was a sad night for football in general and UEFA, the ref and the officials (aswell as a few Chelsea players) really bought shame to the sport. It really is about time video replays were bought in to prevent things like this happening again.


              Originally posted by teenagewasteland View Post
              I like the way the Uefa website has edited out the comments made my Hiddink about penalties in his reaction to the game and just put a watered down version up.
              Yep , I've always tented to think UEFA hates Great Britain, and does everything to make sure we don't do well , just because we invented the sport
              Bit off Topic , Italian, Spanish, and Turkish fans can have riots , kill people or dish out the most vile abuse ever , even jump a bus , and they get tiny fines
              10 British supporters steps out of line , and we're threatened with a life time ban

              I got the feeling last night , its almost like it was a direct order , to make sure only 1 British club plays inthe Final



                Whether or not a fix was on or not, the referee was hopelessly incompetent and UEFA should really question their actions in appointing him. It's possible they'll turn on Drogba and Ballack but I feel it's more likely they won't want to draw attention to the ref and not do too much.

                No one who watched that game could defend that ref and UEFA are the ones who picked him for such a high profile game. It wasn't even the first time he'd done a shocker.


                There's a good quote which I'll horribly butcher: "never attribute to malice what could more easily be attributed to incompetence".

                However missing a couple of penalties could be regular old incompetence but 4 can't easily be explained. After the second one, you'd think another official would mention to the ref that he's having a mare and to ask them for assistance.
                Last edited by abigsmurf; 07-05-2009, 08:17.


                  Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                  It's possible they'll turn on Drogba and Ballack but I feel it's more likely they won't want to draw attention to the ref and not do too much.

                  No one who watched that game could defend that ref and UEFA are the ones who picked him for such a high profile game. It wasn't even the first time he'd done a shocker.

                  If 'they' turn on Ballack , they'll have to ban half of the players in Champions league , lets face it . Drogba though needs to be banned, what he did after the match was a disgrace, I've seen 3 years old act more grownup A complete contrast to the way Fletcher , to another terrible ref cock up . That boy will miss the chance of a life time, while he did nothing wrong
                  yet walked off the pitch with dignity.
                  Where as Drogba , acted like a spoilt 3 year old brat , that didn't get his own way


                    You can't compare it to Fletcher.

                    Fletcher was affected by one bad decisions and the game still had at least a bitter-sweet outcome for him. Not playing is a big blow but he can still celebrate his team getting to the final.

                    Chelsea were affected by four bad decisions and won't be going to the final, even to watch from the stands.


                      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                      You can't compare it to Fletcher.

                      Fletcher was affected by one bad decisions and the game still had at least a bitter-sweet outcome for him. Not playing is a big blow but he can still celebrate his team getting to the final.

                      Chelsea were affected by four bad decisions and won't be going to the final, even to watch from the stands.
                      Oh I will , that boy missed out on a chance of a life time , he may never get that chance again , he's not going to be playing in any Final , just like the Chelsea players
                      And you know , Chelsea aren't the 1st or will be the last team to be wronged by a Ref , that doesn't excuse the reactions of Drogba at all .

                      Most love to hate Lampard, for what ever reasons , but he was almost a model player last night after the game


                        In the 20 or so years I've been consciously watching football, I can't recall any game where there has been such an endless stream of bad decisions. I think there are few teams which wouldn't have players react in a manner like happened last night. As I've mentioned before, what the hell were the assistants doing? They should've been screaming in his ear.

                        You saw Hiddink, this is a man who's very pensive and thinks a lot about what he says but he looked like an errupting volcano in that interview, he was bright red with anger, he had clearly built up a huge amount of anger (possibly let it out) but he took the time to write down what he wanted to say and how to respond to the questions so the red mist wouldn't show. Would ferguson have been that reserved? Would he have even come out for the interview? He's demanded refs apologise for much less.


                          Yeh I agree with you 100% Team A! No excuse from that from Drogba, and the same can be said for Ballack chasing after and grabbing the ref. You don't do that.

                          When Fletcher was sent off, he knew it was wrong, he knew he got the ball, yet he acted like a professional and took it like a man, even I and I'm sure 99% of Man Utd fans were acting worse at home watching the game than Fletcher was himself!

                          No matter how monumental the error, you can't act out like a spoiled brat! It's not football.


                            Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                            In the 20 or so years I've been consciously watching football, I can't recall any game where there has been such an endless stream of bad decisions.

                            You never watched Cardiff City Vs Sheffield Utd with Paul Taylor as Ref . A name I'm sure strikes fear into Supporters, because let me tell you, only 1 team were ever going to win that game .
                            And I'm sure people here could list many other games , that their Team have been onthe wrong end of countless bad decisions .
                            Let me tell you, life in the low leagues is far far worse, with piss poor ref's

                            No matter how monumental the error, you can't act out like a spoiled brat! It's not football.
                            Yep , that's the way I saw it .


                              Mascherano got a 2 match ban plus a fine when he went bonkers at Old Trafford last season, I'd expect something similar for Drogba, but nothing more really.


                                Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                                Look at posts 1098-1116 in particular. They're not discussing the game, they're just mocking.
                                Those posts are mocking the frankly ridiculous behaviour of Ballack and Drogba, both of which demonstrated how not to react, regardless of how hard done by you feel.

                                They are not in anyway gloating on the fact that Chelsea lost or that a number of decisions that should have gone your way, didn't.

