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Arsenal Thread

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    Originally posted by SharkSkin-Man View Post
    Surely United have been the richest club in the country since the 1960's - when they got relegated in '74 they still had the highest average gate in the country.
    Also, they had ?25million investment at a time when that would buy you a good starting 11 to make their stadium the biggest club stadium in the country.


      Originally posted by 12-51-00 View Post
      It's confirmed, Flamini to Milan, I don't really think he'll be missed. Even if Gilberto doesn't stay and reclaim the place, Denilson, Song, or Diaby could all fill that role, and from what I've seen all have the potential to be better than Flamini. My tip, watch out for Mérida joining Fabregas in the centre next season, word from Spain is he's an absolutely amazing player. Arsenal seem to be entering the market early this year actually:
      Joking, surely? Flamini will be hugely missed, if not for his amazing play this season then at least for the £15m+ AC Milan probably would have paid for his signature. Absolutely shocking of Arsenal to have let this happen. With Hleb surely going too and injuries still bothering them (Eduardo for sure, and Rosicky/Van Persie can't be relied on at all), Arsenal are looking very thin right now. I hope Wenger breaks the habit of a lifetime and splashes the cash this summer, Flamini is not going to be as easy to replace as you think, certainly not by Gilberto, anyway, barring an absolute miracle involving him not being utterly rubbish, he used to be so good.

      Why Flamini? Why? Why not Eboue?
      Last edited by toythatkills; 05-05-2008, 17:14.


        Because Milan didn't want Eboue

        Think Wenger will have to spend big this summer, he doesn't really have a choice.


          Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
          Joking, surely? Flamini will be hugely missed, if not for his amazing play this season then at least for the ?15m+ AC Milan probably would have paid for his signature.
          Don't get me wrong he's a top player, but it's not like losing Henry (or god forbid Fabregas). It shocks me you don't have faith in Gilberto though. He's spent all year on the bench, performed well when he's been called upon, done nothing but state his commitment to the club (unlike some, *cough* Lehmann). Plus he's been one of Arsenals best players for years, he's done more to help young players than probably anyone else in the premiership, and didn't he score just the other week? Plus I've been lucky enough to have met Gilberto socially a few times and he's a really nice guy, a great person to have at the club and certainly one who wouldn't jump ship to Italy for a bit of extra cash. Seriously, don't fans want loyalty in players these days?.

          Okay, Gilberto isn't a long term solution, but he still has a year or two in him as a top player. Maybe Song and Diaby are a questionable as starting eleven candidates but Denilson could definitely be better as good if not better than Flamini given starts/experience. Plus believe me M?rida is turning into one hell of a player, sooner or later he'd have replaced Flamini anyway.


            Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
            Think Wenger will have to spend big this summer, he doesn't really have a choice.
            Well said, first job, they need at least one top striker, with Arsenal's quality in attack and the chances they create anyone upfront who doesn't bag 30+ goals a season shouldn't be in the Premiership. Adebayor's all right as a second man upfront, Walcott and Eduardo are first rate as wingers but Van Persie is crocked and Bendtner needs to follow Senderos into Bundesliga obscurity. Some games I've actually watched Arsenal and thought if only there was someone deadly upfront (Torres, Villa, Drogba) we'd be into double figures here.
            Last edited by 12-51-00; 05-05-2008, 18:36.


              Hleb is leaving Bendtner is staying

              I don't believe it, Flamini going was disappointing but didn't really impact the squad too much, if true, this is probably our second best player leaving. Bendtner staying is even worse IMO, the guy's a mule, he should have gone to Birmingham not being chased to Bayern.

              Hopefully the Samir Nasri move will come off, in which case we'd have a better player who's seven years younger.

              Edit: But like I said before we have enough youth players to let these guys go I guess, Carlos Vela and Fran Mérida come back for next season, Mérida could be Kaka he's that good and for proof of Vela's quality:

              Here He Is Dong The World's Best Defender?

              And Here's He Is Scoring, Not Too Shabby (The Last Goal Is His)
              Last edited by 12-51-00; 09-05-2008, 12:35.


                Not too fussed about Hleb leaving, stats have shown he's only scored 3 times this season, and he's not had many more assists either, which is shocking for an attacking player of his ability.
                Dont blame Flamini for leaving, Milan offered him 20k a week more than what we could offer, so arriverderci and all that, I dont think he'll ever have another season like the one he's just had tbh.

                Can't see Wenger spending money over the summer, so looks like Diaby or Denilson will have to step up. Reckon next season the best we can hope for is fourth.


                  I expect us to improve again next season.

                  Losing Flamini and Hleb are big blows but neither of them are irreplacable with a few million in the right place.

                  Flamini going is not too much of a suprise when you consider the way he joined us in the first place.

                  Hleb does offer a lot to the team both on and off the pitch. His assist and goal tally's are very poor for a player of his calibre but a lot of what he does goes unnoticed. That said for the amount of possesion he gets we should be seeing a higher return.

                  I actually think this may be a summer where we see more transfer action than is normal for Arsenal as Arsene did indicate after the Champions League defeat that we lack squad depth.


                    And as I said, don't forget Mérida and Vela returning. That'll be like two new signings, Vela has really matured at Osasuna and should come in straight into the starting eleven. Don't be surprised to see Mérida lock down that centre midfield position with Fabregas pretty soon too, Mérida is looking very Kaka-esque these days.


                      On the official site from Arsene:

                      “I am not frustrated because I know the rules in this job," said Wenger. "The guy is free, he can go to somebody who pays him more.

                      "Myself I have fought my whole life to get good wages for the players. I feel every player deserves good money when he becomes a top player and good money gives you the freedom to do what you want.

                      "He said he wanted to stay. If you say ‘no I want to go somewhere’ that is OK. But you cannot say ‘I want to stay but I go'.

                      "Still, for me it’s not a problem, I wish him well and say thanks for the services. Let's go on and focus on what’s important for this Club and the players who want to stay here.
                      "There is no bitterness, nothing. He was in a situation where he could make a decision, and he did. Goodbye and good luck. It’s as simple as that.

                      "What is important is that a player, when he plays, gives 100 per cent. And when he played for us he gave 100 per cent.”

                      Pretty much spot on. He's not Arsenal, **** him, lets move on.

                      From the press conference:

                      The Arsenal midfielder, who is the captain of the Czech Republic, has not played since January 26 when he limped off after five minutes against Newcastle with a hamstring problem.

                      Arsène Wenger described the injury as "not a serious one, but a strange one". However it ended Rosicky's season and now has put paid to his immediate ambitions with the national side.

                      "Tomas Rosicky is likely to miss the European Championships," said Wenger at Friday's press conference.

                      "He was always on the fringe of coming back, so you always hope. But I think he lives well with it now. He has integrated that in his head for a while.

                      "He is in a situation where he wants to come back and be ready for next season, but at the moment he cannot play.”


                      "I believe that, usually, all the players want to stay, and I expect this team to say 'let's make a pact together, come back next year and win'. That's what I expect them to do and my priority is to keep the team together, add what I think can help us to even be better and then see from there.''

                      Ronaldhino and Kaka incoming.
                      Last edited by B1gBeard; 09-05-2008, 17:08.


                        Actually, you'd have hoped Ronaldhino would pick a side like you guys over Chelsea. He'd be a great addition


                          I bet Barca would love to sell us Ronaldinho, it'd be like revenge for Henry.

                          Unfortunately he's well over the age of 16 so Wenger wouldn't be interested


                            Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                            I bet Barca would love to sell us Ronaldinho, it'd be like revenge for Henry.

                            Unfortunately he's well over the age of 16 so Wenger wouldn't be interested
                            Can you imagine the wage talks.

                            Arsene: "Ok look, 3 packets of Disco's, 2 Topics and a Snickers. Thats a packet of Disco's more than Thierry got".


                              Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                              Unfortunately he's well over the age of 16 so Wenger wouldn't be interested
                              Ahh, Arsene Wenger, the Premier League's resident pedophile


                                For legal reasons I should stress that that's not what I was implying!

