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Burnout 3

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    Originally posted by kingston lj
    All true fans of the Burnout series unite, EA have let us down, BIG TIME!!!
    They've not let me down either. I loved the first two and I'm loving this. Its got that proper white knuckle ride feel to it.

    And it actually feels like I'm racing against someone in single player mode rather than cars on preset courses. This makes a huge difference for me: I think I've used every obscenity I know in the last 2 days and thats a good thing


      Originally posted by kingston lj
      Total head-ache inducing bull**** nightmare!!!

      I played it for a few hours yesterday afternoon and what a disaster the online is.

      The lobby menu looks like ****e with its strange icons and unfamiliar layout.

      Loading is labourious and prone to problems. Everything seems so unstable, bugged and just down-right dodgy.

      Me and my friends were in a room and it kept crashing. Trying to get one set-up again was tough and even when it worked it wasn`t for long.

      Loads of stress was felt by me. Sitting there for 20mins texting mates and waiting for rooms etc...

      A major mess and EA are a bunch of sad trouble-makers. MotoGP Beta was infinitely more stable than this and that was 2 bloody years ago.

      Live is a great service and has few problems. EA come along and screw it all up with their crazy ****, no surprise to me.

      Yeah I don't understand why they went down the road of servers and lobbies. They should have just had a big server which hosted all the games like PGR2 and kept those things out of view of the player. Maybe a 50Hz and a 60Hz server which is selected automatically. I find the only way to get a quick game on the go is Quick game (surprisingly) but it usually ends up being crash mode which I don't really rate compared to the race modes.

      Originally posted by PeteJ
      The handling isn't as refined as Burnout 2, though it is better than the first game (which I find unresponsive). I don't feel as in control of the car as the last time, so I can't thread my car around a corner between traffic at 200mph as smoothly as before.
      Thats strange because I can't fault the handling at all, always does what I expect it too. Maybe its just I prefer the type of handling in the game.

      Originally posted by PeteJ
      I'm really loving this game - crash mode and Road Rage are just so much fun that the game will be played for a long time to come
      Road rage is awesome, I play the same track on single player series over and over cos its so much fun. I love it when you nudge a car into a gap of a motorway centre wall and they just smash straight into the restart of the wall.


        Originally posted by kingston lj
        I don`t think you read peoples posts properly.

        No one said Sega are better than EA or Acclaim. In my post I made the point that EA have had a big influence on the title and that if Acclaim had published it then it would probably be more like BO1&2.

        Imo BO3 isn?t better than 1or2 and therefore I am upset because I loved the originals. Burnout2 in particular is excellent and more pure than no3. EA haven?t tried to make a better title they have stripped away the good aspects of Burnout2 added their own generic EA style and basically made a title that fits in with there range of dumbed down games.

        I guess you got mistaken when I said something about BO1&2 were so good that they seemed like they had been made by a top Japanese company such as Sega or Namco.

        A lot of Burnout fans are very unhappy with the latest title. Some people may find fun in it but don?t put-down fans of the originals when they express their grievances, remember without the fans the series would have died at No1.
        I'm a burnout fan and I love 3. You can't please all of the people all of the time, but incinuating that this is down to EA - BS. I fully expect that this
        is the biggest title in a long time, perhaps few of the people who liked burnout 1+2 are the people liking Burnout 3 but:

        You are almost talking as if your speculation was fact. Everyone seems to think that EA developed this title, when infact they did not, the game was produced and developed by Criterion. There is very little in the way of generic EA style- in fact I bet you couldn't even define what they hell you mean by that. It has some EA logos and posters on it. Hell so does a huge number of other games - other than that I don't see your point.

        Top company like Sega? You mean the company thats been struggling to survive and almost went bust? You mean the company that hasn't published a decent driving [any!] title in years - oh Outrun 2 - you mean that remake of the same game that was out over ten years ago? F-ZeroGX - thats a Nintendo title though and has equal number of F-Zero fans pissed off with it! Namco? So have you played Racing Evolution? Please try it!

        <FX>Trumpets the fanboy theme</FX>



          Having myself and my brother playing through this all day today now, have to agree with most of the points Kingston brought up. Burnout 1 is still the best of the series so far for me, though I am liking B3 more than B2 for the road rage and actual competitive driving (though the crash mode is spoilt by the pickups).
          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


            Originally posted by Inertia_
            Funnily enough, the feeling I had the first time I played was:

            0_0 LOL


              I agree with PeteJ about the handling. Even after putting in 11 hours this weekend (no exaggeration), I still can't quite own the courses as I could in BO2.

              But, as has been said already, Road Rage is superbly splendid entertainment, and overall BO3 hasn't disappointed at all - and my expectations were high.


                Crash..Crash.. Crash
                Been playing crash events all day and when I went for a walk after it made me feel dizzy walking through the city centre traffic - all the possibilities

                I like the way that the after you get a gold medal, the headlines focus on the important stuff like 30 car smash up and it's HOLIDAY MAKERS DELAYED!!

                BTW where do they get these awful identikit US rock bands from?


                  People that reckon Outrun2 is a simple old-skool tribute to Outrun are crazy. The game is bang up to date in all departments and compared to Burnout3, the car dynamics are like a simulation.

                  It?s ridiculously short-sighted to make-out that because OutRun2 is based on the original that it is therefore not fit to stand-up in todays market. We are actually talking about a follow-up to possibly the most popular racer ever made and the sequel takes the good points of the original and hones them into a truly modern incarnation.

                  Also, to disregard BO2 because of slightly iffy A.I isn?t fair on what is one of the best games ever made. So many enjoy it and it has a loyal following. Imo, it is designed far better, with the visuals in particular looking sharper, clearer and better thought out. I guess fans love its Japanese arcade flavour visuals which always draw gasps of admiration.

                  BO3 has deviated from its true evolutionary path. Gone is the excitement of skilfully racing roads and slicing past traffic. Instead we are told that the Takedowns are king and that holding down the Turbo is the only way to win. With its simplistic handling and inaccurate physics also contributing to the mess, we end-up with people loading-up BO2 and cursing the fact that this great game should have been subtlety evolved into a true online Burnout racing experience.

                  Burnout 1 was pure racing and traffic dodging. Burnout2 evolved the concept, but Burnout 3 has ended-up being something completely different.

                  Enjoy Burnout3, but please don?t claim that it?s better than 1&2. The name may be the same and it may look similar but in all essence it has changed beyond recognition. For fans of 1&2 this is a bad thing, and as this thread proves there are many disgruntled people who must now pray that some other company takes on the original Burnout concept and produces a title that is a true street-racer.

                  Ones thing for sure EA won?t be looking back to the originals for inspiration when it comes to NO4. I guess we will have more of the same, and that?s why I?m angry at EA, I have the right to be, they shattered my dreams.

                  P.S. Can any rational person really say that EA didn`t have a major influence on BO3. Its as clear as day, every inch of the game screams EA. Sure the visuals are still Burnout style and other things are similar but in all other respects this game could of been made by the NeedForSpeed team.
                  Last edited by Leon Retro; 12-09-2004, 20:31.


                    There is very little in the way of generic EA style- in fact I bet you couldn't even define what they hell you mean by that. It has some EA logos and posters on it. Neil.
                    What makes it an EA game? How about:
                    - Loading, Loading, Loading.... In 1+2 (which I played on the GC) loading was mercifully short and you could restart a race without needing to jump to a loading screen. Now they are all I ever see.

                    - DJ and Music. Ok the music in the first two wasn't that great but at least it fitted in with the racing, speeding up when you hit burnout. Now it is just the same generic crap they put into FIFA, Madden etc. Even when you mute the music the EA Trax displays what track is playing over the top of your boost bar.

                    - So many cars that are all the same with a different paint job just so they can claim it has so many hundreds of vehicles. 1+2 has fewer but more identifiable cars. Now I just get lost in the number.

                    - SSX style streamer telling me what my crashing car is doing. I don't care!

                    It was a good review but you did not mention the almost complete lack of replays. They were present in the first two and without them I rank this version as only a 8/10.


                      People that reckon Outrun2 is a simple old-skool tribute to Outrun are crazy. The game is bang up to date in all departments and compared to Burnout3, the car dynamics are like a simulation.
                      I think it is funny you've mentioned that here because nobody else has. It's also wrong (it even says in game) but that has nothing to do with Burnout 3.

                      Instead we are told that the Takedowns are king and that holding down the Turbo is the only way to win.
                      Wrong. Risk-taking is king, turbo is used as a means to win. Turbo is not infinite, you need to continously take risks to make boost. Takedown's are the best way to do this but not the sole element to the game.

                      Enjoy Burnout3, but please don?t claim that it?s better than 1&2. The name may be the same and it may look similar but in all essence it has changed beyond recognition. For fans of 1&2 this is a bad thing, and as this thread proves there are many disgruntled people who must now pray that some other company takes on the original Burnout concept and produces a title that is a true street-racer.
                      You're so hardcore, can I touch you? Oh, BO3 is better than 1&2.

                      Even when you mute the music the EA Trax displays what track is playing over the top of your boost bar.
                      Wrong, it does not. Only in the menus it does this.
                      Last edited by Commander Marklar; 12-09-2004, 20:50.


                        I have put some serious time into this, but for some reason the novelty of the game is wearing off, I seem to be getting bored with it :| Don't know why, but I enjoyed Burnout 2 for its very good handling. The third installment seems to be missing it and I am getting bored as it lacks a challange or sense of achievment when racing, its too easy.



                          Originally posted by ryodi
                          In 1+2 ... you could restart a race without needing to jump to a loading screen.
                          Of course, you're entitled to your opinions, but I recall some horrendous procedures for restarting a race in Burnout 2.


                            Same here buddy.


                              Originally posted by wazy15
                              it lacks a challange or sense of achievment when racing, its too easy.
                              I found BO2 to be the same, far too easy once you get into it. I haven`t played 3 yet but much heavier traffic would have solved 2`s problem for me.


                                **** EA and there stupid signing on system and there stupid lobbys and stupid service they are ruining a excellent game here. Been trying to get a game with a my brothers and friends and it`s kick boot kick boot boot boot kick after a game if we are lucky to get one and most times kicks us all of before we can even start the game. This is getting beyond rediculous and is giving live a bad name. If EA can`t run a service properly they shouldn`t run one at all. Anyone got there email address so i can send them some abuse as i`m gettig really pissed of with this. EA need to get this sorted and soon because if this is any indication as to what there other live games are gonna be like i think i`m gonna pass because this is getting so so so annoying beyond believe. It might be ok in the day time but most people i know are on in the evenings so it`s irrelvant for me and most if it works in the day or not. I can`t believe it`s this bad tbh. The sooner outrun2 is here the better then i can put my online experience with burnout 3 behind me. Shocking shocking shocking. Excuse the rant but i`m so annoyed with this at this monent in time and to finish it of it locked up on me with a buzzing sound. Great.

