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Burnout 3

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    Got this today and have to say its one of the best racing games ive played in recent times - bar pgr2. love the rage mode! dont know if it is like having multiple orgasms (as gamestm says, but im sure it is!


      Another beef, what's with all the 'Unkown Room' text, even though I attempt to join a friend and know the password. Not working a stupid error message at that.


        you are in the wrong lobby - find out what lobby he is in then join him


          nah it's just cos they re in ingame. pants


            don't think so - in-game and the option to join them doesn't even appear ... its because you are in the wrong lobby


              still it's the worst implemented LIVe game I've played. Just had a bug where one member caused the whole game to be unlaunchable. We've spent more time trying to get the game to work than actually playing. Singleplayer has been a dream though.


                Yeah i had that problem before, i was hosting a game we had played several races, then all of a sudden i was unable to start a race (didn't give me the option to press start once everyone was ready) so i had to close the room down....

                But at the end of the day the positives far out way the negatives with this game

                It's all good ^ ^


                  Having played online for about 15 hours now I can safely say the ranking system is doing more harm than good. Far too many points are awarded for takedowns during road rage events; what results is that people only want to play as red 'chasers' in these events to rack up the quick scores.

                  Why race for a realistic average of 2000-4000 points when you can spend a far shorter time racking up 4000-12000 points taking out road rage drivers? People are starting to camp in the road rage games now, refusing to join the blue team and causing lobby-based stalemates which result in everyone simply leaving.

                  Observe the ever-present "cyrax66" who has been ranked 2nd all weekend. I've never seen this player do anything other than what I've described above. Were he alone it would be okay, but now more and more players are emulating his behaviour.

                  The ranking system should have been a complex recognition of comprehensive driving skills. Instead, it's a crude reflection of game-time and tactical selection. While this doesn't affect private games (we have lobby stability to worry about there instead), it is starting to compromise the community aspect of the online game.


                    Originally posted by Inertia_
                    The ranking system should have been a complex recognition of comprehensive driving skills. Instead, it's a crude reflection of game-time and tactical selection. While this doesn't affect private games (we have lobby stability to worry about there instead), it is starting to compromise the community aspect of the online game.
                    tbh, every single online game in the world would be better without ranking...!


                      ****, hankwangford, just saw your gamertag. I've played you online without even realising it!

                      ...did I win?


                        Were you Inertia One from earlier? I vaugely recognised the name but obviously the underscore here threw me off

                        I've been getting my ass kicked all over the place so far so highly more than likely that you beat me!


                          Total head-ache inducing bull**** nightmare!!!

                          I played it for a few hours yesterday afternoon and what a disaster the online is.

                          The lobby menu looks like ****e with its strange icons and unfamiliar layout.

                          Loading is labourious and prone to problems. Everything seems so unstable, bugged and just down-right dodgy.

                          Me and my friends were in a room and it kept crashing. Trying to get one set-up again was tough and even when it worked it wasn`t for long.

                          Loads of stress was felt by me. Sitting there for 20mins texting mates and waiting for rooms etc...

                          A major mess and EA are a bunch of sad trouble-makers. MotoGP Beta was infinitely more stable than this and that was 2 bloody years ago.

                          Live is a great service and has few problems. EA come along and screw it all up with their crazy ****, no surprise to me.



                            This is my first play of a Burnout game, and in my opinion it's a fun 30 minute diversion, nothing more. It's all too easy to just skate round the barriers with full boost, and the take downs seem rather random to me. Did I take the last guy out? No idea, but the CPU seems to think I did.

                            The soundtrack is also possibly the worst I have ever heard. Maybe Sega GT is worse. Thank god for Xbox custom soundtracks, as it would be music off otherwise. So typically EA, so brash, so American. Same with the presentation as a whole. It's slick, but so unsubtle, so 'in your face'.

                            Out Run 2 may not have the depth, but it's a vastly superior game for me. The coin-op is wonderful and my Xbox eagerly awaits the home version. Burn Out 3's rave reviews leave me a little baffled. 6 or 7 out of 10 would be my score.


                              Originally posted by Commander Marklar
                              So it is hard then? It's a greater challenge than Burnout 2...

                              To get a gold, yea... I assume you're ranked at the top of Xbox live though, huh?

                              Which mode is this? Takedown? That's the point... face offs usually pit you against a faster car but you can get away from them with ace driving. You do get rewards for drifting... I got a big fat 20 yesterday, whoa

                              Yea, same here -- it should've got a 10 The soundtrack is alright, different strokes innit. It's certainly of a very high quality though, better than half the ST's out there -- go play Juiced and you'll see what I mean
                              It's not hard it just has 170 events which i wizzed through quite frankly. The last 3 events shouldn't give people trouble if they like to boost so much ;p

                              My xbox is modded which doesn't allow me to go online.......

                              Are you actually defending this game because i fail to see what strong points your going to make. Actually face-off mode is the only mode that does that your right which i found weird since theirs very few of them anyway

                              Different strokes its just rock indie or pop and the custom soundtrack feature is pretty **** you can't turn on which tracks you can't and the Radio Dj is just annoying.

                              Regardless about EA buying Criteron it seems that EA only affected the soundtrack which is fine by me ;p

                              I just feel sorry for anybody playing it on Ps2 (Awful Music, No custom soundtrack)


                                If Acclaim had published the game it would probably be sitting on a shelf somewhere waiting to be auctioned off...

                                You might say "Japanese Fanboys in we prefer Sega" Shocker

                                Disappointing - EA clearly making efforts to put out better titles but you are just extremistly blind to it.

                                I have been playing the PS-2 version alot and considering the power difference in the consoles Criterion should be applauded for doing such a great title on that hardware.


