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Burnout 3

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    Beem playing some more online and its absolutely superb. Having traffic online is a real acheivement. Seeing someone fly up into the air in the distance is extremely amusing.
    Those server problems are extremely annoying though. Related to you having to sign into EA as well id guess?


      for those looking for challenges etc .... lets all get it on


        What in the **** is wrong with this mother****ING piece of **** bumraped COCK up my ANAL PASSAGE online mode?


        So, I log in, and straight away I find the UK server maxed out. Then I realise I'm trying to log onto servers; okay EA, why the **** am I logging on to servers? No matter. I finally find UK2, 3, 4, and 5 and log onto one. Most of the games aren't available to me because I'm in 60hz. Fine, I think, I'll go into an American server.

        SAME ****ING PROBLEM. About THREE games in THIRTY are locked out for me because they're "running at 50hz"! WHAT THE ****ING ****!?

        Such a shame because the single player I've been hammering most of the night is mental. It's impossible for EA to not cock anything up, isn't it? Someone please suggest something because this is potentially the biggest let down of the year as a result...



          Had some really GREAT games on this...but when you couple this 50/50 chance of you still being connected to the server\xboxlive\EA whatever, its absolute ****.

          3 mins of great fun....10 mins trying to get back on a good server\room is pathetic. Also, has anyone else noticed that the Friends list is also borked?

          I hosted a room called "NTSC-UK 1 of 9999999999", anyway, had the race and ofcourse it kicks everyone out and sends me back to the main menu. At this point the xbox froze so i had to reset the console. Went back on, looked at my friends list and Thurrabred is still in the same room i hosted but was kicked out of 5 mins earlier, even though he went offline.

          bollocks. Roll on the patch.


            ditto I played in same room, slaughtered Jassi by a whole 10 seconds then xbox crashed before next race, so have jus spent the entire night on single player tryin to unlock some stuff.


              Im hugely enjoying the single player mode but I am incredibly pissed off with the whole online aspect. I completely agree with hank wangfords sentiments. I couldnt get a single game on Live for any long period of time. Its complete and utter ****e and the game is so good aswell.


                How do you unlock more crash mode scenarios? Every track past Trailer Trash is blanked out and I've already unlocked dozens of cars. I know there's about a hundred of 'em.


                  Originally posted by Ginza
                  Im hugely enjoying the single player mode but I am incredibly pissed off with the whole online aspect. I completely agree with hank wangfords sentiments. I couldnt get a single game on Live for any long period of time. Its complete and utter ****e and the game is so good aswell.

                  The servers thankfully were fine after about 1am for me. I imagine the servers just couldn't handle the demand. I'm probabily going to play through the single over the weekend then try the online again next week when all the fuss has died down and there will be much less people playing it. Tonight has brought my EA hate to a whole new level


                    This sounds like a total nightmare. What the hell are EA up to, trust them to make things complicated.

                    So we have to go through EA servers, sounds ridiculous. I wouldn`t mind if their servers were doing a good job, but it sounds like they can`t handle the demand.

                    Microsoft need to deal with this situation, EA have been sneaky, I thought it seemed to good to be true when they said they were going Live.

                    If it isn`t patched soon, then the hate towards EA is going to like molten-lava.


                      Thank god it's not just me having problems with this AMAZING title online, in two days i played it solid for 30 hours, reached 98% complete, i thought i'd take it online and had nothing but trouble.

                      Let's hope it's sorted soon, i could play this game forever.


                        Me and mine were playing this last-night in Road Rage and Crash Mode, trying to open up as many cars as we could.

                        Addictive it is.


                          Originally posted by Ciaran
                          Is anyone else having trouble running this off their HDD?
                          Just to follow up on the problems I was having, I just tried another program and it worked fine. 8)


                            Is it just me who literally whoops with joy and glee when playing this game?

                            I think this is the most genuine fun and laughter I've had with a game in ages. Genius stuff. Absolutely genius.


                              i dunno about whooping, but i scream like a little bitch when i boost powerslide round a hairpin and come out of the slide inbetween 2 cars without crashing

                              This game is the nuts, simple as.

                              Shame about the online aspect, was having a great time online with camps, youwin, revisedgenocide, inertia, and a few other peeps. all of a sudden, my box froze, i rebooted, and then the server id been on wasnt listed anymore :S


                                Originally posted by Sarkster
                                but i scream like a little bitch when i boost powerslide round a hairpin and come out of the slide inbetween 2 cars without crashing
                                Ahhh yes. This I am familiar with

                                I was hoping to catch up with people online myself last night. But unfortunately (or fortunately perhaps) I ended up in a drunk heap.

