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Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords

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    Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords

    I picked this up yesterday and have clocked about five hours so far, and it's been a wonderful purchase thus far. For all those reviews that say this is more of the same, I agree, and I'm glad for it. The first KOTOR was one of my favorite RPG's of all time, and getting more of that is a great thing in my eyes. Would a whole new graphics engine have been good? Sure, but if it meant I had to wait another 12 to 18 months to play this, then no way. My enjoyment of Baldur's Gate 2 and Throne Of Bhaal weren't diminished because they weren't a technological leap over the first game, and KOTOR 2 doesn't lose any points from me on that score either. The game does, so far, seem to have some nice new facial animations, thankfully some new face skins, and overall just seems a bit more slick, so it's not as though it's purely the same old same old. The engine has been tweaked a bit. But, when I'm really loving at the moment is the story, and the way it's delivered. This is a very dark game so far, and it's very adult in the delivery. The characters are less black and white, and the range of options you have in reacting to them is more amazing that it was before.

    Anyway, Obsidian has done an amazing job, and I can't wait to get even deeper into it. Will this be another game that I have to play through four times to get most of the options and endings? Looks like it. Let me know what you guys think of it.

    More of the same sounds great to me. Can't wait to get my hands on this bad boy.


      Originally posted by JRMacumber
      I picked this up yesterday and have clocked about five hours so far, and it's been a wonderful purchase thus far. For all those reviews that say this is more of the same, I agree, and I'm glad for it. The first KOTOR was one of my favorite RPG's of all time, and getting more of that is a great thing in my eyes. Would a whole new graphics engine have been good? Sure, but if it meant I had to wait another 12 to 18 months to play this, then no way. My enjoyment of Baldur's Gate 2 and Throne Of Bhaal weren't diminished because they weren't a technological leap over the first game, and KOTOR 2 doesn't lose any points from me on that score either. The game does, so far, seem to have some nice new facial animations, thankfully some new face skins, and overall just seems a bit more slick, so it's not as though it's purely the same old same old. The engine has been tweaked a bit. But, when I'm really loving at the moment is the story, and the way it's delivered. This is a very dark game so far, and it's very adult in the delivery. The characters are less black and white, and the range of options you have in reacting to them is more amazing that it was before.

      Anyway, Obsidian has done an amazing job, and I can't wait to get even deeper into it. Will this be another game that I have to play through four times to get most of the options and endings? Looks like it. Let me know what you guys think of it.

      Great impressions mate, mine has arrived but my modded Xbox is away

      btw did I just play against you on Halo 2?


        I posted already on here and it has dissapeared, weird!! Where can I Get this guaranteed masterpiece????

        Thought it wasn't out here till Feb... that what the sites I use lead me to believe, but I thought it was coming out early for XBox... what is going on??
        Last edited by Mardigan8; 08-12-2004, 15:19. Reason: Additonal info


          The forum is for first play impressions, questions about where to get the game or release dates, region free information should be posted in Q&A. Please see the first play guide lines for further information. Thanks.
          Last edited by MartyG; 08-12-2004, 19:59.


            Is the game region-free (i.e. playable on Pal Xbox)?
            What about the framerate drops mentioned in the Gamespot review?
            It says there from time to time the game slows down dramatically (during combat especially) - even more than in the first game.
            Last edited by Balou; 09-12-2004, 01:25.


              Originally posted by JRMacumber
              I picked this up yesterday and have clocked about five hours so far, and it's been a wonderful purchase thus far. For all those reviews that say this is more of the same, I agree, and I'm glad for it. The first KOTOR was one of my favorite RPG's of all time, and getting more of that is a great thing in my eyes. Would a whole new graphics engine have been good? Sure, but if it meant I had to wait another 12 to 18 months to play this, then no way. My enjoyment of Baldur's Gate 2 and Throne Of Bhaal weren't diminished because they weren't a technological leap over the first game, and KOTOR 2 doesn't lose any points from me on that score either. The game does, so far, seem to have some nice new facial animations, thankfully some new face skins, and overall just seems a bit more slick, so it's not as though it's purely the same old same old. The engine has been tweaked a bit. But, when I'm really loving at the moment is the story, and the way it's delivered. This is a very dark game so far, and it's very adult in the delivery. The characters are less black and white, and the range of options you have in reacting to them is more amazing that it was before.

              Anyway, Obsidian has done an amazing job, and I can't wait to get even deeper into it. Will this be another game that I have to play through four times to get most of the options and endings? Looks like it. Let me know what you guys think of it.
              For once I agree with you!!!

              Awesome game so far. Was going to hold off for the PC version due to the ropey frame rate on the xboxen, but Im glad I got this.


                Holy crap, Rep and JRM agreeing? *does not compute*

                Tell me, does the game still have them annoying races and shooty parts, or have they developed some new pointless minigames?

                Can't wait to get started on this


                  Originally posted by PeteJ
                  Tell me, does the game still have them annoying races and shooty parts, or have they developed some new pointless minigames?
                  The racing parts were quite good. It was the shooting parts that was pointless.


                    Pasaak and Swoop bike racing are in the game.

                    I've only managed to grab ten mins on this so far, but it certainly feels familiar, which is no bad thing. The new equip screen was a bit annoying, more slots and getting to weapons to equip took longer ok, so that's not a huge flaw. I shall definitely be giving this some play time this w/e.

                    Game shipping, I've got it, have anyone got it, type posts go here please.
                    Last edited by MartyG; 10-12-2004, 12:03.


                      I am so looking forward to this game its not funny any more :P

                      Great to hear nothing much has changed and its pretty much stuck to the same formula as the previous game

                      More impressions please!!!

                      JRM you seem to have had this first how far into the game have you gotten?

                      did you go dark or light?


                        Originally posted by MartyG
                        Pasaak and Swoop bike racing are in the game.

                        I've only managed to grab ten mins on this so far, but it certainly feels familiar, which is no bad thing. The new equip screen was a bit annoying, more slots and getting to weapons to equip took longer ok, so that's not a huge flaw. I shall definitely be giving this some play time this w/e.
                        Once you get the hang of it you'll come to love the new equipment screens. For one thing, now you can have two different weapon configurations which you can switch between in-game. For example, in Config 1 you can have your melee weapons, and then in Config 2 you can have ranged, and then while you're gaming if you want to switch between you you only need to click up to the Switch option and then hit A. So damn easy and convenient! And as for the screen that shows all of your items, I love the different ways you can sort through it now. You can filter it by weapons, armor, datapads, etc. Now you don't have to search through all the **** to find that one datapad message you needed.

                        Another thing I love is the ability to breakdown items and create new ones. Now I can get rid of all those items I never used to use and use them to makes ones I do. Wonderful!

                        Anyway, those are just some of the new things I'm loving in KOTOR 2.


                          Originally posted by RobRoy
                          JRM you seem to have had this first how far into the game have you gotten?
                          I have made it off of Peragus. That first level was huge, and I really took my time getting around it and seeing just how similar and different it was from the first title.


                            Im finding it a bit dull so far :/

                            Im a few hours into it now. Taking my time, exploring everywhere, just like the first one.


                              Thanks for the impressions guys. I'm glad you have the game JR, you're the man to give impressions in my book. I can't wait to make a better character than you in this as well.

                              I'm not aware of how far you are into this game, and have heard very little about it on the whole, but does it start similar to KotOR where to learn to become a Jedi, or are you one from the start? No more desperate attempts to get a level 2 Jedi?

                              Just out of interest, who are Obsidian, and what has thier part been in this sequal?


