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Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords

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    Originally posted by Freddo
    try actualy removing the characters from your party entirely? assuming you can, I think there was a small bit in kotor where you had to do the same.
    I thought I wouldn't be able to do that, as my ship was impounded so the other characters would have nowhere to go...

    But it worked and I'm onto the next bit of the game! Too bad the game is rather illogical, but such is the price of a Christmas release date. Anyways, I'm back into the adventure and all is well once more.

    Thanks for the advice!


      This was exactly the same in the first game - it's not really illogical, you are still in a party; solo mode is a scout mode not a lone player mode, you can still flick between party members.

      I played this for much of the w/e and I'm now 22 odd hours in with a lvl 23 dark jedi. There's only one slot left on the party select screen now, which I assume is for

      HK, who's in a bad state of repair. Even though I've got several HK spares, I can't seem to be able to repair it.

      The story is definitely a little muddier in this game, often it's not really clear what you're suppose to be looking for. On Dantooine

      I've been to the sub levels, and cleared that out. It was actually the first place I visited and had a lightsaber in just over 10 hours. Now there doesn't appear to be anything to do there, but I definitely haven't cleared it.

      . I have cleared two of the planets, and certainly the Iziz mission is good fun,

      Yes, causing riots, inciting civil war and killing the Queen is all in a day's work for a dark Jedi


      Playing as a evil Jedi is just as much fun as it was before, force pursuade and the level three lightning power always comes in handy. The influence thing doesn't really play anything into the game as far as I've seen - it's very easy to level influence out even if you don't mean to. Character interaction isn't as full as it was in the first game, where characters were always talking to each other. It does look as if their back stories aren't quite as well fleshed out. Or it could just be it's hidden due to forth coming plot twists.

      The lightsabre forms do seem to make a difference in combat, but then the combat really isn't that difficult once you've got a powerful jedi. A few blasts of lightning can wipe out half a dozen foes at once, making the forms largely pointless at that point.

      After 22 hours, I'd say the first game is the better game - mostly because it's like playing the first game with a weaker storyline. It's still fun though.
      Last edited by MartyG; 20-12-2004, 08:12.


        Well, I'm not sure if I'd use the adjective "weaker" for the storyline for KOTOR 2. More like... less focused. I think the story itself seems pretty strong, and the stories of each of the characters can get pretty interesting, but it all hasn't been brought into a tight focus as it was last time. I knew exactly why I was going to all of the locations in KOTOR, and though side quests would come up on occasion they never took away from that powerful central narrative. But here (I'm not done with it - about 31 hours in) that isn't quite the case. I know basically why I'm going to these places, but so far I still don't understand what exactly it is they are hiding from, I still don't get why the Council did what it did to me, I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about each Council member, etc... It seems that there IS a strong story going on, I can feel currants of it flowing through each location and with each of the characters, but it needs to be tighter, more focused, more evident. I feel like I'm trying to read a great novel through dirty glasses.

        Still, the gameplay is awesome, I love much of what has been added, and in all it's a good game. Some elements are better than the first. Just get that story revving and we'll be getting somewhere.


          completed the dark side after about 23 hours. My girlfriends son did the lightside in about 20. Now we are gonna swap over and i will do the light and him the dark.

          Damn fine game and the ending leaves it open for another one!!!!!

          I will have to agree that the story is a little less focused in this one but its still cracking :P

          The 3 floating saber battle at the end with Kriea was well hard until you figure out what to do lol


            Originally posted by RobRoy
            completed the dark side after about 23 hours. My girlfriends son did the lightside in about 20. Now we are gonna swap over and i will do the light and him the dark.
            23 hours? your must of flyed thru it. I did it in about 32 hours and i miss some of the side missions.


              i didnt feel like i flew threw it

              although on the video section it says we have unlocked 57 out of 62 (i think) so we have missed out some bits


                I completed the game this evening in a little over 30 hours. I think did most of the side quests (apart from the racing), but I know there are somethings I missed out on such as

                getting the other characters force powers, at least three of which can learn. I also didn't manage to get past that field on Koriban, which I sure you'll be able to after absorbing that power from two of the jedi.

                I thought the ending was pretty weak though, and I can't help but feel the game was rushed out. There are a lot of glitches especially with dialogue that should change because of circumstance but doesn't. I think I will play it through again and spend more time getting the characters interacting if possible.

                If you enjoyed the first game, you will this, but if you haven't played the previous installment, I'd head there first.


                  The influence thing doesn't really play anything into the game as far as I've seen - it's very easy to level influence out even if you don't mean to.
                  Marty its hard for me to know if this is true or not, as I am only half through playing it as light side. I have always tried to gain influence over Atton, and a HUGE event happened today. This event I dont think could possibly happen when playing it through as dark side. I think how much effect the influence part of the game has will only become clear once ive played through it twice

                  Fantastic game. Not quite up there with the first one, but stronger in some respects. I think the characters are fantastic in this one, even better than in the first game. I cant wait to fully repair HK, only one more part to go


                    It definitely affects storylines, it just didn't affect my storyline very much; the influences ended up cancelling everything out. Depends on your party selection a lot of the time, but what has a positive influence on one person loses you influence to another.

                    I did manage to repair HK in the end, I'm also fairly sure that there are a number of other characters you can recruit to your party depending on your alignment - which I think will become apparent on a second play through.


                      I got this yesterday and had a quick go, and, like before, the beginning section isn't particularly strong. The first took an hour or two to 'grip' and I have to say that the first bits of this game aren't too engaging so far. I expect it to improve massively though we I leave the first area, whenever that will be

                      I had forgotten just how enjoyable and well designed the combat was though! It's just so nice and fits in so well with the game world.

                      Look forward to getting myself stuck into this game good and proper I've been warned that it isn't quite as good as the original, but since the first was the best game of 2003, that isn't such a surprise.


                        Originally posted by MartyG

                        I did manage to repair HK in the end,

                        Where did you find the final missing part. I'm missing 1 part.


                          I was purchasing them from the various merchants around the place and you get one from

                          the bit where you crash land and the three HK50 units attack you, which you probably already have

                          - I think though that there's a game trigger involved in being able to repair it completely as I did have all the parts, it just didn't let me fix it till later on.
                          Last edited by MartyG; 21-12-2004, 12:21.


                            Blimey! You guys must be flying through it, I've just got to Korriban (last planet t o visit) and I've been playing for 33 hours, all slots for the party members have been filled.

                            The slowdown is annoying in combat when there's loads of enemies on screen, but overall a good game to play.


                              I'm on 38 hours and still feel I have a long way to go, and some side-quests to go back and finish (if I can...). I really dont feel like i've been going slow either.


                                I seem to be stuck on Nar Shadaar now. I still have a few side quests open, but none seem particularly plot relevant.

                                What do I have to do to meet the guild? I've killed everyone I possibly can already!

                                Enjoying the game though, but wow, what a lot of bugs. Has completely crashed (frozen, needed to turn off the Xbox) 4 times now, and there are so many problems with the AI and cut scenes.

