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Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords

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    Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
    I seem to be stuck on Nar Shadaar now. I still have a few side quests open, but none seem particularly plot relevant.

    What do I have to do to meet the guild? I've killed everyone I possibly can already!

    Enjoying the game though, but wow, what a lot of bugs. Has completely crashed (frozen, needed to turn off the Xbox) 4 times now, and there are so many problems with the AI and cut scenes.

    Have you been into the refugee quarter and spoken to that exchange guy?

    This imo is one of the problems with the Game, theres nothing to tell you what you need to do next. Or at least some marker to say, ok you've done what you need to do, go to the next planet.

    I spent quite a lot of time wandering round, wondering if it was ok to leave the planet(s) yet, and if i'd actually done what id needed to do.


      Umm, I'm really stuck. I'm about 1 hour 30 mins into the game, I'm still on the ship at the start, and my bot droid thing just got shot by something in a cut scene after opening a dorr or summit, then I became myself and went down this lift, and I'm back as the droid, but he's got all this white stuff comming through him and he won't move.

      I can do nothing. I've loaded several times and replayed certain sections up to that point, and the bastard thing wont move. Do I have a fuxx0red copy or is this a huge glitch?

      I'm playing from both HDD and DVD.


        Not completely related, but the PAL release of Sith Lords appears to have a demo of Star Wars Republic Commando on it - was this the case with the US release?




            I've just switched chracters and glitched onto a roof with no way down


              I started playing the PC version last night. Superb so far and am only up to Telos. More of the same is certainley a good thing where KotOR is concerned


                Picked up the X-Box version today.

                Impulse Buy #278 this week.

                I never even played the first one because I thought "It looked crap" and was too "New Star Warsy". Why I've bought this I don't know really.

                At least my feedback will be 100% bias free. \o_

                I'll play for 3 hours tomorrow and give initial impressions.
                Last edited by dataDave; 13-02-2005, 05:13.


                  Well , received it Friday, Completed a side of it yesterday.

                  Overall I'd say its reasonable sequel. Very buggy, The plot is pretty weak and I there should have been some notice when you totally completed a planet. I found myself headbutting my TV awaiting that god forsaken Loading screen to hurry the hell up when i was looking to see if I missed anything. I also had Major Issues Sticking to a side I was Neutral the whole through it somteimes bordering on Dark then light even when i tryed to be evil the whole way through. I had Some Questions around the Story though for thos who have completed it

                  ****Spoiler Alert****

                  In Dantooine when the "Historian" Contacts the Republic and General Carth is answers, Dantooine was my last Planet so i never got to take off after that. does Carth Intercept or Contact you if you travel to another planet

                  When I got the handmadien to Train as a Jedi I kept beeing Transported to Atris's PLace but could not actually Do anything. No Doors No People Coudn.t board the Hawk Etc. Did I miss Somthing ?

                  What is up with T4 attacking HK ? , why is the Nav Console Locked ?

                  Anyone who is starting out I would recomend the following, Chosse a Side from the Start Stick to it Make Korriban the last Planet you Visit and Dantooine the seocnd Last.


                    After a little time not knowing what version to buy, i decided to go with the Xbox version. I think the only feature that the pc version have superior to the Xbox is the graphics are better.
                    Are there more diferences or is the graphics the only one?


                      I believe there is less slow donw when the action kicks off!!

                      I got tyhe XBox version to, just getting into it...seems like it is gonna be more of a mystery story than the first one... nothing could top the twist of the first game so am just hoping for some great character interactions with my party memebrs and some memorable missions


                        Let me just comment that this has the worst saving system in the existance of videogames. Got around 13 hours in and a friend decides to start a new game and get past a autosave point and when i come to reload my save they have all been wiped out cause of the new profile started Just ****ing great, and theirs no way i`m going through that opening section again so it looks like it`s gonna get traded in for DOA ultimate this friday. Nice one obsedian.


                          Admittedly it is a poor system, with only one Autosave in operation, REGARDLESS of the profile!! Thought it would have kept the save game you created yourself ?? Your mate must have overwritten it, doh!!

                          DOA: Ultimate will be a more than worthy replacement, cant wait to play it!! Play it and sith Lords side by side for the nexy wee while... NICE!!


                            Originally posted by Hodge
                            Let me just comment that this has the worst saving system in the existance of videogames. Got around 13 hours in and a friend decides to start a new game and get past a autosave point and when i come to reload my save they have all been wiped out cause of the new profile started Just ****ing great, and theirs no way i`m going through that opening section again so it looks like it`s gonna get traded in for DOA ultimate this friday. Nice one obsedian.
                            Starting a new profile does NOT override your old saves. It archives them under different character names to prevent accidentally loosing your progress. Press X at the load game screen to switch between different characters' save files.


                              Indeed - saves not applicable to the chosen character are hidden from view - it's in fact a very sensible and clever save system.


                                Finished this one tonight. Played it pretty much none stop for a week and finished it in about 35 hours playing as a Light Side character. Very, very good game, however I don't feel it's as strong as the first game.

                                The story isn't as focused or as clear as it was in the first one. In Knights of the Old Republic I knew exactly what I was doing, and why I was doing it. The main plot was clear from the outset pretty much. With The Sith Lords, I knew what I was doing, but I was never quite sure why I was doing it, or who I was doing it for, all I knew was that it had to be done.

                                Also in KotOR you knew who the bad guy was, all the way through, Malak was the clear baddie. But with The Sith Lords it's never clear.

                                I thought it very odd that the guy who you think is the bad guy, Darth Nihilus, only appears once in the game before you face him. Even then he's not the true bad guy.

                                The end I felt was fairly weak as well. It wasn't a proper Star Wars ending. When I got to the end of the first game it moved me. I actually felt something. With this one, nothing. Nadda. Not a thing. Didn't effect me at all. Hopefully if there is another installment the end will have a little bit more of an impact.

                                I was slightly disappointed that, while we kept hearing about the battle at Malachor V during the Mandalorian Wars and how it was such a terrible event, we never got to see it. We saw the aftermath at the end, but I would have loved to see a flashback or something to show us how it happened. Also it was nice to see definite links to the previous installment. Having T3-M4, HK-47 and Canderous (aka Mandalore) in the group was nice. As was seeing Carth a few times during the course of the game, and him and Bastila together near the end asking about Revan. Nice touch that was.

                                Okay, I've griped a bit, and these were the only real faults I could find with the game. Other than that it's almost exactly what I expected it to be; another epic Star Wars adventure that is tremendous fun to play. Loved (almost) every second of it.

