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Chokkan Hitofude DS

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    It means do you want to do the tutorial. Click X.


      Tutorial: Yes/No?


        Sorry guys, I don't have enough time to look through the topic as I'm at work. Cheers!


          Sorry man, I'm only joking. I honestly don't mind answering any questions about the game. If you need any help, just ask.

          Quick tip for puzzle mode. Not every row has to be the same colour, infact some puzzles can only be done with a combination of black and white rows.


            Edit: Never mind. Already answered.


              today I played 2 player with single cart (thanks to the demo download)

              I was unsure about turning the ds 90? but having played it it makes sense,
              I thought it would be a tetris style thing where lines fall constantly, but it isnt. You have the playing field already marked out, and you just constantly slide lines to the other screen of the ds (in other words, your opponent) and your opponent does the same. It is a lot of fun and pretty fast paced and hectic. Being fast can guarantee a win but there is more risk of ****ing up your line. Only played for 10 mins but had a lot of fun, the sliding back and foth of the lines is good, it works well. ANyone played it a lot , how does it stand up to long sessions?


                I got Polarium yesterday. Damn it rocks. It's so addictive. I have a "quick go" and end up finished a few hours later. I only stopped playing last night because the battery ran out! I normally HATE puzzle games. I'm a bit crap so far, I just managed 227 lines. But it can be inconsistent. Any tips?


                  Been playing 2 player a lot more recently,.very very addictive.

                  You have to decide whether to be super fast and keep sending one or two lines at a time, therefore always making sure your rival has SOMETHING on his screen, OR be brave and go for sending huge blocks at a time, which is really temtping, but much ,much riskier. In the time it takes you to carefully trace the line, then send it, your rival may have already sent 3 seperate loads over to your screen, and what you send may not get to their screen in time.

                  Matches tend to have two patterns,,,over in 15 second, or over in about 5 minss. The 15 second matches cause great frustration as it's always your fault, and you can always see where you ****ed up. The longer games are brilliant, the feeling of tension rises and rises till it gets unbearable but the only way to win is to stay very concentrated, difficult. It reminded me a bit of that silly mini game in Wario Ware 1, where you have to knock a block onto your partners head. Some of those matches could go on for ages, making you laugh and m,aking it more difficult to actually win, where in reality all you have to do is simply concentrate.

                  Of course, Polariums long 2 player games involve much more skill!!! You can be creative as you want.

                  A good touch is the fact that you cannot always predict what line formations will be sent over to your side of the screen, evn though you can see your rivals' screen on your DS. The computer often changes the formation when your opponents line slides to your side, and many times I have been caught out by that, trying to be clever and super prepared only to see that my trace is totally different to the actual formation which is sent to me.

                  Also like how if you have a few lines at the top of your grid and afew at the bottome you odnt have to trace around the whole grid to do both, you can trace straight down the middle of your grid to reach it.

                  It is quite different to have one line left at the top of the screen and NOT see it fall, after so many puzzle games in which objects ARE falling (including this very game in challenge mode).

                  Weapons:: Undecided reall. For such a fast paced game, I dont really think they are necessary. Having said that, they are a lot of fun and work well, esp the Red Border, which stops players from using the outside edge. The problem is there is not really much skill involved in using the weapons. As soon as you can see you can use a weapon, you automatically go ahead and use it, no matter what it is. One weapon which IS more tactical, is the one which reverses your opponents' tiles. This could be an excellent weapon if the game itself wasn't so fast paced. To use it really effectively, *(in a bastard way) it is best to wait for your opponent to trace out a line which will get rid of a few lines, and just before he finishes, use the weapon to really **** him up. This is great in theory but remember, if you lose concentration on what is happening on YOUR side, even for just a few seconds, you might very well end up losing the is THAT fast paced. Which is why weapons in general are not really as game enhancing as they should be, but really, you dont need them, and you can just make an agreement with your rival not to use them in a game, which is what I do.
                  That way the outcome is decided on who is the fatser/more accurate and intelligent line drawer!

                  Regarding CHALLENGE mode... here are my impressions on each 100 line segment

                  0-100 Getting bored now of the same formations over and over, but I am still finding new ways of building up the screen and clearing it all in one go.

                  100-200 Annoying 1 line fast drops. Only techinique I have is clearing the screen of 2 lines at a time, but you have to be VERY quick at drawing AND start it as soon as you see what the formation will be when the line appears at the top of the screen. I find it hard to bump my score up here. You egt your main bonus points by clearing a whole screen BEFORE another line starts to fall. But I just cant seem to do any more than 2 lines at a time on a consistent basis!

                  200-300 STRESSFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not because it the formations are so hard though, more because it LOOKS easier than it is, you always feel that you SHOULD be clearing it, I always get very angry at myself when I lose in this part of the game. You have to be VERY VERY QUICK and START DRAWING BEFORE THE LINE DROPS. You wont get anywhere by getting rid of one line at a time. You should start to see patterns forming, :: if you get sent a 3 line block , you probably will only be able to get rid of 2 of them, but you will see that what you are left with will hepl you out with what is getting sent right after. MAny times in this part you shouldbe tracing down from one side, then go under it all and do the same up the other side. This will get rid of SOME lines, but will normally free up a long line in the middle, for your next drawing. Basically you have to be VERY VERY ALERT.

                  300-400 A nice relaxing group compared to the last lot. It feels a lot easier and I believe I have only ever died once on this part. Normally die on the previous lot or the next lot. Some nice and easy zig zag patters here.

                  400-500 At first it looks SO easy, a repeat of 0-100, but faster. However, by the latter part, you will suddenly get confronted by those 4 line block formations which must be dealt with all at the same time, but which are not all one colour. This for me is really really hard, as I find it SO hard to think in 2 colours when tracing. It is bad enough in the puzzle mode, but I just find it SO hard in the challenge mode as you have such little time to think. When these formations appear in this part of the game I just FREEZE, and stare helplessly at the screen for a few seconds, which , no matter how low you have the lines at that pint, means certain death! I guess Ill have to practice this set, as this is as far as I have got.

         mentioned before, try using the pink line as insurance, giving you a second chance when things are almost over. It is invaulable for 200-300, and 400-500, less so for 300-400.
                  BUT......I have lost MANY times by trying to get rid of as many lines possible BEFORE finally removing the one line under the pink. You start to risk leaving it till it gets to the very top, then BAM its too late to do anything, you are left with a full screen of lines, including a nice pink one at the bottom which would have helped you if you had used it a few seconds before!!

                  PUZZLE MODE just to tough for me...but I am beginning to realize that you can learn from it to help you with those tough black/white formations where you have to get rid of multiple lines of different colours. The whole puzzle mode is based on that concept!

                  christ that was long sorry
                  Last edited by evert; 24-03-2005, 09:52.


                    very interesting...

                    tbh, i loved the puzzle mode, but haven't picked this up since completing it. challenge mode is rock solid; i've never got to 200 lines!

                    am holding on to it because i haven't had the opportunity to check out 2P mode; sounds like i made the right choice! thanks for the impressions...


                      I am ****e at the puzzles, funny how many seem to prefer one over the other

