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Resident Evil 4

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    I'm two minds about Resident Evil 4 playing it through again.

    I think the change two thirds of the way in could have been handled less abruptly, and a return to the outdoor sections of the beginning would have helped.

    I still think it's wonderful, but it slips back into some of its old conventions to please the series' diehards when you get to the castle. I would have preferred it if the distinctions between the outdoor and the indoor sections weren't as pronounced, because it does take a sharp turn direction-wise.

    It doesn't bother me so much, but I can see the game attracting criticism for it or separating those who prefer the early parts, and those who more enjoyed the return to a few conventions later on.


      Just completed it and god knows how manys hours i`ve been playing it today as i just couldn`t pull myself away from the game. Without out a doubt i can safely say this is probably the best game i have ever played, the game is as perfect as your ever gonna get. It was said in an early post that the game just flows and that word sums it up perfectly. It`s not to hard as you keep dying all the time and not to easy as you will start to get bored, it just flows. Level design is fantastic with back tracking virtually none existance and it`s just pushing you forward all the time. Environments are out of this world with no 2 areas looking the same and are very varied. Graphically this for me is the best looking game i`ve seen and that includes half life 2. Texturing and some of the effects going on are phenomenal. As we all know theres some class bosses in there, especially towards the end and the game has so many amazing set pieces i don`t know how they crammed them into one game. The only fault i can think of is that it ends, thats it 10/10 there`s no other score for this game.
      Last edited by Hodge; 22-01-2005, 16:43.


        The only annoying boss battle for me was

        Krauser, especially when you are trying to get the first 2 peices

        The set peices are great and you always have to pay attention so not to miss a button press (did it a few times but hey you get to see new death scenes :P)

        The backdrops are superb especially the lava room with the heat haze.

        As with others the only critiscm is that it had to end but after almost 17 hrs on the save file I feel like it was value for money and the unlocked modes will certainley add replay value, although i suck big style at mercenaries atm.

        Ended with a 75% hit ratio so thats not bad

        To sum it up this is the best game I have ever played on any console.


          I agree about the point on the set-pieces. The game truly does ape the vision of a high concept blockbuster, because even with the transference of locale type throughout, the experience is almost entirely built from elaborate set-piece after set-piece. It's also a pop-culture whore...

          There are so many references to games, films, and books in there, (throughout all the stylistic choices that have been made to freshen up the game), which serve to enhance the progression in being diverse.

          It almost feels like a pick 'n' mix of horror, adventure, melodrama and action, reintegrated into the few remaining conventions we know Resident Evil by.

          The actual enemies of the game are also symbolic and representative of this game's enhancement of its own series aren't they?

          Parasites are externally digested, which then change and scoop the inside out, so although the exterior looks roughly the same (the conventions), underneath something very much different and alien is driving the experience at large.


            Once in a while a game comes along and raises the bar,, you need a telescope to see RE4'S bar!


              I think Resident Evil 4 is great, but it's also wise not to get taken in by the hype. It's a very good game, but you do have to say, there are narrative problems evident (it's good how the story propels you into exciting set-pieces, but the actual content, and characterisation is quite predictable).

              The reason the game steps over this though is that the progression is focused on these set-pieces rather than delivering a title that wants to stimulate you into being engrossed with the scenarios chaining them together.
              Last edited by Concept; 22-01-2005, 17:01.


                Originally posted by Concept
                I think Resident Evil 4 is great, but it's also wise not to get taken in by the hype. It's a very good game, but you do have to say, there are narrative problems evident but the actual content, and characterisation is quite predictable.
                So what if the narrative is poor? The game oversteps those problems magnificantly. I don't watch the likes of the Star Wars trilogy or Lord of the Rings film for gripping dialogue, I just want to be entertained by what the media can offer and in that respect, Resi is faultless.

                It's not as though we're talking Citizin Kane, it's a videogame and even the best plots and storyline's of most videogames can never hope to match their cinematic equivalents. granted, it re-hashes a lot of ideas from other games and as you say, there are predictible parts in it, but in my opinion, this doesn't harm it at all (although I can see why it might upset some).

                Resi 4 re-invents the series and is a rollercoaster, white knuckle ride from start to finish and that's good enough in my book.


                  Originally posted by Concept
                  I think Resident Evil 4 is great, but it's also wise not to get taken in by the hype. It's a very good game, but you do have to say, there are narrative problems evident (it's good how the story propels you into exciting set-pieces, but the actual content, and characterisation is quite predictable).

                  The reason the game steps over this though is that the progression is focused on these set-pieces rather than delivering a title that wants to stimulate you into being engrossed with the scenarios chaining them together.
                  I never knew there was any Hype about this game concept?
                  what we are reading on this thread are comments from real games players - who know a class game when they play one


                    Thats the thing concept it tries to be a fun playing game not a film (aka MGS) so narration takes a back seat. The cut scenes i still found rather enjoyable though and also the codecs conversations dialogue i found very amuzing with leons witty remarks. The game trys to keeps it`s focus by keeping the player playing game at all times and even cut scenes for that matter and doesn`t want you sitting there watching the game. And thats one of the main things i liked about the game is that your always involved. I can see what your saying though but i disagree, they focused on what matters most and that playing it.


                      Originally posted by Strider
                      So what if the narrative is poor? The game oversteps those problems magnificantly. I don't watch the likes of the Star Wars trilogy or Lord of the Rings film for gripping dialogue, I just want to be entertained by what the media can offer and in that respect, Resi is faultless.

                      It's not as though we're talking Citizin Kane, it's a videogame and even the best plots and storyline's of most videogames can never hope to match their cinematic equivalents. Resi 4 re-invents the series and is a rollercoaster, white knuckle ride from start to finish and that's good enough in my book.
                      Did you even read my last post? I came to the conclusion you did.

                      The reason the game steps over this though is that the progression is focused on these set-pieces rather than delivering a title that wants to stimulate you into being engrossed with the scenarios chaining them together.

                      Besides we're not talking Citizen Kane standards. The plot in Resident Evil 4 is about as advanced as a made-for-tv Channel 5 movie. I also disagree that just because a game is a game, that automatically relegates it from having an interesting story. That just helps to excuse bad story-telling even further in my view.

                      Resident Evil 4 does re-invent the series. I am not saying it doesn't. But it also features a narrative that's about as complex character-wise as children's cartoon television. The reason, and it's a very important reason, this doesn't matter very much is because the set-pieces driving the game forward are expertly woven together. As are the environments and beautifully involving atmosphere.

                      But that isn't to say the villians, heroes, and incidental characters aren't ham-fisted or cliche ridden. I'm not looking for something like Silent Hill.

                      Even the B-Movie conventions the series still relies on could have provided some better depth and interest in this area.

                      Videogames aren't stories, they shouldn't have to be. But that doesn't mean they don't benefit from having good ones. The outline of the narrative's structure, how you move from A to Z, and all the things you encounter throughout you getting there, is brilliant.

                      The characters never really engaged or interested me though. I was actually hoping the president's daughter would bite it. Little Ms. Perfect annoyed me something rotten.

                      Last edited by Concept; 22-01-2005, 17:20.


                        Originally posted by HANGMAN
                        I never knew there was any Hype about this game concept?
                        what we are reading on this thread are comments from real games players - who know a class game when they play one
                        Who said I was referring to this thread?

                        I am talking of hype in totality behind the game.


                          Originally posted by Concept
                          Did you even read my last post? I came to the conclusion you did.

                          Besides we're not talking Citizen Kane standards. The plot in Resident Evil 4 is about as advanced as a made-for-tv Channel 5 movie. I also disagree that just because a game is a game, that automatically relegates it from having an interesting story. That just helps to excuse bad story-telling even further in my view.

                          Resident Evil 4 does re-invent the series. I am not saying it doesn't. But it also features a narrative that's about as complex character-wise as children's cartoon television. The reason, and it's a very important reason, this doesn't matter very much is because the set-pieces driving the game forward are expertly woven together. As are the environments and beautifully involving atmosphere.

                          But that isn't to say the villians, heroes, and incidental characters aren't ham-fisted or cliche ridden. I'm not looking for something like Silent Hill.

                          Even the B-Movie conventions the series still relies on could have provided some better depth and interest in this area.

                          Videogames aren't stories, they shouldn't have to be. But that doesn't mean they don't benefit from having good ones. The outline of the narrative's structure, how you move from A to Z, and all the things you encounter throughout you getting there, is brilliant.

                          The characters never really engaged or interested me though. I was actually hoping the president's daughter would bite it. Little Ms. Perfect annoyed me something rotten.
                          Of course I read it. I hear what you're saying, but in this case, the rather limp narrative doesn't detract at all from the actual game experience(IMHO). Still, you're welcome to your opinion and as I said before, I can see why it would annoy some people. Knowing what the series is like, it didn't matter to me at all.


                            There are differences from the usual themes explored in the series. It's much more gothic and paranoid, but the B-Movie origins still could have been better dealt with here. For example, the likes of Assault on Precinct 13 and The Thing don't feature amazing characterisation, but their characters are more in-depth than the fairly archetypal forms present in Resident Evil 4. Considering all the advancements elsewhere, it's a shame Capcom didn't try and make their characters slightly deeper with this one. It would have been interesting for example,

                            to have had Ashley already brainwashed living as an everyday villager in rags when Leon locates her, and get him trying to figure to bring her back to a state of normality slowly through the game while she's an adversary. This would have meant a change to the basic premise though. Alternatively, Capcom could have simply made her slightly more self-assured and able than the limp chain around the neck she often proves when you're coupled together.

                            The yelp she lets out when you catch her is ridiculous. I'm surprised she even knows how to open a door.

                            A great ending would be for Leon to fall to his parasite, and for the audience to be left in the dark as to whether he's become 'good' or 'bad', or somewhere in between. I remember one of the documents you come across in the game stating that the parasites reflect the consciousness of their hosts...

                            You could then be given three or so choices. Let Ashley live with the parasite out, inject her with a parasite, or kill her.

                            I know which one I would have chosen.

                            Last edited by Concept; 22-01-2005, 18:20.


                              Originally posted by MikeF

                              Shoot him in the legs, when he goes down, run up to him, press the context button to run up his back and press the context button again. Rinse and repeat. Grenades help too
                              I did not know you could do that, I'm on 5-2 and I didn't even work that out at all! Damn! hake:


                                Just finished it myself. 'Kin superb game, I'm not gonna repeat what's already been said about this magnificent game.

                                Starting a second run-through on Pro now, as well as...

                                Ada's Assignment and The Mercenaries.

